
hot dog

A regular store-bought package has about 150 calories. Add in regular plain bread and the typical toppings (ketchup, mustard and relish) and you're in the 300 to 350 calorie range. This will be tame compared to what you'll consume in a real course.

Note that processed meats (frankfurters are one of the most popular) are one of the very few foods that are clearly linked to cancer.

Hot dogs are highly processed and contain hundreds of milligrams of sodium and nitrates. Which are the compounds used to preserve hot dogs. Processed meat is one of the few foods clearly linked to cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, jerky and some deli meats as carcinogens - meaning they can cause cancer. Let me repeat: they cause cancer; not "may," "might," "could" or any other qualifier.

Make no mistake: Even gourmet or organic versions carry the same risks. Unsalted or nitrate-free versions contain natural sources of these preservatives (such as celery juice), which eventually convert into worrisome compounds once consumed.

The bright side is that if you eat hot dogs from time to time (3-4 times per summer), your risk is much lower. Overall, it's a good idea to limit processed meats, but it doesn't hurt to have a hot dog on a plate with quality vegetables every now and then.


A 4-ounce burger made from 85 percent lean ground beef contains just under 300 calories. Add to that a regular piece of bread and a slice of cheese, and you've got about 500 calories.

The same agency report (including hot dogs) involving 22 experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 studies showing that red meat is a carcinogen and a possible cause of cancer. Both red and processed meats have been linked to diabetes and heart disease.

Enough of the sad news. As with hot dogs, eating one or two burgers per season won't hinder an overall healthy diet any more than a single hot dog will. The idea is to minimize your intake of processed and red meat while getting enough vegetables, fruits and other plant-based healthy foods like nuts and seeds.

winner, champion

From a calorie perspective, hot dogs are the winner.

From an overall perspective, the burger was the better choice.

A 4-ounce hamburger has about six times the protein and about a quarter of the sodium of a hot dog. Nutritionally speaking, it's a better balance. The protein will help satisfy your hunger, and the good news are some tips for making a healthier hot dog or burger meal!

Tips for a better burger or dog

Whichever way you go, there are ways to make these America's favorite foods healthier. First, write down your ingredients. Chili peppers and cheese add more calories and sodium and are best avoided.

Use whole wheat bread instead of white if you can, or skip it entirely and place two slices of lettuce on each end. If you're at a friend's party or the stadium and you don't see any whole wheat bread, it's recommended not to eat the bread.

Think about your entire meal, and if a hot dog or burger is the main meal, skip the side dishes. If eating a burger, skip the fries (and bun) and have a salad, coleslaw, and plenty of water.


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