發作性睡病:管理你的工作或學校 - 美國

For adults with narcolepsy, work or college can present additional challenges. Episodes of sleepiness during the day can make it harder to concentrate and perform. Uncomprehending classmates or colleagues may interpret your symptoms as laziness. But having narcolepsy doesn't mean you can't succeed at work or school. When you tightly manage your symptoms, build flexibility into your daily routine, and openly ask for help, you're likely to be as productive as anyone else.

your legal rights

Narcolepsy is a recognized disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Under this law, your employer must provide reasonable accommodations, such as allowing you to adjust your schedule or take short breaks, to deal with your narcolepsy symptoms. Likewise, universities must provide accommodation and adapt courses to ensure you have the same access to higher education as everyone else.

However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not recognize narcolepsy as a medical condition that would qualify you for disability benefits. If you would like to emphasize that narcolepsy prevents you from working full-time, you will need to complete the SSA's Residual Functional Capacity Assessment. You may also want to hire an attorney who specializes in SSA appeals.

work adjustment

The ADA only protects you if your employer knows about your condition. So don't wait until something goes wrong at work to tell your boss about your situation. It's a good idea to get over your anxiety and have an honest conversation with your supervisor sooner rather than later. You may also want to chat individually with colleagues you think you need to get to know.

If possible, keep meetings with your boss informal. Consider the following tips to help you prepare:

  • Bring basic information about narcolepsy to educate your boss.
  • Ask your doctor to write a letter to your boss explaining your condition.
  • Decide ahead of time what accommodations you need to help you do your job well.

Depending on your workplace, you may need to have a formal meeting with your supervisor and someone in the human resources department to request reasonable accommodations. It is best to have your letter reviewed by an attorney or attorney with expertise in the draft ADA.

Here are some common requests employees with narcolepsy may make:

Schedule naps during the day in a designated private room

  • Later start time in case you need a break during your commute to drive safely
  • Schedule shifts during times when you're most alert or choose flexible hours
  • Rest breaks that meet your needs, whether that's longer breaks or shorter, more frequent breaks
  • Can break up repetitive, monotonous tasks throughout the day and help you stay alert
  • Schedule walks at different times of the day to help replenish your energy and alertness
  • Standing desks and the option to stand rather than sit during longer meetings or presentations
  • Work instructions provided verbally and in writing so you don’t miss a thing
  • Allows meetings to be recorded so you can watch/listen later at your own pace
  • Workspace with natural sunlight or full spectrum lighting

Not all requests are reasonable. For example, trucking companies have a hard time letting you continue driving because people with narcolepsy are at greater risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately, narcolepsy may limit some work options. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a successful career.

Adjustment at school

Some strategies in the workplace may also be helpful for college students with narcolepsy. For example, it's wise to ask your professor for flexibility on the first day of class. You need to prioritize a good night's sleep and schedule naps during the day. This may occasionally result in you missing class or being late.

Find out if your school has a center for students with disabilities. You may make an accommodation request here. Some accommodations you can request or may have already been provided include:

  • Priority registration so you can schedule your classes during your most alert hours of the day
  • Note-taking services for students with disabilities
  • If you have cataplexy, take classes in a first-floor classroom or building with an elevator
  • Allow recording of courses and lectures

In addition to formal accommodations, you can take steps to be as productive as possible in school. Here are some tips:

  • Join a study group where group members can provide class notes when you have trouble concentrating.
  • If your college is far from home, find a place on campus to take a nap.
  • Keep in mind that a long night of partying and drinking, or even an all-night study session, can trigger narcolepsy symptoms the next day.

Your school's Center for Students with Disabilities or a college counselor may be able to provide additional advice and training to help you succeed academically.


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