

Thyme (Thymus) Phenol is a naturally occurring compound known as a fungicide.

These substances destroy harmful organisms, such as infectious bacteria.

Thyme has strong antibacterial properties when used along with other fungicides such as carvacrol.

A 2010 study showed that thymol can reduce bacterial resistance to common drugs, including penicillin.

kill tiger mosquitoes

Tiger mosquitoes are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia.

It has spread around the world since the 1990s, carrying West Nile virus, yellow fever, St. Louis encephalitis, dengue fever and chikungunya fever.

A research team from Chungbuk National University in South Korea reports that a combination of thymol, alpha-terpinene and carvacrol can effectively kill tiger mosquito larvae.


Researchers at the University of Belgrade in Serbia found that an aqueous extract from wild thyme lowered blood pressure in tests on mice.

Mice respond to high blood pressure similarly to humans, so these findings may have implications for humans.

However, more testing is needed to prove the significance of the data.

foodborne bacterial infections

A team from the Center for Animal and Veterinary Scientific Research in Portugal studied the antimicrobial activity of essential oils extracted from a range of aromatic plants, including thyme oil.

They report that thyme oil, even at low concentrations, shows potential as a natural food preservative against several common foodborne bacteria that cause illness in humans.

A study in Poland tested thyme oil and lavender oil, and they observed that thyme oil was effective against resistant strains of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia, and Pseudomonas.

colon cancer

A study conducted in Lisbon, Portugal, found that frankincense thyme extract protected people from colon cancer.

breast cancer

Researchers in Turkey studied the effects of wild thyme on breast cancer activity, specifically how it affects apoptosis, or cell death, and gene-related events in breast cancer cells.

They found that wild thyme caused breast cancer cell death.

yeast infection

The fungus C. albicans is a common cause of oral and vaginal yeast infections, a recurring condition known as oral thrush.

Researchers at the University of Turin in Italy found that thyme essential oil significantly enhanced the destructive effect of Candida albicans in the human body.

Prolongs the stability of cooking oils

Lipid oxidation is a serious problem during food processing and storage. It causes food to lose quality, stability, safety and nutritional value.

Scientists from Warsaw, Poland, studied whether thyme extract could prolong the stability of sunflower oil at different temperatures.

They believe thyme may be an effective antioxidant that stabilizes sunflower oil.

Common skin problems

Skin problems are common all over the world. In some countries, herbal preparations are important medicines.

A team from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a 10% chamomile extract cream and a 3% thyme essential oil antifungal cream in the treatment of eczema-like lesions.

They noted that 66.5% of people treated with a fungal cream containing thyme essential oil fully recovered, compared with 28.5% of those treated with a placebo.

Results with chamomile cream were similar to placebo.


Scientists in Leeds, UK, tested the effects of myrrh, marigold and thyme tinctures on Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), the bacteria that causes acne. They found that thyme may be effective in treating acne.

It is proven to be more antibacterial than standard concentrations of benzoyl peroxide (the active ingredient in most acne creams and lotions).

Benzoyl peroxide can also cause skin burning and irritation, which means thyme tincture may be an acne solution that reduces the unwanted effects.


The ancient Egyptians used thyme as an embalming fluid. In ancient Greece, they used thyme as incense in temples and added it to bathwater.

The Romans used thyme as a flavoring for cheese and alcoholic beverages. It is also said to be used to treat depressed or shy people. Thyme was introduced to the British Isles by Roman armies after their conquest.

Hippocrates, who lived from around 460 BC to 370 BC and is now known as the "Father of Western Medicine," recommended thyme to treat respiratory ailments and conditions. People grew thyme in their gardens and gathered it in the countryside.

When the Black Death swept through Europe in the 1340s, people wore bouquets of thyme for protection.

Scientific research does not support this specific use, but has shown that thyme has a range of medicinal properties that modern humans can take advantage of.


People can use the fresh leaves of thyme in tea and cooking, and they are sometimes placed between layers of linen to protect the fabric from insects.

Thyme essential oil, often called "thyme oil," contains 20% to 60% thymol.

Manufacturers extract thyme oil for a variety of uses, including soap and as an ingredient in deodorants.

People use thyme oil as an antiseptic and insect repellent. Thymol is a common meat preservative, and olive growers often mix it into the oils used to preserve olives in the Mediterranean.

Unlike fresh leaves, people cannot take essential oil orally or apply it directly to their skin. Dilute thyme oil in a carrier oil such as olive oil.

Click here to shop a range of premium Thyme products with thousands of customer reviews.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies thyme essential oil as "generally recognized as safe for its intended use."

However, anyone who plans to make significant changes in the treatment of a medical condition should discuss it with a doctor first.


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