
What is an amino acid and why must we care about it?

Before we get into the specifics of amino acid cleansers, let’s first understand the basic properties of amino acids.

We all know that ingredients in skin care and cosmetics come and go with the latest trends, but organic compounds are not a passing fad.

In biology, we learn that these natural compounds are the building blocks of proteins and play a role in nearly every biological process that occurs in our bodies. The order in which they come together determines which specific protein they will form and how they will function.

Amino acids play a key role in maintaining a person's overall health and having healthy skin, as they are the building blocks that help in every process that occurs in our bodies. In the right order and use, amino acids can form the right types of proteins needed to build, maintain and heal healthy skin.

According to dermatologist Richard Bottiglione, MD, there are twenty types of amino acids. Of the twenty, eleven were considered "non-essential" and nine were considered very "essential." Nonetheless, all of these are important for the body's survival.

Non-essential amino acids are amino acids that our bodies produce naturally and do not necessarily require additional supplements. Essential amino acids, on the other hand, are those that can only be obtained from the foods you eat because the body does not naturally produce this acid on its own.

Among other things, this compound plays a very important role in all biological functions of our body. Of course, these protein building blocks are therefore also crucial to everything that happens at the skin level.

Amino acids commonly used in skin care products

As mentioned earlier, all amino acids play a very important role in beautifying the skin. However, some types have skin-specific benefits:

  • Arginine: Helps restore visible skin damage, such as superficial scars and damage from time spent in the sun.
  • Histidine: Soothes the skin and has antioxidant properties, helping to keep skin looking fresh and youthful.
  • Methionine: Protects the skin from harmful substances we come into contact with every day, such as dishwashers, detergents and even oils.
  • Lysine: Strengthens the skin's surface, making it more flexible and able to resist the stress caused by the body's constant movement.
  • Proline, leucine and glycine: reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Of course, these are just a few examples. Of all the types, many have skin-care benefits.

Benefits of Amino Acids in Skin Care Products

Multiple studies have shown that amino acids are essential for maintaining good skin health. People can benefit greatly from these compounds because they are the building blocks of peptides and proteins, and different amino acids have different functions in skin care.

Some of these building blocks occur naturally in the skin and work with aquaporins (water channels) to transport moisture through the skin, ensuring that moisture levels at skin level are optimal and not too drying to cause cracking, nor too dry to cause cracking. Moisture can cause skin rupture. Cause discomfort and bacterial growth.

Other types of antioxidants protect your skin cells from free radical damage. Research has also proven that synthetic amino acids have better moisturizing effects than amino acids derived from plants or animals.

These compounds, whether produced internally or applied directly to the skin, help maintain a strong immune system, maintain skin's moisture levels, and help maintain skin's vitality.

It also acts as a healing accelerator. One of the most powerful qualities they possess is the ability to quickly heal any type of damaged skin while preventing further breakdown of skin tissue in the future.

Additionally, this amazing compound has the potential to remove dead cells and support new cell growth. It also aids in cell metabolism, a key process in healing scar tissue. Likewise, glycine-rich types can also help reduce the depth of stretch marks.

We all know that excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause great damage to the skin, often leading to skin cancers such as carcinoma. In addition to skin cancer, UV rays can cause other skin problems such as wrinkles, tough skin, solar elastosis, and even the formation of scaly spots/patch on the surface of the skin. Dehydrated skin can also be a problem in some cases.

All of these effects can be reversed and treated thanks to these protein molecules. This is because there are specific amino acids that absorb the harmful UV rays that cause these skin conditions…

Due to their unique ability to bind to water molecules, these organic compounds also help maintain skin hydration by increasing water retention. It actually exists in the top layer of our skin and helps keep it hydrated by pushing water into the skin.

A lack of moisture in our skin can dry out our skin, leading to breakouts, wrinkles, and breakouts. For example, glycerin helps plump the skin by retaining moisture.

So always remember the specific types of amino acids that help keep your skin hydrated, as well-hydrated skin is the key to looking younger and more energetic.

What are amino acid surfactants?

Amino acid surfactants (AAS) are biodegradable and biocompatible surfactants obtained through the condensation of natural amino acids and fatty acids. This highly biodegradable and eco-friendly product is gentle on even the most sensitive and delicate skin, making it a better alternative to a variety of other skin care compounds that may be harmful to certain skin types or too chemically strong .

Best of all, these amino acid-based surfactants have excellent emulsifying properties and are again gentle on the skin.

How do amino acids work with peptides?

Peptides are small chains of amino acids, and because of this smaller chain structure, they are more easily absorbed and used by the body. This allows consumed amino acids to be used more effectively and efficiently, significantly improving skin health and reducing signs of aging.

Typically, all the amino acids included in skin care products work together with other ingredients that are also part of the skin's natural moisturizing factors. This includes glycerin, ceramides, hyaluronic acid and various peptides.

How do amino acid-based skin products work?

To ensure healthy and youthful skin, certain types of nutrients are needed to maintain its structure and self-repair systems.

Trying to maintain healthy skin without adding other compounds is similar to baking a cake without flour, and we all know that flour is the basic building block of a cake!

While the other ingredients are equally important when baking a cake (eggs, butter, etc.), if you don't have enough flour, your cake won't taste good. Likewise, if your skin lacks enough amino acids when your cells produce collagen, elastin and other substances, your skin won't look good.

For example, glycine is an amino acid that promotes elasticity and smoothes fine lines. This is found in soybeans, but you can only eat so much. Thankfully, it's now showing up in skincare too.

Skin-friendly cleansers derived from these acids help promote cell repair and rejuvenate skin.

In fact, when you apply this compound to your skin, multiple studies show it has significant effects, from enhancing UV protection to promoting tissue repair.

With its unique blend of pure essential oils, aspurely's Natural Amino Acid Cleansing Foam thoroughly washes away all traces of dirt, grime, pollutants and makeup in just one simple step. This product will significantly reduce your annual makeup removal expenses because you won't need a separate makeup remover!

last words

Amino acids are one of the most overlooked elements in modern skincare, as the idea of ​​quality skincare is constantly changing. Thankfully, science has proven that adding amino acids to skin care products supports the development of healthy skin. This natural compound has the unique ability to hydrate, heal, reverse damage and add structural support to keep us youthful longer!


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