
Why drink cantaloupe juice?

Cantaloupe has a high water content. So it’s perfect for juicing. Fresh juices are easy to digest and are a great way to help your body absorb nutrients quickly.

In the hot summer, a cup of refreshing ice-cold drink is the best choice to relieve the heat. Cantaloupe juice tastes fresh, sweet and delicious. This is the perfect refreshing drink to beat the summer heat.

If that’s not enough reason to drink cantaloupe juice, cantaloupe juice has many great health benefits too!

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe Juice

Cantaloupe is one of the most nutritious fruits. They are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, folate, zinc, potassium and magnesium. They even contain small amounts of calcium and iron.

Cantaloupes are particularly high in vitamin C, which makes them great for supporting healthy immune function. Just one cup of cantaloupe juice provides more than 100% of your daily vitamin C needs. In addition to orange juice, there is another immune-boosting juice!

Cantaloupe is naturally low in calories, so you can still enjoy a cup even if you're on a strict diet.

Drinking a glass of cantaloupe juice is a great way to rehydrate after exercise. Instead of drinking sports drinks with added sugar, artificial flavors and colors, try refreshing and healthy cantaloupe juice.

Where to buy cantaloupe juice

You can buy fresh cantaloupe juice from juice bars and specialty grocery stores like Whole Foods Market. You can sometimes find it in regular grocery stores, although it's not as common as many other juices.

Bottled cantaloupe juice offers many of the same health benefits as fresh cantaloupe juice, but you should check the label to be aware of added ingredients you may want to avoid, such as sugar and artificial preservatives.

How to Make Your Own Cantaloupe Juice

If you can't find cantaloupe juice at the store, it's easy to make your own at home. So easy, you'll wonder why you didn't try it sooner!

How to Juice Cantaloupe

Making fresh cantaloupe juice at home is easy and fast with a juicer.

Start by peeling the cantaloupe and removing the seeds. Next, cut it into chunks the size of a blender. If you wish, you can leave some of the zest to add to the juicer. The peel actually contains many beneficial nutrients but is often discarded.

Follow the instructions on your juicer and drink the juice immediately for maximum benefits. You can also pour the juice into a cup, cover it, and store it in the refrigerator for later use.

What if I don’t have a juicer?

If you don’t have a juicer, no worries! Even if you don't have a juicer, you can still make cantaloupe juice at home.

After peeling and chopping, place the cantaloupe cubes in a blender or food processor. Add a little water to thin out the juice or blend the cantaloupe on its own.

Blend until smooth, then strain the juice through a fine-mesh sieve. You can also drink juice directly to get more fiber. The texture of unfiltered cantaloupe juice is somewhat like a melted smoothie.

Does cantaloupe juice need sweetener?

You can add a sweetener like sugar, maple syrup, or homemade simple syrup if you like, but cantaloupe is naturally sweet and tastes just as good without any sweetener.

How to enjoy cantaloupe juice

One of the best ways to enjoy cantaloupe juice is by drinking it on its own. If you don't get enough, you can drink cantaloupe juice from a glass or pitcher. The taste is slightly sweet and very refreshing.

Another way to enjoy cantaloupe juice is to mix it with other juices. Cantaloupe juice pairs well with juices from other melons, such as honeydew and watermelon. You can also mix it with other fruit and vegetable juices, such as pineapple, orange, celery or carrot juice.

Cantaloupe juice is also a great addition to smoothies and cocktails. Try one of the following combinations for a refreshing drink with all the health benefits of nutritious cantaloupe juice.


  • Ginger Lime Cantaloupe Juice
  • Orange, cucumber and carrot cantaloupe juice
  • Easy Cantaloupe Smoothie

How to choose the perfect cantaloupe

If you're making cantaloupe juice at home, you'll want to start with sweet, ripe cantaloupe. If you’re not sure how to pick the best cantaloupe, I have some tips for you!

Isn’t it the worst thing to pick out a fresh melon, then go home and cut it open only to find that it’s underripe, overripe, or just plain bland and overall bad?

These tips will help you avoid this problem and help you pick out sweet, ripe cantaloupes every time.

Color: Cantaloupe should be a nice beige-gold color. Not green.

Stem marks: Find where the stem attaches to the fruit. Scars on the stem indicate that the cantaloupe was picked when ripe. Leaving a stem on means the cantaloupe was picked before it was ripe and wouldn't be as sweet.

Texture: The skin should be rough and very firm to the touch. If the surface of the cantaloupe is smooth, it means it is not yet ripe. If the surface is soft when pressed lightly, it means it is ripe.


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