
How often should men ejaculate?

There's not a lot of research on how often a person should finish, and ejaculation doesn't necessarily mean you have to have sex with a partner or have sex yourself. Many things can affect your frequency. One study found that, on average, men in their 20s seemed to do it the most, about once a week. But as men age, this number decreases slightly. As we age, most people would probably expect to do this less frequently over time. That said, don’t forget that some people also take matters into their own “hands.” Ultimately, the frequency with which this happens varies from person to person.

Is it safe to ejaculate frequently?

Basically, our bodies are constantly producing more semen, so we need to release it regularly through sex or masturbation. If we don't, sometimes it happens on its own unexpectedly.

But as far as we know, there is no evidence that frequent masturbation is bad for you. One study found that men who came in every day for two weeks had only a slight drop in sperm count, but it was still normal. The rest of their semen remains the same.

Research finds out how often couples have sex and how it affects their relationships. People who do this at least once a week report being happier together. But more sex didn't make them more satisfied. It didn't make them feel any less satisfied, either.

According to research, as long as both partners are happy with what's going on between them and they feel safe about it, frequent sex or masturbation may not be a big deal for most men.

Are there any benefits to ejaculation?

There hasn't been a lot of research on the benefits of ejaculation. But it seems like if a person is excited but doesn't finish, it might actually cause some discomfort there. The prostate and vesicles become full and swollen - I think some people call them "blue balls".

However, sometimes sex that includes ejaculation does seem to have some benefits. For one, it can help relieve stress by lowering cortisol levels. It also releases hormones that help relieve pain. Sex is also a physical activity, so it's good for your heart and lowers blood pressure over time. It can even strengthen your immune system by producing more antibodies. Orgasms help release prolactin, which is good for sleep. Of course, staying close to your partner can strengthen your relationship.

All in all, while research is still limited, ejaculation does not appear to cause harm and may provide some benefits, especially in terms of relieving discomfort or stress. If you and your partner are into it, sex often comes with a variety of possible health benefits.

Is there a link between ejaculation and cancer?

There is a study spanning nearly 20 years. They found that men between the ages of 40 and 49 who ejaculated more frequently (such as at least 21 times per month) actually had a lower risk of prostate cancer. Researchers are not entirely sure whether this also applies to younger men under 40. But for men in the 40-49-year-old range, the more frequent ejaculation, the lower the risk appears to be.

This is from a 2017 article from the Daily Mail. This article talks about the study, published in a medical journal in December 2016. The large study surveyed nearly 32,000 men over the age of 18. They found that men who were in heat more often seemed to have lower rates of prostate cancer. But we need more research to know for sure.

Twice, in 1992 and 2010, the men were asked how often they ejaculated each month and whether they eventually developed prostate cancer. The truth is, the study only looked at people's ratings of how hard they ejaculated - it wasn't like a lab experiment. So people may not remember it clearly. Not everyone is willing to be completely honest about how often they please themselves. Therefore, if someone remembers incorrectly or does not tell the whole truth, the results may be wrong. They also did not specify whether the ejaculation was with a partner or by oneself. Whether with others or alone, health effects can occur.

Other past studies have had similar limitations. Like one in 2003, more than 1,000 people were asked detailed questions they might not know the perfect answers to. Things like the age they first went into heat, how many partners they've had around age 30, and when they usually lose their temper the most. Since they had already been diagnosed with cancer, it was difficult to say what effect the ejaculation had on their health.

Are the benefits of masturbation-driven ejaculation the same as partnered sex-driven ejaculation?

Are the benefits the same whether you ejaculate during masturbation or during sex with a partner? This is tricky because there aren't a lot of studies directly comparing the two.

But in general, ejaculation is thought to help you in several ways. It can help you fall asleep more easily. It also improves sperm quality over time. Some research suggests it may boost your immune system. For some people, it appears to reduce migraines. Know this - Research shows that regular ejaculation may actually lower your risk of dying from heart disease later in life.

But we do need more research specifically looking at whether there are differences in the benefits of different ejaculation methods. For now, it appears that overall health benefits may be similar.

Is there any reason to control the frequency of ejaculation?

There is an ancient belief in Taoism that if you control the time of completion, you can save energy. They believe there is only so much energy, and if you prevent it from being completed, it will go back to your brain to fuel you.

That's where the idea of ​​only doing it 24 times a year came from. Some Taoist teachers even say that you can only complete it 2 to 3 times out of every 10 times you are with someone. But there's no real science to prove this. Many Taoist teachers today say it's better to just listen to how you feel afterwards - if you feel stronger or more refreshed - rather than focusing on specific numbers.

At what age do men stop ejaculating?

So you want to know when a man stops ejaculating, right? Well, everyone is different in this matter. For most people, as they age, the strength and quantity of their loads begin to decrease. But there is no age limit for stopping.

If you notice a change in any of the conditions below that worries you, it's best to talk to your doctor. They will be able to take a look and let you know if everything is OK or if there are any issues that need to be addressed. Your health is important, so don't be afraid to talk to a professional if you have any concerns .

Will you run out of sperm?

The answer is no! Your body keeps making more.

It's crazy how many swimmers your sperm produces every day. Did you know that there are approximately 1,500 new recruits every second? Do the math – millions every day! You can't fire them all faster than they can be made. So yeah, don't worry about it being empty. The army continues to grow.

Is there any reason to avoid ejaculation altogether?

It really depends on your goals.

If you don't want to do it just because it feels right for you, then avoid it. Science has not found any evidence that restraint causes unwanted side effects or other problems.

But that's not to say there's evidence of long-term benefits. Either way, it doesn't actually matter, according to research. So, do what feels natural and comfortable to you. That's what really matters.


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