
What is resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a plant compound that acts as an antioxidant. Top food sources include red wine, grapes, some berries and peanuts.

This compound tends to be concentrated in the skins and seeds of grapes and berries. These parts of the grape are included in the fermentation process of red wine and therefore have particularly high concentrations of resveratrol.

However, most studies on resveratrol have been conducted in animals and test tubes using large amounts of the compound.

Of the limited studies in humans, most have focused on supplemental forms of the compound at higher concentrations than those obtained through food.

Resveratrol supplements may help lower blood pressure

Due to its antioxidant properties, resveratrol may be a promising supplement for lowering blood pressure.

One review concluded that high doses may help reduce the stress put on artery walls when the heart beats.

This pressure is called systolic blood pressure and appears as a higher number in blood pressure readings.

Systolic blood pressure usually increases with age due to arteriosclerosis. When high, it is a risk factor for heart disease.

Resveratrol achieves this blood pressure-lowering effect by helping to produce more nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax .

However, the study authors said more research is needed before specific recommendations can be made about the optimal dose of resveratrol to maximize blood pressure effects.

Have a positive effect on blood lipids

Several animal studies suggest that resveratrol supplements may alter blood lipids in healthy ways.

One study fed mice a high-protein, high-polyunsaturated fat diet and supplemented it with resveratrol.

The researchers found that the mice's average total cholesterol levels and body weight decreased, while levels of "good" HDL cholesterol increased.

Resveratrol appears to affect cholesterol levels by reducing the action of enzymes that control cholesterol production.

As an antioxidant, it also reduces the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol. Oxidation of LDL leads to the formation of plaque in artery walls.

In one study, participants took grape extract with extra resveratrol added to it.

After six months of treatment, participants who took unconcentrated grape extract or a placebo experienced a 4.5% drop in LDL and a 20% drop in oxidized LDL.

It can extend the lifespan of some animals

The compound's ability to extend the lifespan of different organisms has become a major area of ​​research.

There is evidence that resveratrol can activate certain genes and thereby protect against aging diseases.

It works the same way as calorie restriction, extending lifespan by changing the way genes are expressed.

However, it is unclear whether the compound would have similar effects in humans.

A review of studies exploring this link found that resveratrol extended lifespan in 60% of the organisms studied, but the effect was strongest in organisms not closely related to humans, such as worms and fish.

it protects the brain

Several studies show that drinking red wine can help slow age-related cognitive decline.

This may be due in part to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of resveratrol.

It appears to interfere with protein fragments called beta-amyloid, which are critical in the formation of Alzheimer's disease's signature plaques.

Additionally, the compound may trigger a cascade of events that protects brain cells from damage.

While the study is interesting, scientists still have questions about the body's ability to utilize supplemental resveratrol, which limits its immediate use as a brain-protecting supplement.

it may increase insulin sensitivity

Resveratrol has been shown to have multiple benefits for diabetes, at least in animal studies.

These benefits include improved insulin sensitivity and prevention of diabetic complications.

One explanation for how resveratrol works is that it may prevent an enzyme from converting glucose into sorbitol, a sugar alcohol.

When too much sorbitol accumulates in the body of people with diabetes, it creates oxidative stress that damages cells.

Here are more possible benefits of resveratrol for people with diabetes:

May protect against oxidative stress: Its antioxidant effects may help prevent oxidative stress, which can lead to some diabetes complications.
Helps Reduce Inflammation: Resveratrol is thought to reduce inflammation, a key factor in chronic diseases like diabetes.
Activates AMPK: This is a protein that helps the body metabolize glucose. Activated AMPK helps maintain low blood sugar levels.
Resveratrol may even provide diabetics with more benefits than non-diabetics. In one animal study, red wine and resveratrol were actually more potent antioxidants in mice with diabetes than in mice without diabetes.

The researchers say the compound could be used to treat diabetes and its complications in the future, but more research is needed.

it relieves joint pain

Arthritis is a common disease that causes joint pain and loss of mobility.

Plant-based supplements are being studied as a way to treat and prevent joint pain. When taken as a supplement, resveratrol may help protect cartilage from deterioration.

Broken cartilage causes joint pain and is one of the main symptoms of arthritis.

One study injected resveratrol into the knee joints of rabbits with arthritis and found that the rabbits had less cartilage damage.

Other studies in test tubes and animals have shown the compound's potential to reduce inflammation and prevent joint damage.

Resveratrol can inhibit cancer cells

Resveratrol has been studied for its ability to prevent and treat cancer, particularly in test tubes. However, the results have been mixed.

In animal and test-tube studies, it has been shown to fight a variety of cancer cells, including stomach, colon, skin, breast and prostate cancers.

Here's how resveratrol fights cancer cells:

  • It inhibits cancer cell growth: it prevents cancer cells from replicating and spreading.
  • Resveratrol may alter gene expression: It can alter the genetic expression of cancer cells to inhibit their growth.
  • It can have hormonal effects: Resveratrol may interfere with the way certain hormones are expressed, which may prevent the spread of hormone-dependent cancers.

However, because studies to date have been conducted in test tubes and animals, more research is needed to understand if and how this compound could be used in human cancer treatments.

Risks and Concerns About Resveratrol Supplements

Studies using resveratrol supplements have not found significant risks. Healthy people seem to tolerate them well.

However, it should be noted that there are currently insufficient conclusive recommendations on how much resveratrol a person should take to obtain health benefits.

There are some warnings, especially about how resveratrol interacts with other medications.

Because high doses have been shown to stop blood from clotting in test tubes, it may increase bleeding or bruising when taken with anticoagulant drugs such as heparin or warfarin, or certain pain relievers.

Resveratrol also blocks enzymes that help remove certain compounds from the body. This means that some medications may be taken to unsafe levels. These include certain blood pressure medications, anti-anxiety medications, and immunosuppressants.

If you are currently taking medications, you may want to talk to your doctor before trying resveratrol.

Finally, there is widespread debate about how much resveratrol the body can actually use from supplements and other sources.

However, researchers are working on ways to make resveratrol more readily available to the body.


Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant with huge potential.

It shows promise in treating a variety of health conditions, including heart disease and arthritis. However, clear dosing guidelines are still lacking.


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