
What is cotton?

Cotton is a soft, fluffy, breathable fiber commonly used in the production of clothing and bedding. Cotton manufacturing has a long history, dating back thousands of years, and it has grown to become the most popular type of fabric in the world.

The cotton you see in stores starts out as a plant, but goes through an extensive process that includes harvesting the buds, carding the fibers into filaments, spinning and weaving textiles.

Key factors that determine cotton quality

When choosing between different types of cotton bedding, it's important to consider a variety of factors, including the type of fiber used, weave style, and thread count. Not only does this affect your comfort at night, but it can also affect the durability of your sheets.

1. Fiber

While you might think of cotton as a versatile material, the differences between each type come from the variety of fibers available. The most common are:

  • american highland

American upland cotton is the most widely grown and used cotton in the world and can be identified by its long and short nap.

In fact, it is reported that about nine-tenths of cotton production comes from upland cotton. This means that if you see a product labeled 100% cotton, whether it's clothing or bedding, it's likely made from this type of cotton.

  • Pima

Pima cotton is made from long fibers that are delicate to the touch and have a luxuriously soft weave. It is at the higher end of the quality scale and is often used to make comfortable clothing such as shirts, dresses, and T-shirts.

  • Egyptian cotton

Egyptian cotton is believed to have the longest and finest short fibers of all cotton plants and has historically grown along the banks of the Nile. Due to its soft properties, Egyptian cotton is often used to produce soft and luxurious bedding.

2. Knitting

Just like you can grow different types of cotton, you can weave the fiber in a variety of ways to achieve a variety of styles. The most common cotton fabrics are:

  • Oxford

Oxford weave provides a thick yet soft material that can be identified by its multiple overlapping threads. It is most commonly known as the weaving method used in Oxford shirt making and is characterized by durability.

  • percale

Percale cotton offers breathability and a cool, crisp feel, making it a popular choice for comfortable clothing and bedding no matter what the weather. It follows a standard weave pattern with a single under/over thread, providing strength and durability while offering a matte softness often compared to linen.

  • sateen

Sateen is one of the most luxurious varieties of cotton, offering properties such as elegant silkiness and strong drape. Its durable fineness makes it a popular weave among bedding manufacturers as a more affordable alternative to Egyptian cotton.

3. Number of threads

Thread count refers to the number of overlapping threads within one inch of the woven area of ​​the fabric. The finer the thread and the higher the thread count, the softer and more luxurious the material will be; for quality sheets, you really should choose a material with a thread count of at least 200.

Generally speaking, the thread count of ordinary cotton is between 200-400, depending on the weaving method, while the thread count of Egyptian cotton is usually between 300-400.

What is Egyptian cotton?

Known for its silky texture and getting softer with every wash, Egyptian cotton has been in global demand since it was first developed in the early 19th century. Owning Egyptian cotton bedding, clothing and towels has now become a luxury and taste. symbol of.

Authentic Egyptian cotton comes from a plant called Gossypium Barbadense. The fertile banks of the Nile have a hot climate, abundant water, and unique soil chemistry, providing an ideal place for the luxurious cotton plant to thrive.

Unlike other varieties of cotton plants, Barbados cotton produces at least 1 3/8 inches of extra-long-staple (ELS) cotton fibers, which are hand-picked from the field to keep the fibers straight and prevent breakage. These long, straight fibers are key to the softness of Egyptian cotton, which is spun into a strong and consistent yarn after being picked. The yarn is then woven into smooth Egyptian cotton sheets.

How is Egyptian cotton made?

Traditionally, the Egyptian Cotton label meant that the fabric was guaranteed to be made from the extra long-staple cotton fiber of Barbados grown in Egypt. Unfortunately, the meaning of "Egyptian cotton" has been destroyed and the label has taken on some new meaning.

Where is Egyptian cotton grown?

Despite its popularity, Egypt actually accounts for only a small portion of global cotton production, and only a small portion of that production will be ESL Barbadian cotton.

Specifically, Egypt ranked only the 24th largest cotton producer in the world in 2019, tied with countries such as India, China and the United States. Instead, the United States occupied the top spot. These three countries are also the largest producers of ELS cotton.

Is it really Egyptian cotton?

Egyptian cotton is now incorrectly used as a marketing term to cover all cotton grown in Egypt. For example, shorter cotton fibers that are easier and cheaper for farmers to grow are woven into lower quality fabrics while still being sold under the banner of luxury goods. Despite its higher price tag, countless consumers around the world are purchasing bedding that isn't as sophisticated as they hoped.

Additionally, while many fabrics on the market actually contain Egyptian cotton, the finished product may only contain a fraction of the high-quality yarn. Instead, you may find that sheets sold as authentic "Egyptian cotton" are actually a combination of lower-grade cotton, polyester, or nylon. Unfortunately, the presence of Egyptian cotton isn't enough to stop these fabrics from pilling, and you'll quickly notice a decrease in quality.

Another "Egyptian cotton" loophole discovered by manufacturers is the use of genuine Barbadian ELS cotton fibers grown outside of Egypt, where conditions are less than optimal. While customers may only notice subtle differences in the quality of their products, the practice is disastrous for the Egyptian economy.

Despite labeling regulations in many countries, a large number of products claiming to be Egyptian cotton are not inspected. The market is plagued by labeling fraud, including some products claiming to be 100% Egyptian cotton, but turning out to be entirely polyester!

How to identify Egyptian cotton

To make sure you're buying genuine Egyptian cotton, it helps to know what to look for. Helpfully, all genuine Egyptian cotton can be identified by the logo depicting a black triangle on the packaging, so you know you're buying a product grown in the region's rich soil and not a cheap alternative.

The difference between Egyptian cotton and cotton

How do regular cotton and Egyptian cotton compare side by side?

1. Sleep quality

One of the main differences between regular cotton bedding and Egyptian cotton sheets is the comfort and feel of the material while sleeping. It's worth noting that Egyptian cotton sheets are lighter and softer than cotton, but are less breathable and won't keep you cool at night.

2. Longevity

Comparing durability and longevity, you'll find that Egyptian cotton sheets last much longer than regular cotton bedding - and the higher the thread count, the longer they last.

This is because regular cotton is not as strong as Egyptian cotton, which means it will break down faster and you'll need to buy replacement bedding more often. So while authentic Egyptian cotton is usually a little more expensive, it's always a worthwhile investment.

3. Fabric dyeing

As far as fabric dyeing is concerned, there is little difference between cotton and Egyptian cotton: both are easy to dye, and you can choose from a variety of colors and patterns. This is part of the reason why cotton is so popular in clothing and bedding manufacturing, as it is such a versatile material in terms of color.

4. Washing and Care

Routine care is important when choosing the right bedding, and when it comes to washing procedures, there is little difference between Egyptian cotton and cotton – at least at first.

However, you may start to notice that regular cotton sheets may start to wrinkle, whereas softer Egyptian thread will support and maintain their luxurious look. This means Egyptian cotton may have a longer lifespan as a comfortable sleeping solution.

Egyptian Cotton vs. Regular Cotton: Which Is Best?

The superior quality of Egyptian cotton is truly undisputed when compared to regular cotton, Egyptian cotton is woven with long, silky fibers to provide you with bedding that is both luxuriously comfortable and extremely durable. Egyptian cotton also keeps you cool and dry at night, helping you enjoy better sleep and healthier skin, while bringing wonderful charm and style to your bedroom.

Tencel vs Egyptian cotton: Which one is better for bedding?

Egyptian cotton is famous for a reason. It offers superior softness, durability and strength compared to other cotton and natural materials. However, despite this, it's not perfect.

Egyptian cotton can be damaged by softeners and hot washing, and it wrinkles easily. As highlighted earlier, you also need to be wary of buying cheap knockoffs that are labeled as genuine. But while there's no need to ditch your trusty Egyptian cotton bedding just yet, it's worth investing in equally luxurious but more sustainable alternatives over time.

Tencel™'s softness and strength match or exceed Egyptian cotton, and the fabric wicks moisture effectively. Not only does this keep skin cool and dry, it also prevents the growth of bacteria on the sheet surface. The breathable, durable, and wrinkle-resistant properties of this material make it an ideal choice for sheets you plan to keep for many years.

What sheets are better than Egyptian cotton?

Regardless of the price of these sheets, supima cotton is a quality product. You'll find it's more luxurious and worth looking for. It does last longer than Egyptian cotton, but you pay more to get that quality.

Supima cotton is an extra-long pile produced exclusively in the United States. It is popular in hotels because it is smooth, long-lasting and has very good color retention compared to other fabrics. Because Supima has extra long fibers, the material is very light and fine, yet still very durable.


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