
What affects penis health?

Many different factors can affect penis health. What we mean by “penis health” is:

  • your ability to urinate comfortably
  • your ability to get or maintain an erection
  • your fertility

Penile health also includes avoiding certain health conditions, such as penile cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.

The following factors can affect penis health:

hormone levels

Erectile dysfunction ( ED) can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, such as low testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels can be caused by many different factors, which we will discuss in this article.


As you age, you are more likely to develop sexual dysfunction such as ED. Part of this is because your testosterone levels naturally decline over time.

Health status

High blood pressure, diabetes, and certain neurological conditions can cause ED. Psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression can also exacerbate ED.


If you want to have sex without a condom, make sure you and your partner get tested regularly for STIs or be in a monogamous relationship with someone who doesn't have an STI.

Otherwise, using a condom correctly every time you have sex is the only way to reduce your risk.

Rough sex can also damage your penis. For example, pulling back the foreskin suddenly can tear it. Accidental bending of the erect penis may result in traumatic penile fracture.


Certain medications may increase the risk of ED. If you think your medications are causing ED or other sexual dysfunction, talk to your doctor or other health care provider.


Maintaining good hygiene is vital to your health. Wash your penis and groin area frequently to keep it clean.

Poor hygiene can lead to the buildup of smegma, an oily, foul-smelling, and irritating substance found underneath the foreskin.

If smegma accumulates, it may cause inflammation of the adjacent skin. This can be uncomfortable and can lead to balanitis, a condition in which the hair on the penis becomes red and inflamed.

Even if the penis is circumcised, suboptimal hygiene can lead to penile irritation and inflammation, including balanitis.


Penis health requires a holistic approach. In other words, taking care of all aspects of general health is important for penile health. This is especially important because a range of different health conditions can affect your fertility and penile health.

stay hydrated

Moisture is important for your overall health as well as the health of your penis. There may be a link between dehydration and ED, so try to drink around two liters of water a day.

Balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet is key to helping you reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease, both of which can cause ED.

In 2016, Trusted Source conducted a study of 25,096 subjects that examined the relationship between ED and flavonoids, which are primarily found in vegetables and fruits.

Researchers found that subjects who regularly consumed flavonoids were less likely to develop ED.

Certain foods can also increase your testosterone levels and improve your fertility. This includes:

  • spinach
  • Spicy foods containing capsaicin
  • avocado
  • exercise regularly

Moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of ED.

A 2015 study looked at people with ED who had recently had a myocardial infarction (commonly called a heart attack). Studies have found that a walking program at home can reduce ED.

Try to exercise at least a few times a week - even an occasional brisk walk can improve penile health.

pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises are often associated with vaginal health, but they can help everyone.

These exercises can improve your ability to get and maintain an erection and prevent post-urination dribbling.

A small 2005 study of 55 ED patients found that pelvic exercises helped 40 percent of participants regain normal erectile function.

Another 35.5% said that although they had not fully returned to normal function, their overall erectile function did improve.

You can perform basic Kegel exercises by squeezing the muscles used to urinate. Squeeze for five seconds, relax, and repeat for 10 rounds. Finally, gradually increase to 20 times. Do this two to three times a day.

maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease, all of which can affect your penile health.

Practice stress management

Practicing stress management can be very beneficial to your overall health and the health of your penis.

Stress and anxiety can affect your sexual performance and fertility. Stress also increases the chances of cardiovascular disease, which can lead to ED.

Stress management techniques include:

  • Take a deep breath
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • write diary
  • meditation
  • Maintain sleep hygiene

Sleep is important for the health of your blood vessels, which can affect your ability to get an erection.

There appears to be a link between obstructive sleep apnea and ED, possibly because sleep deprivation can lead to low testosterone levels and other hormonal imbalances.

avoid smoking

Smoking is closely related to ED.

A 2013 study suggested that this may be because smoking disrupts the heart's autonomic function, which can lead to ED.

Smoking also reduces your fertility.

If available, drink alcohol in moderation

Like tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to many health problems that can affect the health of your penis.

How to clean your penis

You can wash your vagina with warm water and mild, unscented soap. Do not use harsh soaps or scrub the area too hard as sensitive skin in the area may be irritated.

Make sure you:

Wash the skin around the mounds and base of the penis, as well as the skin between the thighs and mounds. Sweat will collect here.

  • Clean the base of the penis.
  • If you have a foreskin, gently pull it back and clean it. This helps prevent the buildup of smegma, which can lead to conditions like balanitis.
  • Wash the scrotum and the skin around it.
  • Clean the perineum (the skin between the scrotum and anus).
  • Clean around the anus and between the butt cheeks.
  • It's best to wash your penis every time you take a shower.

While bathing, check the skin around your groin for signs of STIs. This includes:

  • Abnormal discharge
  • rash
  • blister
  • wart

How to groom your pubic hair

Some people like grooming their pubic hair, some don't. It's your decision whether or not to groom your pubic hair.

If you want to remove or trim your pubic hair, keep your skin type in mind. This will help you avoid razor burn and other discomfort.


Shaving is a painless way to remove hair. It's important to take certain precautions to avoid rashes.

Shave in the direction of hair growth. Use shaving cream when shaving and apply cortisone cream after shaving to reduce irritation.

Never share your razor with others and disinfect it before use. If you use a disposable razor, replace it frequently.

Waxing or threading

Hair removal involves applying warm wax to the skin and pulling the hair out of the follicle.

Threading involves wrapping thread around the hair and pulling it out from the root.

Waxing and threading can be uncomfortable – it all depends on your personal pain tolerance.

These removal methods can cause swelling and rash if not done properly.

You can reduce the risk of discomfort with professional waxing or threading.

chemical hair removal

Hair removal creams break down the proteins in the hair and wash it away.

Although it is an effective method of hair removal, some people find that hair removal creams can irritate their skin.

You should not use these creams if you have sensitive skin or are allergic to chemicals.

If you use hair removal cream, do not apply it directly to your penis.


If you don't want to completely remove the hair, you can trim it with scissors or an electric trimmer.

Be sure to sterilize your scissors before and after use. You can only use these scissors for grooming—using them for other tasks may spread germs.

How to prevent sexually transmitted infections

There are many ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a trusted source, recommends that everyone get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine around age 11 or 12.

Doing this at a young age (before becoming sexually active) ensures that you are protected before being exposed to the HPV virus.

But if you weren't vaccinated as a child, you may still benefit from vaccinations as an adult. Talk to your doctor or other health care provider to learn more.

Get tested after each new partner

Many STIs are asymptomatic, meaning you won't have any noticeable symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to get tested before having sex with a new partner. Both you and your partner should get tested.

If you or a partner are infected, you may be able to take certain precautions to prevent the virus from spreading between you.

For example, if you are infected with HIV, your partner can take Truvada (pre-exposure prophylaxis, also called PrEP) to help prevent infection.

Use a condom every time you have sex

Using a condom every time you have sex (oral, vaginal, or anal) is the best way to help prevent certain STIs.

If you don't want to use a condom, make sure that neither you nor your partner has any sexually transmitted infections.

If you suspect you have an STI, don't panic. Most are treatable and are nothing to be ashamed of. Talk to a health care provider. They will help you find the cause of your symptoms and advise you on next steps.

When to see a doctor

Ideally, you should see your doctor once a year for a penis exam.

Otherwise, you should seek medical assistance if you:

  • bruises on penis
  • Yellow, green, or other abnormal penile discharge
  • swelling or inflammation of the penis
  • Blisters, rashes, warts, or sores on or near the penis
  • Burning sensation, pain, or bleeding when urinating or ejaculating
  • pain during intercourse
  • pain during erection
  • Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection

Check your groin regularly for signs of infection and other conditions.

If you have any concerns, please always consult your healthcare provider. They can help put your mind at ease and advise on next steps.


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