
What are the nutritional values ​​of celery juice?

Celery juice is the liquid squeezed from fresh celery after removing the fibrous stems. Like other vegetable juices, people enjoy it as a low-sugar hydrating drink. One cup (8 ounces) of freshly squeezed celery juice contains :

  • 33 calories

  • 4 grams fiber

  • 2 grams protein

  • 7 grams of carbohydrates (3 grams are sugar)

  • 0 g fat

  • 189 mg sodium

Celery juice is a source of many vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and K. It also contains a variety of antioxidants, including phytochemicals (plant compounds) such as flavonoids and phenolic acids . These antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties, are especially abundant in celery leaves .

Since celery juice is 95% water, it can also serve as a source of moisture. And it has lower sugar content than fruit juice. By comparison, celery juice contains only about 3 grams of sugar per cup, and a cup of apple juice contains about 24 grams of sugar.

But celery juice also contains 189 milligrams of sodium per cup. This is about 8% of your daily sodium intake and is higher than the sodium content in juice or water.

Where did the idea that this would be good for you come from?

Sales of organic celery surged in 2018 following the publication of "Medical Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Heals Millions Around the World." The book recommends readers drink 16 ounces of organic celery juice daily to heal :

  • digestive problems

  • skin condition

  • Migraine

  • fatigue

  • autoimmune diseases

  • chronic pain

Claims that celery contains "cluster salts" - reportedly a unique group of salts that he believes can reduce the harmful effects of toxins - which is why celery has many health benefits.

Support comes from many celebrities and influencers who share his vision of celery juice as a cure-all.

What are the purported health benefits of celery juice?

Here are the many unsubstantiated claims about celery juice that people claim it can:

  • Reverse inflammation caused by conditions such as arthritis and gout

  • Alternative Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

  • Treats migraines, chronic pain and digestive disorders

  • Heals skin conditions

  • clean colon

  • Help lose weight

  • Cure autoimmune diseases

  • lower blood sugar

What does science say about celery juice?

There are no studies showing whether celery juice has the health benefits popularized by the media.

A study in mice found that fermented celery juice can help treat metabolic disorders associated with obesity. But commercial celery juice is not fermented, unlike humans and mice.

There are some studies using celery leaf extract to see if it can help promote heart health or control insulin levels . But the study was small. Concentrated celery extract in capsule form is different from the celery juice you buy at the store or make yourself.

As for the "cluster salts" in celery, this is a term coined by William and has no scientific definition.

Celery does contain some phytochemicals , such as apigenin and luteolin. They may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. But this has only been confirmed in laboratory studies, so we need more research to know for sure.

What do you think of celery juice?

Celery is rich in many healthy nutrients, but specific research on celery juice in humans is limited. For example, an antioxidant called luteolin in celery may reduce inflammation in animals , but its [anti-inflammatory effect] has not been found in humans.

There's not enough evidence to show that drinking celery juice controls inflammatory or autoimmune diseases any better than simply eating a balanced diet .

Chewing whole vegetables is always the best way to digest them and get more nutrients from your food.

There's not enough evidence to suggest it provides any greater benefit than simply following a healthy, balanced diet.

While celery juice does contain plenty of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, most claims about what celery juice does for the body are not supported by scientific research.

What about the fiber in celery?

Juicing removes fiber from fruits and vegetables, a nutrient that many Americans don't get enough of. It is recommended to consume the whole vegetable or fruit to provide greater benefits than juicing may provide.

So, is celery juice good for you?

As part of an overall healthy diet, it can. But as for the exaggerated health claims that it’s a miracle drink?

The most beneficial reason to drink celery juice is to rehydrate. It is also rich in nutrients and is a good alternative to sugary drinks .

However, celery juice should not be used to replace proper medical care for health problems.

In fact, if you're taking medications to treat blood clots (such as Coumadin ), it's best to talk to your healthcare provider before adding too much celery juice to your daily diet. This is because celery juice contains vitamin K, which can make blood clotting medications less effective.

bottom line

There is no clinical evidence to support the purported health benefits of celery juice, and no one food is a cure-all. That said, if you like the taste of celery juice, there's no harm in drinking it. But you'll get the most benefits by focusing on whole, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. These are better options for reducing the risk of different health conditions and getting the nutrients you need.


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