
Liquid paraffin, also known as mineral oil, is a by-product of the petroleum refining process . It is a colorless and odorless liquid composed of saturated hydrocarbons extracted from petroleum. Cosmetic or medicinal liquid paraffin should not be confused with paraffin used as fuel (i.e. kerosene). It is a common ingredient in a variety of cosmetics and personal care products. It is purified to meet the standards required for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

liquid paraffin in English

  • Liquid paraffin
  • paraffinum liquidum
  • paraffin oil
  • liquid paraffin oil
  • Russian mineral oil

History background

When refineries process crude oil to obtain various products such as gasoline and kerosene, a portion of the oil is separated to produce mineral oil. This mineral oil or liquid paraffin was initially considered a waste product. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, liquid paraffin found uses beyond its original use as a by-product. Its light and colorless nature makes it suitable for a variety of applications. Liquid paraffin is recognized for its pharmaceutical and industrial applications. Over time, liquid paraffin became a staple ingredient in the cosmetics and personal care industries. As understanding of the refining process improved, techniques to produce purer liquid paraffin were developed. This ensures that the cosmetic-grade mineral oils used in personal care products meet strict quality standards. In recent decades, there has been some controversy surrounding the use of mineral oil in skin care products. There are concerns that it might clog pores, but cosmetic-grade mineral oil is purified to minimize impurities. As with many substances, ongoing research and changing consumer preferences continue to shape its role in skin care and cosmetics.

Non-medical grade mineral oil VS highly refined mineral oil

Liquid paraffin is the term for highly refined mineral oil suitable for skin care applications and even for oral ingestion. This is an important distinction because some skin care experts who express concerns about liquid paraffin may be inadvertently referring to non-medical grade mineral oil, which has not been properly purified for use in skin products.

Liquid paraffin comes in two forms and should not be confused with each other. They each have multiple uses in multiple fields and industries. One form of liquid paraffin is highly refined kerosene, used as fuel. The other is highly refined mineral oil that has a variety of uses, such as cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.

Liquid paraffin used as medicine

Liquid paraffin, also known as mineral oil, has been used in medicine for a variety of purposes due to its lubricating and emollient properties.


Liquid paraffin has historically been used as a laxative, particularly in the treatment of constipation. When ingested, it forms a coating on the intestines, softening stool and facilitating its passage.

skin emollient

In dermatology, liquid paraffin is used as an emollient to soothe and moisturize the skin. It forms a protective layer on the skin's surface, helping to reduce water loss and keep the skin hydrated. It is often found in creams, ointments, and lotions used for dry or sensitive skin conditions.

Treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis

Liquid paraffin can be included in topical preparations designed to relieve symptoms associated with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Its moisturizing properties help relieve dryness and itchiness.

Ear wax softening

Liquid paraffin is sometimes used to soften the earwax so it can be removed more easily. A few drops of warm liquid paraffin can be placed into the ear canal to help break down and remove earwax.

Treatment of anal itching

Liquid paraffin is recommended to relieve itching in the anal area, especially in cases such as anal itching. Its emollient properties can help soothe irritated skin.

Nasal lubrication

In some cases, liquid paraffin is used as a nasal lubricant to relieve dry nasal passages. This is especially helpful for people who experience nasal dryness due to environmental factors or certain medical conditions.

Medical devices and procedures

Liquid paraffin is used as a lubricant for certain medical devices, such as rectal thermometers or enema nozzles, to facilitate insertion. It is also used as a lubricant during certain medical procedures, including the insertion of certain types of catheters.

Role in cosmetics

  • Emollients: Paraffin is valued for its emollient properties, which means it helps soften and smooth the skin's surface, prevent water loss and keep the skin hydrated.
  • Barrier function: Forms a protective barrier on the skin, helping to reduce water evaporation and protect the skin from external factors.

Common uses

Paraffin is a versatile ingredient found in a wide range of cosmetics and personal care products, including moisturizers, lotions, creams, sunscreens and makeup products. It is often used in formulas that require a lightweight and non-greasy texture.

Safety and precautions

Paraffin wax is generally considered safe for use in cosmetics when it meets the required purity standards.

Some people with specific skin conditions, such as acne-prone or sensitive skin, may prefer products that do not contain mineral oil.

Regulatory approval

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the safety of mineral oil and allows its use as a multi-purpose direct food additive. The FDA also permits the use of mineral oil as an active ingredient in the following over-the-counter product categories: anorectal drugs, skin protectants, and ophthalmic emollients.

According to the general provisions of the EU Cosmetics Directive, mineral oil may be used in cosmetics and personal care products sold in Europe.

In 2013, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants reviewed mineral oils as food ingredients. The Expert Committee assigned an acceptable daily intake of 0-10 mg/kg/day for group 1 low to medium viscosity mineral oils (i.e. food grade mineral oil, white mineral oil).

White mineral oil has a long history of safe use in human oral and topical applications. However, a re-evaluation by UK regulators of the use of certain mineral hydrocarbons used in food preparation has prompted additional safety studies and a rigorous assessment of the toxicological effects of white mineral oil. Because white mineral oil is present in many topically applied pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products, there is a need to review the toxicological effects of mineral oil through this route of exposure. Initial concerns about possible tissue inflammation in the liver and lymph nodes after oral administration of white mineral oil to rats have been shown to be unfounded and have no scientific basis.

These studies were reviewed in 1996 by the Mineral Oil Working Group of the Cosmetic and Fragrance Association (now known as the Personal Care Products Council) as part of a review of the existing published scientific literature. After a review of the literature, which included the finding that skin permeability of topical white mineral oil is negligible, the CTFA Task Force determined that there is no valid scientific evidence in the published literature to suggest any danger from topical exposure to white mineral oil. Dosage in multiple species. This decision is supported by the long history of safe human use of white mineral oil in medicated and non-medicated topical application products.


One of the criticisms of liquid paraffin is that it doesn't actually moisturize the skin. The feeling of wetness was unreal. The soft, silky feeling that some people experience on their skin after using a cream containing liquid paraffin is a result of the mineral oil on the surface, not the actual skin texture. Some people think that the moisturizing effect of liquid paraffin is just a sensory illusion . After washing off the paste, it will feel very soft to the touch. However, after a few hours, this feeling disappears. The reason behind this is the temporary feeling on your fingertips from the friction of rough particles , and everything else starts to feel relatively soft! But just because skin feels softer, doesn't mean it's actually softer. The same argument can be made for liquid paraffin.

The bigger danger, however, is that liquid paraffin may cause breakouts in some people. For example, some skin experts believe this ingredient can clog pores and promote the development of comedonal acne. Although research on this topic remains inconclusive, people with a history of severe acne may want to avoid products containing liquid paraffin as a safety precaution.


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