
A quick internet search for the benefits of lemon water will reveal claims that it improves digestion, removes toxins from the body, has antibacterial properties, aids in weight loss, balances the body's pH and is good for the skin. So, what are the benefits of drinking lemon water?

In fact, there is little research to suggest that adding lemon juice to water can provide magical health benefits. While lemons and water do have health benefits when consumed separately, so it makes sense to take them together, celebrities and social media influencers have been spreading the idea that starting the day with a glass of lemon water can improve our health Status grows exponentially.

What is fact and what is hype

Claim: It can help you lose weight

Avoid any claims that a certain food or drink can help you lose weight. To date, there is no reliable research to support the idea that drinking lemon water helps with weight loss. However, research does show that drinking water may aid weight loss.

Drinking water can help with weight management by hydrating you, boosting energy, and helping regulate metabolism and digestion. However, adding lemon to water does not mean it is superior in increasing the speed and efficiency of fat burning.

In a 2019 review in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria , researchers looked at studies that included various weight loss strategies: increasing daily water intake, replacing calorie drinks with water, and drinking water before meals. All three strategies resulted in some weight loss, with the average weight loss percentage being 5.15%. The most effective intervention is to replace high-calorie drinks with water.

Water also makes you feel full without any calories, so it makes sense that drinking a glass of water before a meal might reduce the amount of food you eat, as this review suggests. But research is mixed on whether drinking water boosts metabolism or increases calorie burning.

Claim: Good for skin

Is drinking lemon water good for your skin? Both lemon and water can improve skin, but they don't have to be consumed together to see the benefits.

Like other citrus fruits, lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. Collagen is responsible for skin's elasticity and strength. According to research, like the ACS Omega 2020 study, vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals in the skin caused by air pollution and UV radiation. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the juice of one whole lemon provides 21% of the daily value of vitamin C, but a wedge of lemon provides only 2.5% of the recommended daily value. By comparison, 1 cup of sliced ​​strawberries provides 100% of the daily value of vitamin C (90 mg, according to the USDA).

Your skin is an organ, and all organs require water to function properly. If it doesn't get enough moisture, your skin may lose its elasticity. While more research is needed, some studies, such as a 2018 review in Skin Research & Technology , suggest that adequate hydration also appears to increase hydration levels in the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of skin). This results in a reduction in clinical symptoms of dryness and roughness, as well as an increase in the skin's extensibility and elasticity. Whether you want younger-looking skin or not, you can't go wrong by staying hydrated for optimal health, so check to see if your urine is a light yellow. If not, it could mean you're not drinking enough water.

Claim: It has an alkalizing effect on the body

The idea that lemon water has an alkalizing effect on our bodies is a complete myth, the food we eat cannot change the pH of our blood, our kidneys ensure that .

The body is a well-oiled machine when it comes to regulating pH, always working to maintain homeostasis. Although eating alkaline or acidic foods may temporarily change urine pH, it has no effect on blood pH. It's worth noting that a so-called "alkalinizing diet" may be healthy simply because it emphasizes nutrient-dense whole foods, not because it changes the body's chemistry.

Should you drink cold, warm or hot lemon water?

What are the benefits of hot lemon water? What are the benefits of warm lemon water? What should I do if I drink it cold? It doesn't matter. Smith points out that drinking it warm "can relax you." In fact, many people report that warm liquids help stimulate digestion and improve digestion—whether it's warm water, tea, or coffee. There is no conclusive evidence that lemon water is best consumed at a certain temperature. So choose your lemonade.

Are there any side effects of drinking lemon water?

The acid in lemons may affect your teeth. Lemons contain citric acid, and too much acid can wear down enamel. If you drink lemon water regularly, consider drinking it through a straw.

For some people, drinking acidic drinks on an empty stomach in the morning may cause gastrointestinal distress. Otherwise, drinking a glass of lemon water does not pose any significant risks.

Does lemon water count as your daily water intake?

Yes. Staying properly hydrated is essential for optimal body function. Adequate fluid intake is essential for metabolism, digestion, and nutrient transport. Some people don't like the taste of water or find it boring, so adding lemon to enhance the flavor can help increase water intake.

bottom line

The benefits of lemon water are overstated, but there are virtually no risks in drinking it—other than possibly wearing down your enamel. If you like to start your day with lemon water, then do so. If you don't like the taste of plain water, this is a great way to stay hydrated. Just don't expect any magical changes in your weight, skin, or body chemistry.


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