
The species native to India and Southeast Asia has the scientific name Mangifera indica L. and belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. Due to huge demand, mangoes are now being grown in Central America, Australia, Europe and Africa. It has been cultivated in India and Southeast Asia for about 4,000 years, and there are more than a thousand varieties of mango, only a few of which are produced on a commercial scale.

Mangoes have an exotic flavor, sweet taste, and may even have many health benefits. It is consumed in both ripe and unripe forms. Mangoes are used to make pickles, chutneys, vinegars, desserts and drinks and are one of the popular foods. Mango juice is also a popular refreshing drink. Mango juice contains a variety of nutrients, and its potential uses for health benefits are numerous. Read on to learn more.

Nutritional value of mango juice:

Mango juice contains a total of 52 calories. The nutritional value of mango juice is as follows:

nutrient Percent content
carbohydrate 13.6
carbohydrate 12.8
fiber 0.8
Potassium 0.035
calcium 0.005
sodium 0.006

Table 1: Nutrients and their percentage content in 100mL mango juice

Mango juice also contains the following nutrients:

Minerals vitamins
zinc Vitamin A
manganese Vitamin C
phosphorus Vitamin E
calcium Vitamin K
iron folic acid
copper Vitamin B1 (nicotinic acid)
magnesium Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Table 2: Minerals and vitamins contained in mango juice

Mango juice also contains alpha and beta carotene.

Mango juice contains high amounts of polyphenols such as ellagic acid, isoquercetin, beta-glucogallin, quercetin, gallotannins, mangiferin, and gallic acid, which may be its potential as we will elaborate on earlier. Reasons for health benefits.

Characteristics of mango juice:

Mango juice may have the following properties:

  • It may have anti-cancer potential
  • it may be an antioxidant
  • it may help protect the stomach
  • It may have an effect on bacteria (antibacterial)
  • It may help lower blood sugar levels (anti-diabetic)
  • It may help reduce allergic reactions (anti-allergic)
  • it may help fight inflammation
  • It may play a role in the body's immunity (immunomodulation)
  • It may have lipolytic (fat-breaking) effects
  • It may be effective against parasites (tiny organisms that live in our bodies and cause us harm)
  • It may help prevent bone resorption (osteolysis)
  • It may help protect our cells from the harmful effects of radiation (radiation protection)

Potential uses of mango juice for overall health:

Various parts of the mango may have potential uses for human health. Likewise, mango juice may have the following potential uses.

Potential use of mango juice to treat diabetes

Mangoes contain a compound called mangiferin, which may have potential anti-diabetic effects. Animal experiments indicate that mangiferin may have the potential to lower blood sugar levels and blood lipid levels (fats). Both may be helpful for people with diabetes. An increase in the number of insulin-producing cells was also observed. Mangiferin may play a role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance. Therefore, mango juice may help treat diabetes. However, a disease like diabetes requires proper treatment from a doctor, so always consult a doctor.

Potential Uses of Mango Juice for the Kidneys

In experimental models, mangiferin was observed to be helpful in diabetic rats with kidney problems. Mangiferin has been observed to reduce blood urea nitrogen levels and therefore may help cope with kidney damage in humans. Therefore, mango juice may help with kidney problems. However, these effects require further research to prove.

Potential Uses of Mango Juice for the Stomach

Several studies have shown that mango juice may help treat stomach-related health problems. Research shows that as mango juice passes through the body, one of its active ingredients, mangiferin, is converted into various phenolic compounds. These phenolic compounds may be beneficial in combating certain inflammatory diseases of the stomach. It may help the stomach fight conditions such as inflammatory bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, and ulcerative colitis. Therefore, mango juice may have gastroprotective effects.

Potential Uses of Mango Juice for the Liver

Mango's potential anti-inflammatory activity has also been linked to the liver. Various studies suggest that bioactive components of mango juice may help combat liver inflammation, possibly by interfering with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and galactosamine activity. In another experiment, it was found that mango juice may also interfere with inflammatory pathways. It may also help protect the liver from damage by carbon tetrachloride, a toxic chemical, according to a study conducted by Pokorski et al.

Mango juice’s potential use in treating cancer

Several studies have been conducted on different mango extracts against various cancer cells. Studies have found that mango juice may contain ingredients that are potentially active against pancreatic, colon, breast and colorectal cancers. However, more research is needed to demonstrate these effects. Additionally, you should consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Therefore, always consult your doctor and do not self-medicate.

Potential Use of Mango Juice for Bones

In one animal study, it was found that components of mango juice may inhibit bone dissolution (absorption). This activity is observed in situations where bone dissolution (resorption) is caused by an imbalance of parathyroid hormone. Therefore, more extensive research is needed to fully understand the effects of mango juice on bones.

Potential use of mango juice to combat oxidative stress

The active ingredients in mango juice may have the potential to neutralize oxygen free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress, leading to cell damage and possible chronic disease. Because it may have the potential to balance oxidative stress, it may help prevent various diseases caused by oxidative stress, such as osteoporosis and liver disease.

While there are studies showing the potential uses of mango juice for a variety of conditions, these are not enough and further research is needed to determine the true extent of mango juice’s benefits to human health.

How to use mango juice?

You can make fresh mango juice from mangoes or drink pre-made mango juice available in the market. They are available in bottles, cans or other packaging. To make fresh mango juice,

  • Take a few fresh ripe mangoes and wash them thoroughly.
  • Then peel the mango and cut it into small pieces
  • Remove the seeds and use only the pulp
  • You can juice mangoes using a mixer grinder or juicer
  • No sweetener is required, but you can add it according to your preference

Mango juice side effects:

More research is needed to explore possible side effects of mango juice. It can cause allergies because different foods react differently to individuals. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before using it.

Precautions when taking mango juice:

It is considered safe when taken in regular food amounts. However, it is best to consult your doctor if you have any medical condition, are pregnant, nursing, or are giving more than usual to a child.

Interactions with other drugs:

More research is needed to address mango juice's interactions with any medications. If you are taking any medications, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before consuming mango juice.


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