
Is it healthy to have sex every day?

When you and your partner first start dating or living together, it's not uncommon to have sex every day.

But at some point, the sore muscles and constant washing/drying of the sheets might make you wonder if the number of orgasms you two are having would draw the attention of OSHA or NAFTA — are these working conditions safe?

Well, as long as you're not operating any heavy machinery every day without a license (no, that vibrator doesn't count), frequent sex is definitely safe and healthy.

There's no scientific evidence that frequent sex is linked to any health conditions - except dehydration, which the two of you can prevent by drinking water between rounds.

Daily sex is wonderful and normal. But remember, it's also common and normal to go a few days or weeks without sex.

So "healthy" is how you two define it - and the definition of healthy is what works best for your relationship.

Benefits of having sex every day

Let us quickly provide you with some facts. This guide to how often couples have sex contains survey data showing that the average American adult has sex 53 times a year, or just over once a week. So if you have sex every day, you'll get about seven times the benefits than the average person.

These benefits may be subtle or difficult to measure, but some are truly great, including :

  • Aerobic exercise. A vigorous sex life is known for its ability to get the heart pumping, which can improve stamina and heart health. Panting during sex can also encourage good behavior outside the bedroom, such as exercise and a better diet. Sexual activity also lowers blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart attack.

  • Endorphins. Sex is known to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Are you injured? Let your partner rise to the top and become your own Advil.

  • Relieve stress. The effect of endorphins and oxytocin (sometimes called the love hormone), another chemical released during sex, is that they both lower cortisol (the stress hormone). So while you may not "feel like it" after a hard day, sex may be the best thing for you.

  • Burn calories. Oh, and if you're trying to lose weight before a beach trip, you might want to add more sex to your exercise routine. Figures on how many calories you can burn during sex vary, depending on factors like the intensity and duration of sex, but in our opinion, every minute spent exercising is worth it. Remember, you get better health benefits from more active sex positions, so if you want to turn this into twice a day, take the initiative.

Are there any downsides to having sex every day?

Won't. There is no scientific evidence that having sex every day is harmful to physical or mental health. There is also no evidence that there is any "best" or "perfect" frequency for healthy sex .

That being said, having sex frequently—such as several times a day—can lead to certain physical problems. As a man, you may experience penis pain , especially when you and your partner have rough or forceful sex.

Women may also experience soreness from frequent sexual intercourse. Especially if you don't use lube, the friction caused by the back and forth motion during sex can cause irritation for you and/or your partner.

These problems usually improve on their own within a few hours or days. In the meantime, it's best to relax and enjoy your rest. Of course you have earned it.

Another thing to remember is that sex, like any activity, can become a problem when it takes over your life.

If your sex life is getting in the way of your work, school, ability to pay bills, or other aspects of your life, it might be worth cutting it down a notch.

Can too much sex cause erectile dysfunction?

Won't. In fact, most current research shows that men who have sex frequently are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than men who have sex rarely.

In a study published in the American Journal of Medicine , Finnish researchers found that having regular sex (defined as having sex once or more per week) appears to protect against ED in middle-aged and older men.

A recent study conducted in China found similar results, with researchers stating that men who had sex at least once a week were less likely to develop ED.

Now, it's important to note that if you and your partner have sex multiple times a day, you may find it difficult to stay hard all the time.

This is caused by your unresponsive period (the period of time after ejaculation when you are unable to have an erection). This period may only last a few minutes or a few hours.

Your refractory period may affect your erections in the short term, but is not generally considered a form of erectile dysfunction.

Tips for having sex every day

Frequent sex is a good thing and can improve your physical and mental health as well as the quality of your relationship with your partner.

Here are some ways to make regular sex easier, healthier, more enjoyable, and reap the full benefits of sex every day:

  • Use protection. It's important to protect yourself, especially if you're having sex with more than one person. Hims Slim Condoms are designed to protect you and your partner without reducing sensitivity.

  • Use lubrication. Sex is no fun when too much friction is involved. If your partner is prone to dryness, or you start bruising, consider using a lubricant such as Hims' Glide Water-Based Lubricant.

  • If you have ED, get treatment. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that can hinder your sex life. If you occasionally find it difficult to stay strong , consider talking to your healthcare provider about ED medications to keep the problem under control.

  • Avoid overexerting yourself. Sex is a gentle form of exercise. So if you're feeling unwell, recovering from an injury, or have recently had surgery, it's a good idea to take it easy.

  • Be creative. From trying different positions to fantasizing and more, mixing it up is one of the best ways to make your sex life more exciting. This guide to having better sex lists six tips you and your partner can try to have more enjoyable, satisfying sex.

Are there any downsides to having sex every day? The last sentence

Let's face it. The amount of sex you have is not a measure of your worth, your manhood, or your foreplay proficiency.

Having a lot of sex (or wanting to have sex because you have crazy sex drives) doesn't mean you're any better or worse than someone else.

It's important to acknowledge these things because our society places a high value on sex in ways that aren't really relevant.

Just as sex doesn't determine your worth, sexual activity doesn't involve any inherent risks—and it probably shouldn't be your only "healthy" form of activity.

Of course, frequent dates may raise your heart rate enough to lower your risk of heart disease, just as using poor technique to hold your partner up against a wall may cause some back pain.

But aside from preventable risks like UTIs and STIs (and the risk of sex addiction), sex isn't something you can overdose on.

If you've ever had the humility to brag about your escapades and ask whether they're dangerous, here's a quick recap for you:

  • Having sex every day is not a bad thing for you.

  • In fact, research shows that frequent sex may help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.

  • There is no "perfect" frequency of sex.

  • Most importantly, have fun, stay safe, and enjoy sex the way you and your partner enjoy without worrying about how you compare to everyone else.

Just remember to stretch and hydrate.


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