
acetone in your body

Your body uses sugar, or glucose, for energy. After eating, insulin moves glucose from the blood to the cells. When your body doesn't produce enough insulin or you eat very few carbohydrates, you can't use glucose for fuel. So your body will burn fat.

When your liver breaks down stored fat, it produces chemicals called ketones. Acetone is one of these ketones.

When fat is your body's primary fuel source, you produce extra ketones. Too much is called ketosis.

Some types of ketosis are more dangerous than others. Nutritional ketosis is a relatively normal state that can occur when you are on a very low-carbohydrate diet and can lead to weight loss in some people. But in people with diabetes, levels of ketones in the blood can become high, leading to a dangerous complication called ketoacidosis.

Acetone and other excess ketones in the body can show up in the urine. If your diabetes is not well controlled, your doctor may test your urine for ketones. A positive test may mean you need extra insulin to control your blood sugar.

Acetone Chemistry

Acetone is also a chemical found in nature and in many products you may use around your home. All of these substances release acetone:

  • Trees and other plants, forest fires
  • volcano
  • landfill
  • car exhaust
  • tobacco

Acetone is a solvent, which means it can break down or dissolve substances like paint and varnish. That's why it's an ingredient in nail polish remover, varnish remover, and paint remover. The company also uses the chemical to remove oils from wool, make silk less sticky, and create protective coatings for furniture and cars.

health risks

Products containing acetone are safe to use when you follow the manufacturer's instructions. This chemical is very flammable, so you'll want to avoid using items like paint and nail polish remover near open flames.

Breathing large amounts of acetone can cause health problems, such as:

  • Nose, throat, eye and lung irritation
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • nausea and vomiting
  • fast heart rate
  • Confused
  • lose consciousness

Acetone can also irritate or harm the skin.

How to prevent health problems

If you have diabetes, strictly adhere to your prescribed medications to prevent ketone spikes. Try not to miss any doses. Check your blood sugar levels regularly and adjust your insulin dose if needed. Work with your doctor and nutritionist to get the right amount of carbohydrates in your diet.

Cigarette smoke releases acetone into the air. You can reduce your exposure to this chemical by not smoking or being around people who smoke.

When you use products that contain acetone, such as nail polish remover or paint remover, stay in a well-ventilated area. If you get this chemical on your skin, wash it off.


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