
What is watermelon?

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a fruit-producing vine in the Cucurbitaceae family, closely related to pumpkins and cucumbers. Each watermelon tendril produces an edible fruit called a "pepo," which is round or oval when ripe and has a protective rind or rind that hides the hard flesh inside. Traditionally, the exterior of a watermelon displays distinctive green stripes of alternating green and light green, while the interior flesh ranges in color from pink to bright pink to red. However, there are also yellow watermelons.

Unlike oranges and other similar citrus fruits, watermelons produce divided parts to carry the seeds, and watermelon seeds are scattered randomly throughout the pulp in small white dots called pits. Growers and home gardeners have developed many watermelon varieties for high yields, disease resistance, and seed elimination. Seedless watermelons actually contain triploid (three sets of chromosomes) white seeds that are edible and softer than the larger black seeds of seeded watermelons. Both seeded and hybrid seedless watermelons are lower in sugar and higher in vitamins and nutrients, including lycopene.

watermelon varieties

Consider growing these popular watermelon varieties in your home garden or small family farm:

  1. 1. "Black Diamond" : This heirloom variety takes about three months to develop mature, heavy fruit that can weigh up to 50 pounds. A warm climate and acidic, well-drained soil help these plants thrive and produce abundant fruit. These melons have a dark green rind and dark red flesh containing large, black seeds.
  2. 2. "Charleston Gray" : This seeded watermelon is oval in shape and light green on the outside. The USDA developed the variety in 1954. At the time, scientists were selectively breeding watermelon varieties to create plants that were more resistant to disease. Because watermelon plants grow close to each other, this means that plant diseases like Fusarium wilt or anthracnose can spread quickly. and destroy the entire crop.
  3. 3. "Crimson Sweet" : Similar to "Allsweet" watermelon and other picnic watermelons, "Crimson Sweet" is juicy and has a higher sugar content than most melons. This sweet watermelon has a medium, light green rind with dark green stripes.
  4. 4. "Desert King" : This type of watermelon produces pepo fruits with yellow or orange flesh and light green thin skin. As its name suggests, "Desert King" thrives in dry, arid climates and is one of the most drought-tolerant watermelons in the world. These melons retain so much moisture that the inner flesh may be close to ninety percent water.
  5. 5. 'Jubilee' : Botanists developed this extra-large, extra-rectangular variety in 1963 at the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. 'Jubilee' watermelon is more resistant to plant diseases than 'Charleston Gray'. Gardeners grow this watermelon for its reddish-pink flesh and juicy, sweet flavor.
  6. 6. 'Sugar Baby' : This variety belongs to the so-called refrigerator watermelon group, usually no more than 10 pounds - small enough to fit easily in the freezer. It is distinctly round in shape, with dark green skin and bright red flesh.
  7. 7. "Yellow Baby" : This watermelon has sweet, bright yellow flesh. Like other melons, 'Yellow Baby' is sensitive to cold temperatures and harsh weather.

3 Tips for Watermelon Plant Care

Consider these plant care techniques to help promote watermelon growth.

  1. 1. Check watermelon leaves and vines for signs of pests or bacterial diseases . Because watermelons are closely related to cucumbers and pumpkins, they are susceptible to the same bacterial infections that are often spread from one plant to another by predatory insects that feed on the leaves. Check your plants regularly for signs of wilting or discoloration, and treat any infections as soon as possible with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  2. 2. Spread a covering or blanket to protect the watermelons from low temperatures or frost . Watermelon is an extremely low-maintenance plant, and scientists have improved its resilience through selective breeding to resist certain diseases such as mildew or soft stem blight. However, all melons are susceptible to cold weather storms that can freeze the ground or flood the soil. You can spread mulch over the top of black plastic to insulate the taproot and regulate ground temperature for your spreading watermelon vine. Mulch will also prevent weeds from germinating around the root system.
  3. 3. Water around the main root in the morning to keep the surrounding soil moist . Watermelon leaves sprouting along the vine are prone to leaf scorch or wilting. To avoid this problem, water around the taproot until the soil feels moist and clumpy. Keep the leaves as dry as possible. Most watermelon plants require one to three inches of water per week.


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