
Verbena officinalis, also known as common verbena or common verbena, is a flowering perennial plant native to Europe and Asia. Alternative practitioners believe it provides many health benefits. The plant is characterized by its serrated, toothed leaves and clusters of delicate lavender or lavender flowers.

Verbena is rich in plant compounds called flavonoids, which are thought to have potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Some even believe that verbena has anti-tumor properties that could help fight cancer.

Verbena uses

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic properties of Verbena. People use verbena to relieve anxiety and depression, pain, sleep problems, and reduce the risk of cancer.

As with many homeopathic remedies, some health claims are better supported by research than others.

anxiety and depression

Verbenin in verbena is an iridoid glycoside known for its sedative effects, sparking some research on the herb's potential to reduce anxiety and depression.

An animal study showed that mice receiving a dose of 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg) of verbena extract had the highest anti-anxiety effects measured through maze movement. However, at higher doses (300 mg/kg), the effects were diminished, possibly due to the sedative effects of higher doses.

Additionally, an animal study evaluated the antidepressant effects of verbena. Researchers found that rats that took 200 mg/kg of verbena extract orally showed an antidepressant effect, which was manifested in a significant reduction in immobility time and an increase in activity time. The amount of light consumed, and the number of squares that enter the center maze.

Because the researchers conducted these studies on rodents, it's uncertain whether the results will be similar to humans. Therefore, more research is needed.


The sedative effects of compounds in verbena have also prompted research into the plant's potential to help with insomnia.

In the study mentioned above, researchers studied the sedative properties of verbena. When the researchers gave mice verbena extract at doses of 50-300 mg/kg, they noticed that the sedative effects increased with increasing doses. Mice treated with verbena took less time to fall asleep and stayed asleep longer.
Because the researchers conducted the study in mice, it's unclear whether these benefits would transfer to humans. Therefore, more research is needed.

epileptic seizure

The sedative properties of verbena compounds have once again prompted research into the herb's anticonvulsant potential.

In the study mentioned above, the researchers also examined the anticonvulsant activity of verbena in mice. The researchers noted that mice receiving 100-500 mg/kg of verbena extract experienced a dose-dependent response. Additionally, mice given verbena had delayed onset and shortened duration of tonic-clonic seizures.

As with other findings, it's unclear whether the same benefits apply to humans. Therefore, more research is needed.


Treating infectious diseases is becoming increasingly challenging due to growing antibiotic resistance. The antimicrobial properties of verbena have prompted research into the role this herb may play in overcoming these challenges.

In one study, researchers examined the antibacterial potential of verbena. Scientists evaluated the resistance of different parts of verbena to 24 pathogenic bacteria. According to research:

  • An extract derived from the stems of a medicinal plant was more effective than the antibiotic amoxicillin in killing Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in test tubes.
  • Likewise, the leaves of this plant showed considerable activity against Citrobacter freundii.
  • This root has proven to be very effective against Bacillus subtilis.

This study was conducted in test tubes, so more research is needed to see if the same results would occur in humans.

colorectal cancer

The flavonoid antioxidants contained in verbena can reduce oxidation and genetic mutations. Therefore, some researchers have studied this herb's anticancer potential, specifically colorectal cancer.

A laboratory study investigated how polysaccharides extracted from verbena affect colorectal cancer cells. The researchers found that verbena polysaccharide extract significantly inhibited cell invasion and migration and significantly reduced cell adhesion.


In addition to the potential health benefits listed above, some people use verbena to support:

  • Headache
  • general pain
  • Digestive dysfunction
  • upper respiratory tract symptoms

There is little research to support these uses.

What are the side effects of verbena?

Your healthcare provider may recommend verbena for stress relief or sleep. However, consuming herbs like verbena can have potential side effects. Common side effects are usually mild, but serious side effects are possible.

Common side effects

The FDA considers verbena to be a "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) food. Most people who take it experience few side effects, including:

  • Indigestion and bloating
  • contact dermatitis
  • localized rash and redness

To reduce the possibility of an allergic reaction, apply a little to your skin before using verbena tincture and wait an hour to see if a rash develops.

serious side effects

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that, although rare, can occur to any substance. Signs of an allergic reaction include:

  • itching
  • rash
  • swelling
  • respite
  • lose consciousness
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea
  • Blushed

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening medical emergency. Therefore, if you notice any symptoms, seek emergency medical care.


Little is known about the long-term safety of verbena supplements. Therefore, the following people should avoid using verbena:

  • people with kidney disease
  • children
  • People who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • people with serious illness

Additionally, verbena may interact with medications or other supplements. Discuss any supplements you take with your healthcare provider to avoid possible interactions.

How much verbena should I take?

Always check with your healthcare provider before taking supplements to make sure the supplement and dosage are appropriate for your individual needs.

Because the FDA does not regulate herbal medicines, there are no guidelines for the appropriate use of verbena to treat disease. Capsule dosages range from 150 mg to 1,000 mg.

In animal studies, the following doses were used:

  • 200 mg/kg for treating depression
  • 100–300 mg/kg relieves anxiety
  • 50–300 mg/kg during sleep
  • Seizures 100–500 mg/kg

Traditional Chinese herbal medicine and other folk remedies vary in quality. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, some herbal products are safe, but others are not.

For example, some products do not contain listed ingredients. Additionally, some analysts report that products are contaminated with:

  • Undeclared plant or animal material
  • drug
  • pesticide
  • heavy metal
  • wrong herb

Discussing verbena with your healthcare provider can ensure you choose a reputable product and take the correct dosage.

How to Store Verbena

Store dried herbs in an airtight container at room temperature away from light. Discard after one year. Likewise, store capsules, tinctures, and powders in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. Again, discard after one year or as directed on the package.

Is verbena poisonous?

The verbena plant is non-toxic and is generally considered safe for food by the FDA. Still, herbal products are not regulated, and research on their long-term effects is limited. Therefore, toxicity may occur at higher doses or with long-term use.

What are the uses of verbena?

The herbal supplement verbena is used to relieve the following conditions:

  • aches and pains
  • anxiety
  • frustrated
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • upper respiratory tract infection
  • urinary tract infection

It has also been studied for use in controlling epileptic seizures and preventing cancer. However, there is limited evidence supporting the use of verbena to prevent or treat any disease.

What are the side effects of verbena supplements?

Verbena supplements have few side effects, the most common being indigestion and gas. Additionally, for some people, touching the verbena plant may cause a rash.

Who should not take verbena?

People with kidney disease should not take verbena because the chemicals in this herb can irritate the kidneys and cause inflammation. People and children who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also not take verbena supplements, as little is known about its long-term safety.


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