
Bentonite (English: Bentonite), also known as bentonite and bentonite, is an absorbent expanded clay whose main component is montmorillonite, which can be sodium montmorillonite or calcium montmorillonite. The swelling capacity of sodium montmorillonite is much greater than that of calcium montmorillonite.

How does bentonite clay work?

Researchers believe that bentonite adsorbs materials by adhering to its molecules or ions. When clay leaves the body, it takes toxins or other molecules with it.

When someone uses bentonite clay on their skin, the clay may have the ability to attract oil and bacteria. When someone consumes clay, it may absorb toxins or other unwanted substances from the digestive tract.

Bentonite clay contains natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron that provide additional benefits.

Bentonite clay is formed from volcanic ash. It takes its name from Fort Benton, Wyoming, where it occurs in large numbers.

The clay can also be found in other places where volcanic ash sinks into the ground. Montmorillonite clay, named after Montmorillon in France, is the same type of clay.

The following list looks at the potential benefits of bentonite clay along with research findings.

Remove toxins from the body

Various studies have examined the effects of bentonite on toxins in different models.

A 2019 study highlighted the effectiveness of bentonite clay in adsorbing aflatoxins in early animal and human trials.

The researchers also tested sodium bentonite in computational, in vivo and in vitro models, suggesting that it may offer a way to respond to emergencies, such as outbreaks of acute rice yeast poisoning.

A 2022 case study from Trusted Source used a combination of bentonite clay, probiotics, and black seed oil to treat a 2-year-old child with a Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection. Four days later, no trace of C. difficile was found in the child's stool samples.

According to a 2020 review, bentonite's success as an antidote may stem from its structure.

However, a 2022 study suggests that the effectiveness of clays, including bentonite, in binding various toxins in animal feed may depend on the type of toxin.

Despite this study, further research in human models is needed to further understand bentonite clay's ability to remove toxins from the body.

how to use

People should not consume bentonite clay without first consulting a health care professional. A healthcare professional will be able to recommend the correct dosage and frequency of consuming bentonite clay to rid the body of toxins.

Although studies show no side effects from bentonite clay, some types may contain trace amounts of heavy metals that can be harmful to human health.

A doctor can make sure someone is using a safe type and dosage, or can recommend alternative treatment options.

Treats oily skin and acne

Bentonite clay's adsorbent abilities may help treat acne and oily skin. Clay may help remove sebum or oil from the skin's surface and may have a calming effect on inflamed breakouts.

Clay masks can help remove impurities from your skin, thereby reducing the risk of acne and skin infections.

However, further research is needed to prove the benefits of bentonite clay as an acne treatment.

how to use

Some commercial masks contain clay because they have a purifying effect on the skin. Some skin care masks contain bentonite clay, but people can also make bentonite clay masks at home.

Mix bentonite clay powder with water to form a thick paste. Suitable for areas of skin prone to oiliness or acne. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Repeat two to three times a week.

Skin detoxification

Some people use bentonite clay to cleanse specific parts of the body, including the following areas:

  • foot
  • Face

Treating poison ivy

Many people are allergic to urushiol, the oil produced by the poison ivy plant. When their skin comes into contact with poison ivy, they may develop a rash typical of an allergic reaction.

Poison ivy rash causes redness, irritation, and severe itching. Bentonite clay may be an effective treatment option after exposure to poison ivy.

how to use

Wash your skin with soap and water as soon as possible after contact with poison ivy. Use dish soap or oil-removing soap to help remove urushiol from your skin.

Mix bentonite clay with water to form a paste and apply to the affected area. Cover with a clean bandage or gauze pad. Repeat several times a day until the rash disappears.

Help lose weight

Bentonite clay may be a useful supplement for people who want to lose weight.

However, current studies provide mixed evidence and often focus on animal models. Further research in human models is necessary to understand whether bentonite clay can be an effective and safe weight loss aid.

While some traditional treatments have used clay products for years, there are better ways to lose weight. Reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity are still the best options.

relieve constipation

Because bentonite clay can bind to toxins, it may help regulate a person's digestive tract.

A 2017 reviewTrusted Source suggests that clay may help some people with irritable bowel syndrome who suffer from constipation by regulating bowel movements. This use of bentonite deserves more research but also shows promise.

Treat diarrhea

Absorbent clays such as bentonite may also help relieve virus-related digestive issues, such as diarrhea.

Rotavirus, for example, can cause severe diarrhea and spreads easily from person to person. One study found that an adsorbent clay called lucite helps stop rotavirus replication.

A 2022 case studyTrusted Source shows bentonite clay can also help treat diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile.

If your diarrhea does not subside after treatment with clay products, you should continue to drink plenty of fluids, try more common diarrhea treatments, and contact your doctor.

how to use

People should consult a health care professional before consuming bentonite clay to treat diarrhea. A healthcare professional can recommend safe dosages or alternatives to relieve symptoms.

Treat diaper rash

Healthcare professionals may recommend that people use barrier cream to help relieve diaper rash symptoms.

A 2023 study suggests that calcium-montmorillonite clay may enhance the antimicrobial effects of barrier frost against E. coli formation.

The authors emphasize that montmorillonite clay may be present in creams used to treat diaper rash due to its adsorbent properties.

how to use

People should talk to a health care professional before using new treatments like bentonite clay on babies or children.

Healthcare professionals can recommend safe products containing bentonite clay or specific amounts that are mixed and applied to your baby's skin.

Provides sun protection

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve bentonite clay as a sunscreen ingredient.

However, a 2023 reviewTrusted Source indicates that ultraviolet (UV) protection levels for clay-based adsorbents range from 250-400 nanometers (nm).

The author also emphasizes that creams containing clay adsorbents can improve the waterproofness and adhesion of skin care products to the skin.

Therefore, people may want to use it with an FDA-approved sunscreen.

Remove lead and other heavy metals

Excessive exposure to heavy metals like lead can cause health problems, including heart problems and kidney damage. Lead exposure may also affect children's brain development.

Avoiding lead exposure and getting tested for lead exposure are the best ways to prevent lead poisoning.

A 2022 study showed that bentonite nanoparticles help remove residual trace elements lead and cadmium from milk.

A 2017 review also showed bentonite to be an effective treatment for metal toxicity in animal models.

However, further research is needed to prove this benefit in humans.

how to use

Talk to your doctor before eating bentonite clay or giving it to your children. Your doctor can recommend the right, safe amount of bentonite clay to remove heavy metals.

reduce cholesterol

High cholesterol increases the risk of health conditions such as heart disease. High cholesterol can cause fat to accumulate in blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.

A 2021 study showed that the following combination of ingredients had cholesterol-lowering effects in mice:

  • Bentonite Clay, Grape Seed Extract and Turmeric
  • Bentonite Clay, Grape Seed Extract, Psyllium and Turmeric
  • Bentonite clay, grape seed extract, turmeric and flaxseed

However, further research is needed to determine whether this effect is true in human models.

how to use

People being treated for high cholesterol should consult a doctor before using bentonite clay or other natural remedies. Bentonite clay should not replace the treatment of high cholesterol or heart disease.


The FDA does not regulate all bentonite clay products. Therefore, it can be difficult to know if a product contains only the ingredients listed on the label. In fact, experts have found that some bentonite clay products may contain heavy metals.

In 2016, the FDA warned consumers not to use a certain type of bentonite clay because of its high lead content.

Bentonite clay may also cause side effects when a person uses large amounts. People should talk to their doctor before trying bentonite clay as a treatment option.

If someone wants to use bentonite clay, they should discuss safe options with a healthcare professional. They may also want to have their blood lead levels checked by a doctor to make sure they are not exposed to the lead in the bentonite clay.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day while using bentonite clay. This will help flush out clay from your digestive tract and prevent constipation.

Before using bentonite clay or any natural remedy on your skin, do an allergy test. Apply a small amount of product to the inner elbow area and wait 24 hours. If no reaction occurs, continue using the product.


Bentonite clay is an ancient remedy that holds promise for treating a variety of health conditions. When a person uses it in moderation, the risk of side effects is low.

As with any natural remedy, people with health problems should consult a doctor before using bentonite clay to ensure it is safe.

Your doctor may be able to recommend other, more effective treatment options.


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