
So first, we should figure out what exactly dextrin is. In fact, dextrins are a category that includes several different strains of carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch. Starch is a complex carbohydrate composed mainly of sugar molecules. Starch is found primarily in plants, especially many of our staple foods such as potatoes, corn, and rice, and is created as a source of energy. They are actually the most common form of carbohydrate in most human diets. Hydrolysis is the process of using water to break down molecules into smaller molecules. So basically, you take a long strain of sugar (a type of starch) and break it down by adding water, and the resulting smaller strains are called dextrins.

Types of dextrin

Dextrin can be made from almost any starch source, such as corn, wheat or potatoes. There are several different types of dextrin: usually white dextrin, yellow or canary dextrin, or English gum. They are all water-soluble solutions, usually less viscous than the starches they come from (such as potato or wheat). Dextrin has several different uses. One of the most popular is in the adhesive industry. Due to their water solubility, dextrins are ideal for water-activated adhesives and glues (think stamps and envelopes that you can lick to activate the adhesive properties). Dextrin is also used in the textile industry for printing cotton fabrics! White dextrin is used alone in the food industry. These are usually produced by a combination of acid and water during hydrolysis.

How are dextrins formed?

Dextrin is often a by-product or intermediate from other processes, such as cooking or enzyme activation. The most common example is the crispy brown bit on top of freshly baked bread. The exact properties of dextrin depend largely on what type of starch it is formed from, so, for example, wheat dextrin reacts and behaves very differently than corn dextrin or potato dextrin. Wheat dextrin is a popular example and is a by-product of the process of extracting the gluten protein from wheat. Wheat starch is sprayed with an acid solution and then suspended in water. After a while, the wheat starch is dried and then officially converted into dextrin .

Is dextrin an additive?

Dextrin is classified as a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) food additive by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Dextrins are used in a variety of foods, often as thickeners or preservatives. For example, dextrins are found in tea concentrates, caramels, frozen dairy products, low-fat or fat-free products, and hard candies.

In the World Health Organization Food Additive Series 17 (1982) report, it is divided into emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners. Resolution of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives, emulsion stabilizers, hardeners, thickeners and tackifiers.

CAS number: 9004-53-9

Other numbers: EINECS No. 232-675-4, INS No. 1400

Is dextrin different from maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is usually made from rice, corn, or potatoes. In Europe, maltodextrin is usually made from wheat. Dextrins can come from corn, potato, arrowroot, wheat, rice or cassava. The source of maltodextrin and dextrin determines whether they are gluten-free.

Maltodextrin is a combination of three to seventeen D-glucose units, mainly connected through α(1→4) glycosidic bonds. Its chemical formula is C6nH(10n+2)O< / a>O10H6 maltodextrin. The dextrin equivalents of maltodextrin are 3 and 20. Dextrin is a combination of D-glucose units linked primarily through α(1→4) or α-(1→6) glycosidic bonds. Its chemical formula is (C(5n+1). )n. This is the main difference between dextrin and maltodextrin.

What is dextrin used for?

White dextrin is the only one used in the food industry, that's true. When you start looking at labels, you might be surprised at how many foods contain dextrin! For something you may not have heard of, supermarket shelves are full of this stuff! Wheat dextrin is used in the food industry to thicken many products, such as soups or stews, and even baby food! It's also a popular ingredient to replace fat in low-calorie foods, so if you start reading health food store labels, you might start seeing this word a lot!

Wheat dextrin in particular is a great source of fiber, more specifically, soluble fiber. There are many differences between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, but the basic lesson is that soluble fiber is digested easily and quickly and helps attach to the bad cholesterol as it is excreted, so it helps lower the bad cholesterol in your system! In short, soluble fiber is great for you! There are many health benefits to a high-fiber diet, which we'll explore in a minute. Just know that dextrin is often used as a popular fiber supplement!

Another popular use of dextrin in food is to crisp it up or as a coating: we mentioned the crispy brown bits on top of bread before, and this is a perfect example. Dextrin also gives fried foods an extra-brown, crispy texture. We all love a good homemade fried chicken – thanks to the dextrin for that flaky, delicious skin!

Is dextrin gluten-free?

Many dextrins in food are made from non-wheat sources, such as tapioca, rice or potatoes. In these cases, you're absolutely safe with any gluten particles, so if you have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, you don't need to worry about these types of dextrins. In some cases, wheat dextrin will remove the gluten so you don't have to worry. However, in some cases there may still be more gluten in dextrin than allowed. In these cases, manufacturers are required to use the word "wheat" on their ingredients or listings, so if you are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease,

Dextrin health benefits

Dextrin has multiple health benefits, not least because it is a high source of soluble fiber. A high-fiber diet has been linked to many health benefits, including weight loss, improved skin health, increased bone density, and lower cholesterol. Fiber is considered a natural detoxifier, and most cancers are associated with a more toxic internal environment, so in some cases fiber has been linked to a lower risk of cancers like colon and liver cancer. Fiber keeps your bowel movements regular and speeds up digestion and eases the flow of all the food you eat through your system. Fiber also allows your body to absorb nutrients more smoothly and helps flush out bad stuff without letting it stay in your body for too long.

In addition to being an amazing source of fiber, dextrin is also considered a prebiotic. You may have heard of probiotics, which feed on prebiotics, so by consuming dextrin, you can increase the health and effectiveness of your probiotics, which can help with digestive issues and help maintain homeostasis in your stomach! Dextrin has also been shown to lower triglyceride levels, which can increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. Consuming dextrin can help lower the glycemic index of your meals, helping you maintain healthy blood sugar levels—especially important for people with diabetes! Basically, consuming dextrin can help nearly every system in your body function more properly and help you avoid poisoning and negative environments.

Dextrin is definitely one of the more scientific terms in the healthy eating lexicon, but it offers countless health benefits when treated right by your body. You may also see other words that look like dextrin in ingredient lists, such as dextrose, maltodextrin, and amylodextrin. Some of these are other names for types of dextrin, but some of them are not, so make sure you do some research before consuming a new product! If you like crispy French fries or a piece of freshly baked bread, you'll probably enjoy some of the dextrin produced during the cooking process. If this is your goal, this will provide you with tons of health benefits and help you eat a high-fiber diet. If you're gluten-free, be careful about the type of dextrin you eat!


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