
Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) come in many names and shapes. It is called Ganoderma lucidum, Shenzhi, Zhicao, Xiancao, Ruicao and Sanxiu . As an herb, its neutral properties make it easy to incorporate into your daily diet. You'll find it in the form of Reishi. Powders, capsules, serums and teas.

It also has health benefits. There’s a good reason why Ganoderma is so valuable. It's made up of active nutrients that help support your overall health in six ways.

6 facts about Ganoderma lucidum

Like most mushrooms, reishi is composed of a variety of bioactive molecules. The three major molecules are polysaccharides, peptidoglycan, and triterpenes. Polysaccharides and triterpenes are responsible for the healing powers of Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms.

Polysaccharides have been reported to have anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer effects. It also lowers blood sugar, fights tumor formation and strengthens the body's immunity. Meanwhile, the triterpenoids in Ganoderma are thought to lower bad cholesterol and act as antioxidants. Ganoderma lucidum contains more than 170 kinds of triterpenoids.

1. Enhance immunity

When your body is attacked by an antigen, it releases allergic reaction mediators, causing allergies and even an excessive immune response. The result is autoimmune diseases such as asthma attacks, allergic rhinitis, and immunopathological damage.

Ganoderma lucidum has been shown to block the release of allergic reaction mediators and prevent the onset of allergies. It can also suppress an overactive immune system, maintain the activity and stability of immune cells, and regulate immune system function.

2. Acts as an antioxidant

Studies in animals have found that polysaccharides can mimic the effects of superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme. This enzyme helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells and prevents tissue damage. Reports also show that polysaccharides can protect immune cells from oxidative damage, promote metabolism and promote anti-aging.

3. Prevent cancer

Studies in animals suggest that polysaccharides and triterpenoids may have chemopreventive and/or tumoricidal effects. What's more, although research is still lacking, there is evidence that reishi exhibits similar results in humans.

In addition, by boosting the immune system, Ganoderma can stimulate the production of interleukins, interferons and natural killer cells, thereby destroying cancer cells. Ganoderma lucidum can also promote the secretion of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), causing tumor necrosis and inhibiting tumor growth.

4. Protect the liver

Several studies have found that polysaccharides have a protective effect on the liver. It improves cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and enhances healing and detoxification.

5. Reduce cholesterol

Triterpenoids have the effect of lowering blood lipids. In some studies, it was found that lipid peroxidation was reduced after treatment with mushrooms.

Ganoderma can regulate cholesterol, fasting blood sugar and triglycerides in the body. Because it helps dilate microvessels and promotes microcirculation, it may reduce symptoms of type 2 diabetes, such as peripheral nerve palsy and gangrene.

6. Keep your heart healthy

A study published in the book "Reishi and Health" examined the protective effects of reishi on the cardiovascular system. The results suggest it has the potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is due to its ability to reduce lipid and oxidative damage.

Reishi mushroom is an effective ingredient for human health, but there are some things to keep in mind.

Its nutritional content may vary from different Ganoderma supplements. The most valuable part of reishi is its spores, but some supplements can use other parts of the mushroom, such as the mycelium and fruiting bodies.

One precaution is that reishi may cause side effects if it's not suitable for you. Research shows that eating high doses of mushrooms before or during surgery may increase the risk of bleeding in some people.

Not recommended for people who are pregnant, nursing, taking certain medications, or have bleeding problems. Be sure to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner or medical professional for guidance before consuming Ganoderma lucidum.


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