蝦紅素- 用途、副作用、和更多

What is astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is one of the most popular antioxidant supplements out there—and for good reason. Not only is it an antioxidant, it also has anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a host of other health benefits.

Astaxanthin is part of the carotenoid micronutrient group and has a unique reddish color. Early research suggests that astaxanthin may help speed up the treatment of complex diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Potential Benefits of Astaxanthin


As you probably know, antioxidants are good for you. Astaxanthin's antioxidant properties are a major source of this supplement's health claims and benefits, especially when used to help treat cancer.

It has been linked to improved blood flow and reduced oxidative stress in smokers and overweight people. Comparative studies of astaxanthin and other carotenoids have shown that it exhibits the highest antioxidant activity against free radicals.


Due to its antioxidant properties, astaxanthin has been extensively studied on how it can help treat various cancers. Breast cancer treatment has short- and long-term benefits, including reducing the growth of breast cancer cells, a study found.

The high cost of purified astaxanthin limits its use in further research and cancer treatment.


Astaxanthin can be used topically to promote skin health. A 2012 study showed that a combination of topical and oral doses of astaxanthin can help smooth wrinkles, shrink age spots and help keep skin hydrated. Positive results were obtained in both men and women, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.

Exercise supplement

There have been many studies on how astaxanthin affects endurance and fatigue levels after exercise. Studies in mice show that it improves the body's use of fatty acids, aids endurance, and protects against muscle and bone damage.

However, evidence of its effects on human locomotion has so far been lacking. One study in human subjects found that astaxanthin supplementation had no muscle-damage-related benefits during exercise.

heart health

Researchers are also looking into claims that astaxanthin may benefit heart health. A 2006 study examined the effects of astaxanthin in rats with high blood pressure, suggesting it may help improve elastin levels and artery wall thickness.

Other claims include that astaxanthin can prevent heart disease and help lower cholesterol, but there is not enough evidence to support these uses.

joint pain

Astaxanthin may also show promise in treating joint pain, including conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (which affects nearly one in five Americans) and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, results so far have been mixed.

Some studies show that astaxanthin may be able to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. However, one study on the relationship between astaxanthin and carpal tunnel syndrome found no evidence to support this claim.

male fertility

In one study, astaxanthin showed positive effects on male fertility. Over three months, the double-blind study examined 30 men who had previously suffered from infertility.

The researchers found that the group that received high doses of astaxanthin had improved sperm parameters and increased fertility. Since this was a relatively small study, more evidence and research is needed to support this claim.

Get some salmon in your belly

While some of these health claims are inconclusive, you can be sure that as an antioxidant, astaxanthin is good for you.

To benefit from its antioxidant properties, try eating salmon once or twice a week. For example, grilled salmon is perfect for a light dinner.

Choose whole foods as your first choice for getting the nutrients you need. Astaxanthin is available in supplement form, but the FDA does not monitor the manufacture or sale of supplements or herbal remedies.

side effect

When taken orally : Astaxanthin is found in certain foods and is usually consumed in small amounts in the diet . Astaxanthin is probably safe when taken as a supplement. Doses of 4-18 mg daily have been used for up to 12 weeks. Taking astaxanthin may cause increased bowel movements and reddish stool color. High doses of astaxanthin may cause stomach pain.

Special notes and warnings

When taken orally : Astaxanthin is found in certain foods and is usually consumed in small amounts in the diet . Astaxanthin is probably safe when taken as a supplement. Doses of 4-18 mg daily have been used for up to 12 weeks. Taking astaxanthin may cause increased bowel movements and reddish stool color. High doses of astaxanthin may cause stomach pain. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding : There is not enough reliable information to know whether astaxanthin is safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding . Stay safe and avoid using more than what is found in food.

Moderate interaction

Use this combination with caution

  • Liver-altering drugs (cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) substrates) interact with astaxanthin

    Some medications can be broken down by changes in the liver. Astaxanthin may change how quickly the liver breaks down these medications. This may change the effects and side effects of these drugs.

  • Liver-altering drugs (cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates) interact with astaxanthin

    Some medications can be broken down by changes in the liver. Astaxanthin may change how quickly the liver breaks down these medications. This may change the effects and side effects of these drugs.


Astaxanthin is most commonly used in adults, taking 4-18 mg orally daily for up to 12 weeks. Talk to your healthcare provider to find out the dose that is best for your specific situation.


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