
Do you want to increase your protein intake? Do you prefer sweet and savory desserts or hearty bone broth? Gelatin might be your new favorite thing. If you are plant-based or vegetarian, this article will not appeal to you. However, if you want to incorporate more high-protein, nutrient-dense foods into your diet and don't mind animal products, here's what you need to read. This blog will explain the health benefits of gelatin and why you should include it in your diet.

Where does it come from?

Gelatin is a protein extracted from collagen. It is derived from the skin, bones and connective tissues of different animals. The most common types of food are pork or beef, which means it may not be suitable for vegetarians or halal people. The word "gelatin" is derived from the Latin "gelatus" meaning stiff or frozen. This is appropriate because the substance is brittle when dry and rubbery when wet. Most of us will be familiar with gelatin in the form of jelly desserts, but it can also be found in marshmallows, some cheeses, gummies, and more. You can add gelatin to cheesecakes to help them hold their shape. It is also a common ingredient in chocolate mousse. Although a product derived from animal bones may not sound particularly appetizing, there are many health benefits to consuming jelly.

high protein

Gelatin is approximately 99% protein (the rest is just water). You won’t find a concentrated source of protein like this. It contains eight of the nine essential amino acids, making it ideal for those trying to cut back on carbs. Getting enough dietary protein is a problem faced by most New Zealanders. This is a shame because there are many benefits to a high-protein diet. For example, protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, feeling full after meals, and rapid wound healing. There are almost too many benefits to list. Including more gelatin in our diet can help us reach optimal protein goals. Increase your intake and you'll look better and feel better.

Contains a variety of nutrients

You might be surprised to learn that gelatin actually contains important nutrients. Eating jelly helps meet your daily needs for iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. These minerals are essential for bone, cell and tissue health. Any food that contains important nutrients like calcium is definitely worth including in your daily diet. Gelatin is also known for its unique amino acid structure. As mentioned above, it contains eight of the nine essential acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own. Although it does not contain tryptophan, it is particularly high in the amino acid glycine. Ancient glycine is essential for brain function and gut health, and is often used as a sleep supplement. You should be concerned about this because amino acid imbalances may play a role in mental health conditions like schizophrenia. Most people eat jelly for the taste and texture, but now you have even more reasons. It's rich in protein and nutrients that may benefit your mental health.

hair, skin and nails

Do you want luscious hair and smooth skin? It turns out gelatin can help you solve this problem. It’s no secret that collagen is great for our hair and skin. Since gelatin is derived from collagen, its nutritional profile is very similar and affects the body in the same way. Numerous studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of supplements. One study found that women with alopecia increased hair mass by 40% after taking gelatin. This is because gelatin helps your body produce more collagen. The reason our skin loses elasticity as we age is because our collagen levels decrease. Getting more energy through supplements or diet can have a huge impact on the appearance of your skin. So if you want thicker hair or more elastic skin, try eating more unstable foods. One jelly a day can prevent wrinkles.

bone health

Are there any osteoarthritis patients around you? Research shows gelatin may be able to relieve these symptoms. A study of 80 people with osteoarthritis found that gelatin capsules were more effective at reducing pain and joint stiffness than a placebo. This may be caused by a variety of factors. Gelatin has been shown to help the body absorb more calcium, which may explain the bone health benefits. The amino acids in gelatin may also have positive effects. More research is always needed, but if a little jelly can improve your quality of life, it's worth giving it a try (not the alcoholic jelly though). Life is too short to not eat dessert and walk around with joint pain. Make a few tweaks in your diet and your bones will thank you later.

in conclusion

Gelatin was commonly consumed by early humans, but is lacking in modern diets. This is unfortunate because it means we miss out on many potential health benefits. Fortunately, we no longer need to eat bones and organs to get gelatin, and it's easily available.


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