
Trenbolone acetate is an androgenic and anabolic steroid drug (AAS) used in veterinary medicine, particularly to improve livestock profitability by promoting muscle growth in cattle.

Side effects of trenbolone acetate include virilizing symptoms such as acne, increased body hair growth, scalp hair loss, voice changes, and increased libido. The drug is a synthetic androgenic and anabolic steroid and therefore an agonist of the androgen receptor, the biological target of androgens such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

It has strong anabolic and highly androgenic effects, as well as potent progestogenic and weak glucocorticoid effects. Trenbolone acetate is an androgen ester and a prodrug of short-acting trenbolone in the body.

Trenbolone acetate was discovered in 1963 and introduced for veterinary use in the early 1970s. In addition to veterinary uses, trenbolone acetate is also used to improve physical fitness and performance and is purchased from black market suppliers. The drug is a controlled substance in many countries, so non-veterinary use is often illegal.

  • CAS number 10161-34-9
  • Chemical formula C20H24O3

Is trenbolone acetate legal in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom?

When it comes to something as potent as trenbolone acetate, there's always the inevitable question: Is it legal? The legal status of anabolic steroids varies depending on which country you live in. In the UK, steroids are legal for personal use, but the legal status is slightly different in the US and Australia, as they are considered illegal without a prescription.


veterinary use

In the livestock industry, trenbolone acetate is commonly known as Finaplix. It was specifically developed to boost androgens and increase muscle mass in cattle. Due to its properties, this allows the livestock to grow as much muscle as possible before being transported to the slaughterhouse. Due to the widespread use of trenbolone acetate in the veterinary field, it is common to find traces of trenbolone metabolites in cattle around the world.

non-medical use


Trenbolone acetate has never been approved for use in humans.

However, trenbolone acetate has been used by athletes and bodybuilders for decades as a body-building and performance-enhancing drug. As a bodybuilder, there are many benefits to using Trenbolone Acetate as an AAS. Unlike testosterone, trenbolone acetate does not cause any fluid retention while increasing muscle mass. This can make bodybuilders look leaner, which is why it's more commonly used when preparing for competitive events. Trenbolone acetate is not converted into estrogenic metabolites and therefore does not produce estrogenic side effects.

Trenbolone Acetate in Hollywood and Some of the Celebrities Who Use It

Trenbolone acetate has achieved star-studded status not only for its role in the fitness industry, but also for the buzz it's generated in Hollywood. The need for a perfect body that comes with fame often leads celebrities to explore how to look their best, and Tren Ace is known to be on the list.

According to reports, several celebrities have turned to Tren Ace for help in achieving the physical transformation required to play specific roles. Hollywood actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is known for his incredible physique and has been linked to the use of Terron Ace.

Likewise, the bodies of actors such as Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger have fueled speculation about their use of this powerful bodybuilding supplement.

side effect

Like other AAS, trenbolone acetate has many side effects. Trenbolone acetate's strong androgenic properties contribute to its masculinizing tendencies, which is why it is not recommended for women to use for physical enhancement or performance purposes. The side effects of trenbolone acetate are similar to those of other AAS; however, trenbolone acetate specifically causes negative side effects as follows.


Trenbolone acetate has androgenic activity. Given the androgenic properties of Trenbolone, common side effects of AAS use include oily skin, acne, seborrhea, increased facial/body hair growth, and accelerated scalp hair loss. These side effects largely depend on the individual's genetics and may not always occur in everyone. Men who are prone to hair loss-related conditions are more likely to be permanently bald after using trenbolone acetate. Women may develop a deeper voice, hairiness, enlargement and virilization of the clitoris.


Trenbolone acetate contributes significantly to muscle mass and feed efficiency; however, taking AAS inhibits natural testosterone production; it has the potential to cause hypogonadism. This is a common effect of all AAS; the only difference is the degree to which they inhibit compared to others.


Administration of any AAS may cause cardiovascular problems. Trenbolone acetate has a strong negative effect on cholesterol by suppressing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and increasing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Trenbolone acetate has a stronger negative effect on cholesterol levels than oral AAS. This negative effect is even more severe with injectable AAS, especially trenbolone acetate.

estrogen and progesterone

Trenbolone in any form, including trenbolone acetate, has no estrogenic effects. Because, unlike testosterone, this AAS does not have estrogenic effects, excessive fluid retention is not possible. However, due to trenbolone's potent progesterone activity, gynecomastia, which is characterized by the development and swelling of breast tissue, is still possible. Progesterone activity stimulates estrogenic mechanisms, as trenbolone acetate and its compounds bind with high affinity to progesterone receptors. It is thought that gynecomastia caused by trenbolone use is due to the accumulation of the hormone prolactin; however, various studies have concluded that it is trenbolone's progesterone activity that promotes this condition, rather than prolactin. Trenbolone can also negatively affect blood pressure, but it does not appear to negatively affect most healthy adult men in this way.


Trenbolone acetate was first synthesized in 1963 and was approved by the livestock industry as a growth promoter for beef cattle in the early 1970s. During first administration, trenbolone acetate is sold under the names Finajet and Finaject. The original manufacturer of trenbolone acetate discontinued production in the late 1980s and began producing a synthetic subcutaneous granule called Finaplix. These pellets are designed to increase muscle mass and lean tissue in cattle prior to slaughter to improve livestock profitability.

The drug appears to have been an early development project by the French pharmaceutical company Roussel Uclaf, and by the early 1970s it was sold as an injection. There are many trenbolone esters, but trenbolone acetate is the only one known to be produced by a manufacturer of veterinary AAS.

Trenbolone acetate became popular among bodybuilders and athletes in the early 1980s. During this period, AAS was shipped illegally from Europe in large quantities. Although trenbolone acetate was very popular for a short time, large quantities of it were discontinued in 1987. The decision was based on public concerns about doping in sports and its negative impact on athletes.

society and culture

common name

Trenbolone acetate is the generic name of this drug and its USANTooltip US adopted name, USPTooltip US Pharmacopeia and BANMTooltip UK approved name.

brand name

Trenbolone acetate is or has been sold separately for veterinary use under the tradenames Component TH, Component TS, Finaject, Finajet, Finaplix-H and Finaplix-S. It is or has been sold in combination with estradiol or estradiol benzoate for veterinary use under the brand names Revalor and Synovex.

Distribution and supervision

In most countries, it is illegal to use AAS for any other purpose or without a doctor's prescription. The use of regulated AAS is prohibited by major sports and bodybuilding organizations, and in many countries, including the United States and Australia, possession or trafficking of the drug can result in arrest or conviction for drug trafficking. However, in the UK, it is not illegal to possess AAS for personal use as a fitness supplement, but it is still illegal to sell AAS without a valid medical license or justification.

Doping in sports

Regardless of its legality, AAS is still banned by most sports leagues in the country, which regularly conduct drug testing to find any AAS users. There are known cases of doping in sport by professional athletes using trenbolone acetate.


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