
What will happen if you drink lemon water regularly?

There are many reasons why drinking lemon water every day is a good habit. This is what happens when you drink lemon water regularly.

Breath is fresher

If you're tired of chewing gum or chewing mints every time you have a close conversation with someone, lemon water may be the answer. The unique scent of lemons neutralizes other odors, both on the table and in your mouth.

Drink a little lemon juice with onions, garlic, fish or blue cheese after a meal to eliminate lingering "evidence". Lemon also helps stimulate saliva production and helps clean the mouth. Dry mouth, such as when you wake up in the morning, can actually smell worse due to bacterial overgrowth.

Get more vitamin C

According to research, one lemon juice contains about 30 mg of vitamin C, which is equivalent to about 33% of the recommended daily intake (RDA) for men of 90 mg. The recommended daily intake for men is 40% of the RDA of 75 mg, and for women it is 40%.

Vitamin C has many good health effects, often with the following benefits:

Helps your body heal: Our bodies need vitamin C to make collagen, an important protein that is part of the connective tissue the body needs to heal wounds.

Immune System Support: Vitamin C helps reduce cold symptoms and fight disease-causing viruses and bacteria.

Improves Iron Absorption: Iron is necessary for the survival and growth of cells in the body. Drinking lemon water can help the body increase iron absorption, especially for athletes and people with anemia.

Lemon juice may prevent kidney stones

The citric acid in lemon juice may also help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Citrate is a salt, and the citrate in the acid supports the mechanisms that prevent kidney stones by binding to calcium in the urine.

A US study published that consuming a mixture equivalent to 4 lemons and 2 liters of water per day can significantly increase the citrate content in the body's urine .

These higher citrate levels may prevent kidney stone formation or slow down the growth of kidney stones. In fact, the National Kidney Foundation recommends drinking diluted lemon water as one of the most effective ways to prevent kidney stones.

Make skin younger

When you drink lemon water every day, you add water to your skin care routine. Hydrated skin looks smoother, plumper and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. When you're hydrated, your body also has a better chance of expelling toxins through sweat.

Adding lemon to water helps increase the levels of vitamin C, a nutrient that has a powerful effect on the production of collagen and elastin, factors that help keep skin healthy and supple. Some studies show that a diet rich in vitamin C may also reduce wrinkles, which is what everyone wants.

mood stabilizer

Lemon's energizing and neutralizing scent can also reduce stress and keep you calm. This is why lemon oil is a popular ingredient in aromatherapy oils.

When you drink lemon, you get the same stress-relieving benefits along with the positive effects of the potassium in the fruit. Potassium is important in regulating blood pressure, a major contributor to stress.

If you drink warm lemon water, you'll experience an extra soothing effect. After a particularly rough day, try drinking some lemon water before drinking alcohol.

How is drinking lemon water good for your health?

If you have no medical conditions that require restriction, you should only use 2-3 lemons per day.

When drinking lemon juice, dilute it with warm water, but do not exceed 1.5 liters of lemon juice per day. Drink it scattered throughout the day, alternating with filtered water and other healthy drinks.

According to experts, it is best to drink lemon water between meals. But there's no need to add more lemon to each cup of water.

Lemons are very acidic, so if you drink too much, it may have some negative effects. For example, the American Dental Association (ADA) warns that the citric acid in lemons can corrode enamel and damage teeth.

Drink lemon juice through a straw to reduce the contact between the lemon juice and your teeth. If you have canker sores, the ADA recommends avoiding lemon juice entirely because citric acid can cause irritation.

People with sensitive digestive systems should be careful not to drink lemon juice every day, especially on an empty stomach. The reason is simple: The fruit is extremely acidic, which can irritate the stomach lining and cause heartburn.

Drinking lemon water before bed can help strengthen your immune system, relax your mind, and help you get a good night's sleep.


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