
What is rutin?

Rutin is a bioflavonoid, or plant pigment, found in certain vegetables and fruits. Apples are rich in rutin. Buckwheat, most citrus fruits, figs, and black and green tea also contain rutin.

Rutin has powerful antioxidant properties. It also helps your body produce collagen and use vitamin C. You can add rutin to your diet by eating foods that contain it or taking it in supplement form.

Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no guidance on the use of rutin due to a lack of research, this bioflavonoid is commonly used in medicine. It is included in more than 130 registered therapeutic pharmaceutical preparations. It is also believed to have many health benefits.

Help blood circulation

Traditionally, rutin has long been used to aid circulation. Rutin is thought to help strengthen and increase the flexibility of blood vessels, such as arteries and capillaries.

Strengthening blood vessels can improve your overall health. This may help relieve related conditions, including bruises, spider veins, and varicose veins. There is also evidence that rutin can help treat hemorrhoids (caused by swollen veins) and recovery from hemorrhoid removal surgery.

Prevent blood clots

Studies show that rutin can prevent blood clots from forming in some animals. This suggests that rutin may reduce the risk of blood clots. Preventing blood clots can help reduce the chance of life-threatening diseases, such as:

  • heart disease
  • Stroke
  • pulmonary embolism
  • deep vein thrombosis

If you have a history of heart disease or blood clots, or are taking blood thinners, you need to discuss using rutin supplements with your doctor.

reduce cholesterol

There is enough evidence that rutin can help lower LDL cholesterol. In one study, diabetic patients with a history of high blood pressure took 500 milligrams (mg) of rutin once daily. The researchers found that participants' plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels decreased. Research shows that this is a result of rutin’s antioxidant properties.

Reduce arthritis pain

One of the common uses of rutin is to relieve arthritis pain. One study found that it helped curb oxidative stress in people with arthritis. This may be due to rutin’s strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. There is also evidence that rutin can improve knee function in some people with arthritis.

Potential Risks of Rutin

It is generally safe to eat fruits and vegetables rich in rutin. However, taking rutin supplements can cause side effects. These are often the result of ingesting higher and more concentrated doses. Some common side effects of taking rutin supplements include:

  • blurry vision
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Headache
  • flushing of skin
  • rash
  • nervous
  • changes in heartbeat
  • Knee effusion
  • rigid muscles
  • high white blood cell count

If you experience any of these side effects while taking rutin supplements, talk to your doctor. Side effects may decrease as your body adjusts to the supplement, but ask your doctor about risk factors first. If you develop any signs of an allergic reaction, stop taking the supplement immediately and seek medical advice.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take rutin supplements. There is not enough information to say it is safe for them. However, there is no harm in consuming this natural source of bioflavonoids.

Talk to your doctor about taking rutin supplements

The FDA does not regulate rutin. If you want to start taking rutin supplements, talk to your doctor first. Mixing supplements with certain medications may cause unwanted interactions or side effects. Your doctor should be able to advise you on these issues.

Also ask your doctor how much rutin you should take each day. The usual recommendation is 250 mg twice daily. Rutin is recommended for adults to treat osteoarthritis, 250 mg three times a day, or every 12 hours.

Add rutin to your diet

Rutin is naturally found in high amounts in foods such as buckwheat, asparagus, unpeeled apples, figs, black tea, green tea, and elderflower tea. Eating an apple or fig, or drinking a cup of green tea, can automatically introduce more rutin into your diet.

You can also incorporate more rutin-rich foods into your daily life with the following recipes:

  • Soba Salad
  • Oven roasted asparagus
  • Apple, Fig and Brussels Sprouts Salad

Before making any large-scale changes to your diet, you may want to consult your doctor to make sure your eating plan is healthy.

side effect

When taken orally: Rutin is usually obtained from fruits and vegetables. It is probably safe to take a rutin supplement of 600 mg daily for 12 weeks. Rutin is generally well tolerated. Side effects may include headache or stomach upset.

When applied to skin: Rutin may be safe when applied in skin creams.

Special notes and warnings

When taken orally: Rutin is usually obtained from fruits and vegetables. It is probably safe to take a rutin supplement of 600 mg daily for 12 weeks. Rutin is generally well tolerated. Side effects may include headache or stomach upset.

When applied to skin: Rutin may be safe when applied in skin creams. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Rutin is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. There is not enough reliable information to know whether rutin supplements are safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. Stay safe and follow the amounts in your food.

Surgery: Rutin may lower blood sugar in some people. Rutin may interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using rutin at least two weeks before scheduled surgery.


Diabetes Medications (Antidiabetic Medications) Interact with Rutin Rutin may lower blood sugar levels. Taking rutin with diabetes medications may cause your blood sugar to drop too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely.


Rutin is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. In supplements, there is not enough reliable information to know the appropriate dosage of rutin. Keep in mind that natural products are not always safe, and dosage matters. Always follow the instructions on the product label and consult a health care professional before use.


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