
What are instant noodles?

Instant noodles are a type of pre-cooked noodles that are usually sold in individual packages, cups, or bowls. Its main ingredients are usually flour, starch, water, salt and/or a salt substitute called ganshui, which is an alkaline mineral water containing sodium carbonate and often potassium carbonate. Palm oil is also a common ingredient in instant noodles, which are originally produced by flash frying. However, now there are also air-dried noodles. Instant noodles come with a seasoning packet, which contains seasonings, salt and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Instant noodles were first produced in Japan in 1958. The world's first instant noodles were invented by Taiwanese-Japanese inventor and businessman Momofuku Ando, ​​who founded Nissin Food Co., Ltd. Since its invention, instant noodles have become a much-loved food. Convenience food loved by millions of consumers around the world.

How are instant noodles made?

The production process of instant noodles has remained more or less the same since its invention in the fifties. Mix all the ingredients together, then roll out the dough and cut into noodles. The noodles are steamed, dried, fried and dehydrated, cooled, and then individually packaged.

What are the nutritional values ​​of instant noodles?

The nutritional content of instant noodles varies slightly depending on the type or taste of instant noodles. To give you an idea, here are the nutritional facts for 1 serving (43 grams) of instant noodles:

  • Calories – 385kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 55.7g
  • Total fat – 14.5g
  • Saturated fat – 6.5g
  • Protein – 7.9 grams
  • Fiber – 2g
  • Sodium – 986 mg
  • Thiamine – 0.6 mg
  • Niacin – 4.6 mg
  • Riboflavin – 0.4mg

Most instant noodles are low in calories, but also low in fiber and protein. They are also notorious for being high in fat, carbs, and sodium. While you can get some micronutrients from instant noodles, they lack important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B12.

Why are instant noodles unhealthy?

Although people enjoy eating instant noodles because of their convenience, affordability and taste, many are unaware of the potential health risks involved. Eating instant noodles every day can have many very serious consequences for your health. Here are a few reasons why convenience might work against you:

They are high in sodium

The sodium content of instant noodles ranges from 397 to 3678 mg per 100 g serving, sometimes even more. While sodium is an essential mineral for your body to function properly, too much sodium is not good for your health.

One of the largest contributors to dietary sodium intake is processed foods, including instant noodles. A high-salt diet is linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer, heart disease and stroke. For people with salt sensitivity, a high-sodium diet may increase the risk of high blood pressure, which can negatively impact heart and kidney health.

Considering the World Health Organization's recommended sodium intake of 2 grams per day, it's difficult to keep your sodium intake within the recommended limit even if you only eat one pack of instant noodles. That being said, people who eat multiple packets of instant noodles every day are undoubtedly consuming large amounts of sodium.

They contain MSG

Instant noodles contain MSG, a very common additive in many processed foods. Its main function is to enhance the flavor and palatability of food. Although it is widely used in a variety of foods and has been approved by the FDA for consumption, there are still concerns about its short- and long-term effects on the body.

Anecdotal reports indicate that MSG consumption is associated with symptoms such as headaches, nausea, high blood pressure, weakness, muscle tension, chest pain, heart palpitations, and skin flushing. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming MSG, you may have a condition called MSG syndrome. Although there is no clear evidence of this link, it is acknowledged that a small proportion of people may experience these short-term reactions to MSG.

Some studies have also linked high consumption of MSG to obesity and increased blood pressure. However, in most cases, the small amounts of MSG contained in instant noodles may not cause these side effects as long as they are taken in moderation.

They are lower in fiber and protein

Although instant noodles are a low-calorie food, they are low in fiber and protein, which may not be a good choice for weight loss. Protein has been shown to increase satiety and reduce hunger, while fiber moves slowly through the digestive tract, promoting feelings of fullness.

Considering that instant noodles are low in protein and fiber, eating them regularly may not satisfy your hunger or make you feel full at all. In addition, a low-fiber diet can increase the risk of digestive disorders such as constipation and diverticulosis, as well as a decrease in healthy gut bacteria.

They are associated with poor dietary quality

Some studies have shown that regular consumption of instant noodles is associated with poor overall diet quality. In one study, the diets of instant noodle eaters were compared with those of non-instant noodle eaters. The study found that instant noodle consumers' intake of protein, calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, niacin and vitamin A significantly decreased, and their intake of sodium and calories also increased. Studies have also found that instant noodles increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Read nutrition labels carefully

It's important to know your eating habits, especially if you have a health problem like high blood pressure or high cholesterol. It also makes it easier for you to compare similar foods to see which is healthier. Make sure to check the ingredient list carefully, as well as the serving sizes. Because nutritional information is based on specific serving sizes, it can be misleading if you don't know how many servings are in a package. The more practice you get at reading food labels, the better you'll be at using them as a tool for planning a healthier, more balanced diet.

Are ready-to-eat meals good for you?

Popular alternatives to instant noodles are ready-to-eat meals. Ready-to-eat meals, also known as "TV dinners" in the United States, are pre-prepared packaged meals that can be reheated in a container, require no additional ingredients, and require minimal preparation before consumption. These ready-to-eat meals are commonly found in supermarkets and convenience stores such as 7-Eleven.

While ready-to-eat meals appear to be a more nutritious alternative to instant noodles, one study found that ready-to-eat meals are often high in saturated fat and salt. Those who regularly consumed ready-to-eat foods (more than 70 g of ready-to-eat foods per day) also had significantly lower nutrient intakes that were significantly below national nutritional recommendations. Overall, ready-to-eat foods do not have healthy nutritional profiles and should not replace whole, fresh foods.


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