
Angelica (Angelica; scientific name: Angelica archangelica) is a perennial herb belonging to the Apiaceae family.

The Myth of Angelica

The name Angelica may come from the Greek arkangelos, archangels, or angelos, meaning messenger; perhaps because it blooms on the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel; or because, according to one legend, an angel revealed the powers of Angelica to monks in a dream , can cure the plague. All parts of the plant were believed to be effective against evil spirits and witchcraft, and it was so revered that it was called the "root of the Holy Spirit."

When it belongs

Angelica is a genus of about 60 species of tall biennial and perennial herbs in the family Apiaceae, commonly known as Apiaceae, Carrot or Parsley, or simply Apiaceae. Wild angelica is found in damp fields and hedgerows across Europe. Garden Angelica (Angelica archangelica) Angelica archangelica is widely cultivated as a garden plant. Given their similarity to poisonous species such as poison hemlock (Cium maculatum), water hemlock (Cicuta species), and giant hogweed (Heracleum species), these plants should not be eaten unless their identity is absolutely certain.

plant characteristics

Angelica is a tall plant that usually grows in moist environments in temperate regions. It has large compound leaves and white flowers, usually in summer. The rhizome of Angelica sinensis is widely used for medicinal and culinary purposes and has a special aroma and taste.

Angelica species generally have large leaves, bipinnately compound leaves with obvious petiole sheaths at the base. The tiny white or greenish-white flowers are arranged in large, flat-topped clusters called umbels, which are characteristic of the family. The root is usually a thick taproot. Some species contain chemicals called furanocoumarins, which can cause phytophotodermatitis on contact with the leaves and sap, a condition in which blisters appear on the skin if exposed to sunlight.

Origin and distribution

Angelica sinensis is native to Northern Europe, North America and Asia and has been introduced worldwide. It often grows in cool and moist environments, such as streams, lakes and valleys.

Main types

Garden angelica (Angelica archangelica) is commonly grown as a food plant and as a medicinal herb. The roots and fruits yield angelica oil, which is used to flavor and spice liqueurs, while the shoots are used in certain aromatic sweets. Tea made from the roots and leaves is a traditional remedy for respiratory ailments. This plant grows abundantly in the Faroe Islands and Iceland, where it is considered a vegetable.

Angelica sinensis (A. sinensis) is an important traditional Chinese medicine with an equally long history of use in Korea and Japan. The root is used to treat menstrual irregularities and menopausal symptoms. The angelica plant and other species are also used as abortifacients. However, such preparations are unlikely to terminate pregnancy and may cause potentially fatal reactions such as bleeding in those who take them.

Wild angelica (A. sylvestris), found throughout much of Eurasia, is a tall perennial herb with large bipinnate leaves and large compound umbels of white or purple flowers. Its stems and leaves are edible. The stems of coastal angelica (A. lucida) are eaten in a similar way to celery.

How to Grow Angelica

Angelica is monocarpic, meaning it will survive until it successfully flowers and sets seeds. Rootstock color ranges from yellowish-beige to reddish-brown. It hates hot and humid climates and prefers to find a spot in the garden where it can receive daily shade. It should be noted that in the second year it can grow to 1-2m tall and spread 1m; therefore, it may be difficult to adapt to small gardens, and is not suitable for container planting (unless the pot is very large). It can be grown from seed and is best planted in deep, moist soil behind a border. If allowed to self-seed, it will reproduce itself under the same conditions.


Angelica has important uses in both medicinal and culinary fields. The rhizome is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and traditional herbal medicine and is believed to have a variety of medicinal properties, such as regulating the digestive system, relieving gastrointestinal discomfort, and relieving anxiety and stress. The stems and leaves of Angelica can also be used as seasonings in cooking to make sauces, soups and teas.

nutritional value

Angelica sinensis is rich in nutrients, including volatile oils, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and vitamins. Its rhizomes contain special aroma components that regulate the body and mind, and are widely used in traditional medicine and health products.

health benefits

Angelica is thought to have a variety of health benefits. Its rhizomes and leaves can help relieve indigestion, strengthen the immune system, promote blood circulation, relieve anxiety and tension, and more. Angelica is also used in traditional herbal medicine to treat respiratory infections, rheumatoid arthritis and fatigue.

Overall, there is very little scientific evidence regarding the benefits of dong quai root—both dong quai and dong quai.

Food recommendations

The rhizomes of Angelica sinensis can be made into medicinal herbs or powdered for medicinal or culinary use. The leaves and stems are also used in seasonings to add a unique aroma and taste to food. When using Angelica, care should be taken to control the dosage to avoid adverse reactions.


Angelica root, specifically Angelica sinensis, has side effects and can interact with certain medications. High doses of Chinese kiwi fruit supplements have been linked to heart problems and increased blood pressure. It may also interact with blood thinners, potentially causing dangerous bleeding. Compounds present in dong quai (called furanocoumarins) can interact with a variety of medications, including those that treat cholesterol and epileptic seizures. If you are taking prescription drugs with a grapefruit warning, talk to your healthcare provider before using any form of dong quai. Handling the angelica plant may cause abnormal skin reactions and contact dermatitis. Finally, due to insufficient evidence regarding their safety, use of A. archangelica and A. sinensis should be avoided during pregnancy, while trying to become pregnant, or while breastfeeding.

Dosage and precautions

Angelica root supplements are sold in the form of capsules and liquid extracts, and are also sold as tea. A standard dose has not been established, and it is not clear what a safe dose is to avoid complications and potential side effects. Most angelica supplements contain 500–2,000 mg of angelica powder or angelica extract per serving. If you are taking blood thinners or have heart disease or high blood pressure, you should avoid taking Chinese kiwi fruit unless recommended by your healthcare provider. Additionally, avoid using dong quai supplements to self-treat a condition, as doing so may delay professional care and have serious consequences.

In general

Angelica sinensis is a plant with medicinal and edible values ​​that is widely used in traditional herbal medicine and cooking. Not only is it rich in nutrients, it also has a variety of health benefits and is a recommended plant resource.


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