
What are braces?

Braces are dental appliances commonly used to straighten teeth. Braces usually consist of the following parts:

  • small brackets fixed to teeth
  • Wires to the bracket

These wires apply gentle pressure to your teeth, pulling them into the correct position. Braces are fixed, which means you cannot remove them.

Braces can fix the following problems:

  • Teeth that are crooked or have gaps
  • Jaw or bite alignment

What are the different types of braces?

Traditional wire-based metal braces have been used for about 100 years. Metal braces include:

  • placed in front of teeth
  • most cost effective
  • most reliable

Ceramic braces are a newer option. They are similar in color to teeth, making them less noticeable. Ceramic braces are also known as “modern braces.”

Lingual braces are also made of metal but are bonded to the inside of the teeth. They are harder to see, but more expensive.

What are dental braces?

Clear aligners are an alternative to traditional braces. Clear aligners are thin plastic trays that are worn over the teeth to straighten them. Aligners are clear, but not invisible.

Orthotics are custom-made for each individual. If you have braces, you need to wear them at all times except when eating and drinking. Ask your dentist or orthodontist if clear aligners are right for you. This may depend on how much correction is needed to straighten the teeth.

What is a retainer?

A retainer is a device typically used to help keep teeth in place after wearing braces.

If your teeth are only slightly crooked, you may only need a retainer to straighten them.

A permanent retainer is a metal wire that is attached to the inside of the tooth to stop it from moving.

Temporary retainers do the same thing but can be put in and out. It is usually worn only at night.

What are the benefits and risks of braces, braces, and retainers?

Straightening your teeth with braces, braces, or retainers can help:

  • Prevents tooth wear from clenching and grinding
  • Gum damage
  • Pressure on the jaw joint
  • Easier to keep teeth clean
  • Be confident in your appearance

There may be risks with using braces, braces or retainers, such as:

  • Scratches and mouth ulcers caused by braces friction
  • Tooth decay or discoloration due to poor dental hygiene
  • gum infection
  • If you don't wear your retainers as recommended, your teeth can move again

How do I get braces, braces or retainers?

Start by asking your dentist or orthodontist if your teeth should be straightened.

Braces are usually installed by an orthodontist who has additional training. Many general dentists also offer some orthodontic treatment.

You don't need a referral to see an orthodontist, and you can choose which one to use. Your dentist may recommend someone.

Your dentist and orthodontist will work as a team and exchange information about your treatment.

Does my child need braces?

Ask your dentist if your child should see an orthodontist. Some problems are easier to treat in young, developing jawbones. You don’t have to wait until your teenage years to see your orthodontist for the first time.

What happens during my first appointment with an orthodontist?

Your orthodontist will perform a thorough examination of your face, teeth, and bite. They may recommend panoramic X-rays of your teeth and jaw.

Your orthodontist will discuss with you the best treatment options for your situation.

How are braces installed?

If you are going to have braces, your orthodontist will make digital or plaster molds of your teeth. This allows customization of dental products to suit your needs.

You may need spacers placed between your back teeth in preparation for braces.

Fitting braces can take up to an hour. Individual brackets are carefully attached to your teeth. Then add the wires. This process can be uncomfortable.

How will my teeth feel after getting braces?

You may feel uncomfortable for a few days after your braces are installed or adjusted. To relieve your discomfort, you can:

  • take painkillers
  • drink ice water
  • Use ulcer wax

Your orthodontist will provide you with information on how to care for your braces and how to keep your teeth and mouth clean. Ask your orthodontist for advice to help you feel comfortable with your new braces.

How often do I need checkups while wearing braces?

You will need to visit your orthodontist or dentist regularly to have your braces adjusted. Usually every 6 to 8 weeks.

Adjusting braces involves replacing wires or adding elastic bands to help move the teeth.

Your braces will be removed while your teeth move to their new positions. At this point, you will get your retainer.

How long does it take to get to work?

Fitting and wearing braces is a long and slow process. You may wear braces for 12 to 24 months, followed by retainers for 12 to 24 months or longer. You should continue to see your dentist regularly during this time.

After treatment, you should maintain good oral hygiene to protect your teeth. You should continue to wear your retainer if necessary.

How much do braces and retainers cost?

The cost of braces and retainers depends on many factors. Please ask your dentist or orthodontist for a quote or estimate.

Are there alternatives to braces and retainers?

You can ask your dentist or orthodontist the following questions:

  • braces
  • extract a tooth
  • Removable "board"


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