
Nutritional value of lentils

Lentils are a good source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and other micronutrients. Lentils are the vegetable with the highest protein content after soybeans and hemp. Lentils are rich in macronutrients, micronutrients and bioactive components. Its nutritional value is shown in the table below.

Nutrients (units) whole lentils split lentils
Protein (grams) 25.8 25
Carbohydrates (grams) 60.1 59.2
Total dietary fiber (g) 30.5 10.8
Sugar (grams) 2
Energy (kilojoules) 1,477 1,443.5
Table 1: Nutritional value per 100 g (macronutrients)

Nutrients (units) whole lentils split lentils
Iron (mg) 7.5 7.6
Selenium (micrograms) 8.3 8.2
Folic acid (micrograms) Chapter 479 204
Thiamine (mg) 0.9 0.5
Riboflavin (mg) 0.2 0.1
Table 2: Nutritional value per 100 g (micronutrients)

Bioactive phytochemicals such as flavonoids, catechins, stigmasterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol, and tannins are also present.

Characteristics of lentils

Lentils have many health benefits, and the ingredients in lentils may be responsible for these beneficial effects. These beneficial properties are listed below.

  • it may have antioxidant activity
  • It may exhibit anti-cancer properties
  • It may have hypolipidemic (lowering the concentration of lipids in the blood) properties
  • It may show antidiabetic activity.

Potential Uses of Lentils

Lentils have many health benefits due to the vast majority of nutrients and phytochemicals they contain. The vitamins, fiber, and flavonoids in lentils have many potential uses, as listed below.

Potential use of lentils in diabetes treatment

Lentils contain high levels of fiber and carbohydrates, which help people stabilize blood sugar levels. It is recommended to include lentils in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes as it helps in controlling diabetes. It is also recommended to prevent diabetes in the diet of the general population.

Potential use of lentils in preventing obesity

Eating lentils has been linked to a lower risk of obesity. The high fiber content of lentils can create a feeling of fullness more quickly, reduce food intake and potentially control weight. You must seek the advice of a nutritionist before changing or adding anything to your diet.

Potential use of lentils as a protein source

The high protein content can benefit people who want to increase their protein intake. These benefits have not been proven.

Potential use of lentils in promoting cardiovascular health

Eating lentils may also benefit cardiovascular health. Legume consumption may have potential effects on serum cholesterol levels and may have some impact on the incidence of cardiovascular disease, including hypertension. However, these activities have not been confirmed in humans. Additionally, cardiovascular disease must be correctly diagnosed and treated by experts. Therefore, always consult your doctor.

Potential use of lentils in cancer prevention

Eating lentils may also have a positive impact on breast cancer in humans. Lectins found in lentils have potent biological activity. They may have anticancer activity. Protease inhibitors found in lentils may also have cancer-preventive properties. More extensive research is needed to verify the effects of lentils in humans. Cancer needs to be diagnosed and treated by a qualified doctor, so please consult your doctor.

Although research shows the benefits of lentils in different health conditions, this information is not enough. Therefore, further research is needed to determine the true extent of masur dal’s benefits to human health. Additionally, each person may respond differently to these herbs. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before using lentils for any medical condition.

How to use lentils?

Lentils can be eaten whole or cut into pieces. Before preparing, check the lentils for any stones or foreign objects and rinse them with water until the water runs clear. The lentils are then cooked with vegetables to a stew-like consistency and seasoned with a spice blend to create dal, which is often served with rice and roti.

Lentils Side Effects

Lentils do not cause any side effects. Still, overeating can lead to adverse health conditions such as gas, bloating, and cramps. Lentils contain fiber content that should be gradually increased in the diet. Additionally, drinking plenty of water allows fiber to move freely through the gastrointestinal tract.

If you experience any side effects while consuming lentils, you must immediately consult your prescribing doctor.

Interactions with other drugs:

There is insufficient data on the interaction of lentils with any other medications. Therefore, please consult your doctor before taking, especially if you are taking medications and/or being treated for any condition.


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