
What are probiotics and prebiotics?

Both prebiotics and probiotics are important to human health. However, they have different roles:

  • Probiotics. These are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. They can provide many health benefits.
  • Prebiotics. These substances come from types of carbohydrates that humans cannot digest (mainly fiber). The good bacteria in your gut eat this fiber.

Intestinal bacteria, collectively known as the gut flora or gut microbiota, perform many important functions in the body.

A balanced intake of probiotics and prebiotics helps ensure the proper balance of these bacteria to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Why are gut bacteria good?

The good bacteria in your digestive tract help protect you from harmful bacteria and fungi.

A 2013 Trusted Source study on gut bacteria confirmed that a wide variety of this beneficial bacteria can aid immune system function, improve symptoms of depression, and help combat obesity, among other benefits.

In addition, some intestinal bacteria form vitamin K and short-chain fatty acids.

Short-chain fatty acids are the main source of nutrients for the cells lining the colon. They promote a strong intestinal barrier that helps protect against harmful substances, viruses, and bacteria. This also helps reduce inflammation and may reduce the risk of cancer.

How does food affect the gut microbiome?

The food you eat plays an important role in the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut.

For example, a diet high in sugar and fat can negatively impact gut bacteria and can lead to insulin resistance and other conditions.

Once you feed the wrong bacteria regularly, they will grow faster and colonize more easily, without as many useful bacteria to stop them from doing so.

Harmful bacteria and less healthy gut flora are also associated with higher body mass index (BMI).

Additionally, food treated with pesticides may have a negative impact on gut bacteria, although more research is needed to confirm this.

Research also shows that antibiotics may cause permanent changes in certain types of bacteria, especially when taken during children and teenagers.

Because antibiotic use is so widespread, researchers are now studying how this may lead to health problems in people later in life.

What foods are prebiotics?

Before you go out and buy expensive prebiotic supplements, remember that many foods naturally contain them.

This is because prebiotics are types of fiber found in vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

Humans cannot digest these types of fiber, but beneficial gut bacteria can.

Foods rich in prebiotic fiber include:

  • Beans, legumes and peas
  • oat
  • banana
  • berries
  • Jerusalem artichokes (not the same as regular artichokes)
  • asparagus
  • Dandelion Greens
  • garlic
  • Chinese chives
  • onion

One of the things good gut bacteria do with prebiotic fiber is convert it into a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate.

Research shows that without adequate prebiotic fiber intake, butyrate production in the colon cannot be maintained.

What foods contain probiotics?

There are also many probiotic foods that naturally contain beneficial bacteria, such as yogurt.

If you want to add beneficial bacteria, high-quality plain yogurt with live cultures can be a great addition to your diet.

Fermented foods are another good choice because they contain beneficial bacteria that thrive on the sugars or fibers naturally found in the food.

Examples of fermented foods include:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Pickle
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir (dairy and non-dairy)
  • Certain types of pickles (unpasteurized)
  • Other pickled vegetables (unpasteurized)

If you plan on eating fermented foods to reap the benefits of probiotics, make sure they are not pasteurized, as this process kills the bacteria.

Some of these foods may also be considered synbiotics because they contain both beneficial bacteria and prebiotic fiber for the bacteria to feed on.

Some examples of synbiotic foods are cheese, kefir, and sauerkraut.

Should I take probiotic supplements?

Probiotic supplements are pills, powders or liquids that contain live beneficial bacteria or yeast.

They are very popular and easy to find, but not all of them are worth your money. They don't all have the same type of bacteria or the same concentration. There are also many products on the market that claim to have no proven efficacy.

They also generally don't have the fibrous food sources that bacteria eat, which could hinder their effectiveness if someone doesn't eat them.

Some probiotic supplements are designed to carry bacteria all the way to the large intestine for better results, while others may not be able to pass stomach acid.

Some people should not take probiotics or may experience worsening of symptoms after taking them, such as people with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or people who are sensitive to ingredients in the supplements.

However, the right strain of probiotics can be very beneficial for some people. This depends on strain type, product formulation, product quality and storage.

As with all supplements, you may want to talk to a health care professional who knows about probiotics.


Keeping your gut bacteria in balance is important for many aspects of health.

To do this, eat more prebiotic and probiotic foods, as they help promote an optimal balance between good and bad gut bacteria.

Talk to your healthcare provider to make sure you're getting the right amounts of each food. May be excessive or cause side effects.

To find out if you might benefit from supplements, check out the World Gastroenterology Organization global guidelines, which list evidence-based conditions for which probiotics may be helpful. It also includes recommendations.

Be sure to read the label on any supplement carefully and discuss any questions and suggestions with your healthcare provider.


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