
1. Explore spiritual practices

There are many different spiritual practices, so if you come from a religious background you may want to check your tradition.

Derived from the Christian faith, Focused Prayer is simple and easy to use. You choose a word or phrase through prayer. Find a quiet place to be quiet. Once you start, you'll learn to keep your mind as quiet as possible by focusing on your word or phrase when needed. Practice concentrated prayer for a few minutes first, then increase the time as you feel more comfortable.

Mindfulness is another helpful practice. Mindfulness comes in many forms. There are many different apps that can guide you through meditation. If that's what you're looking for, you can find meditation groups you can join in person or online.

Keep looking for practices that work for you.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

We need an average of seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Meditation often helps a lot. Find ways to help you relax before bed.

If nothing else seems to work, seek professional assistance.

3. Community

You need to build community with friends and family. Find people you can trust who will respect you, listen to you, and encourage you.

If you have a religious background, look for a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue to help you live a good life. Find a community to help strengthen your faith, support you, and hold you accountable.

If you don't have a religious background, look for service organizations, clubs, or nonprofits to make friends and contribute to your community and the world.

4. Stay physically active

You were given an amazing body to experience the world. Be kind to your body and respect it. If your body feels healthy, you're more likely to feel hopeful.

Let energy flow through your body through exercise. The greater the energy flow, the more aware you are of what is going on within you.

When you relax your muscles, open your heart, and calm your mind, your body will follow suit. The more relaxed your body is, the more energy, passion, and motivation you experience.

5. Eat nutritious food

Your body needs fuel. A healthy diet of vegetables, grains, proteins and fruits is essential to keep your body balanced and strong.

Junk and processed foods can make your body feel heavy, tired, and lethargic.

6. Take uncomfortable risks

When mentally exhausted, you often get stuck in old patterns because you're afraid to try anything new.

Being dissatisfied with what you're doing may suggest you try something new. The more resistance you feel, the more you need to overcome your fear.

Your ego will try to keep you with what it knows because it doesn't like anything that takes you out of your comfort zone.

If you want to break out of old patterns, you need to find support to help you achieve the breakthrough you need.

7. Learn the Enneagram

A great tool to help you grow in all of the above areas is called the Enneagram. The symbolism of the Enneagram dates back hundreds of years. The tool suggests nine different lenses through which to experience the world. You have all nine energies within you.

Your job is to keep yourself as healthy as possible. No one type is better than another. The less restricted your personality is, the freer you are to be yourself.

As your type becomes healthier, all nine of your types will become stronger.

Your Enneagram type tells you that when you're stressed, you get stuck. The good news is you don't need to get stuck. Learning through the Enneagram can help you find a path to great joy, hope, purpose, and success.

Spiritual burnout is when you begin to feel depressed and hopeless, and feel like God has abandoned you. You start to wonder if life is worth living. You walk around with a feeling of heaviness. You find it increasingly difficult to do anything.

Mental burnout can build up over time. If you don't realize you're fading, you'll start to get used to it, and the longer you're in it, the harder it will be to get out of it.

The only way out of this dilemma is to learn to be more self-aware. The Holy Spirit delivers wisdom through your physical sensations, inner emotions, and quiet thoughts. Your job is to become more familiar with your three intellectual centers.

Focusing on your center will help you find liberation.


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