
What is lychee juice?

Lychee is a dark pink fruit with a rough skin and a very sweet inside. If you open it carefully, you'll find a sweet, white, transparent pulp that's full of deliciousness, literally, simply mesmerizing. Children love this fruit because of its extraordinary taste and the fun it contains.

Remove the rough skin and eat the sweet flesh. This is just one of the many ways to enjoy its delicious sweetness. Different people from different countries have perfected the art of making delicious desserts with lychees. Slice, cut, chop or freeze; no matter how you decide to use it, it delivers the same amazing flavor. This native Chinese product is made into candies, jams, snacks, salads and more all over the world. Mocktails with lychee juice are delicious and a little creative. In addition, the biggest advantage of lychee is that it is easy for the elderly to eat. Peel it off, eat it, and scoop out the seeds. Lychee juice makes the elderly's life so sweet and simple.

How to make lychee juice at home?

raw material:

30 lychees, peeled and cored

1 cup water

2 teaspoons simple syrup


Select lychees, rinse well, and place in a container. After peeling and cleaning, you can cut the pulp with a knife. The pulp near the center is discarded. Put the cut lychees into a glass of water. Pay special attention to cutting the lychees into small pieces, not too big!

Make sure to add just the right amount of cold water to the juicer and cover it thoroughly.

Put the lid on, turn the juice cup, and turn on the power. Pour out the lychee juice and enjoy!

Health benefits of lychee juice for the elderly

Lychees are brightly colored fruits with light flesh that are only available briefly during the summer. Judging from the taste of the fruit, it is very delicious. After you've indulged in a bowl of lychees, you can learn about the benefits of this powerful fruit. In addition to being delicious, they are indeed very healthy for seniors. The benefit of lychee juice lies in its nutritional value. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, riboflavin, water and protein. This keeps your skin glowing and healthy. Additionally, lychees provide the humidity you need to withstand the summer heat. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of this super fruit for seniors.

1. Improve immunity

The rich vitamin C content in this superfruit provides the immune system of older adults with the energy it needs. One serving of lychee juice (or 7 lychees) can meet more than 100% of the body's total vitamin C requirement. It strengthens white blood cells in the elderly and protects them from foreign infections.

2. Help digestion

For those who experience frequent digestive issues, just one serving of lychee juice may help relieve discomfort. The fiber content increases stool bulk, helping seniors to have easier and faster bowel movements, thereby preventing constipation. Additionally, it triggers an increase in the production of digestive enzymes in the body, ensuring more efficient nutrient absorption than normal.

3. Monitor blood pressure

Lychee juice is one of the most beneficial fruits for seniors suffering from high blood pressure. It is rich in potassium and low in sodium, which helps maintain fluid balance in the body. Fluid balance is critical for metabolic function and high blood pressure. The potassium content in lychees can ease arterial blood flow and reduce stress on the cardiovascular system.

4. Increase blood circulation

Lychees are rich in copper. Copper is as important as iron in our body, increasing the production of red blood cells. An increase in red blood cells in the elderly means improved blood circulation and improved oxygenation of organs and cells.

5. Skin care effect

One of the main causes of aging is oxidative stress from free radicals, which leads to the appearance of spots, wrinkles and fine lines. The high amount of vitamin C in lychees may help reduce the negative effects of free radicals and slow down the aging process.

6. Helps lose weight

Lychees are an important source of fiber in the diet. Dietary fiber plays a vital role in aiding weight loss. Lychee also has a high water content, very low fat content, and very low calories. This makes lychee juice ideal for aiding weight loss.

7. Increase bone strength

Lychee juice is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, etc. These minerals can increase calcium absorption in bones. Magnesium and phosphorus work wonders in enhancing health and bone strength. This lychee juice is a great source of copper and manganese, which helps reduce bone fragility. Therefore, eating lychees can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

8. Lychee is rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most abundant substances in lychees. One serving of lychee juice (7 lychees) can meet more than 100% of the body's total vitamin C requirement.

9. It can fight liver cancer

According to Science Cancer Letter, lychee peel (LFP) extract is believed to have anti-cancer properties and may help fight liver cancer.

10. Lychee is rich in vitamin E

Lychees are a good source of vitamin E, which helps heal sunburns that cause irritation and pain and keeps skin glowing and healthy.

11. Healthy Aging

The vitamin C in lychees prevents the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin and fights early signs of aging.

12. Lychee excretes kidney toxins

Lychees contain large amounts of potassium and water, both nutrients that help the kidneys flush out toxins. Summer fruits can lower uric acid levels and significantly reduce the risk of kidney damage. According to one study, the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 in lychees may reduce the chances of kidney stones. As a natural diuretic, they promote urination and relieve pain caused by kidney stones.

What are the side effects of lychee fruit?

Lychees have a high sugar content, so diabetics should consume them in moderation. Lychees can also trigger allergic reactions in some people. Lychees are also thought to trigger hormonal imbalances in the body and may cause internal bleeding, fever, or various problems. Pregnant women should avoid consuming lychees before breastfeeding as they may cause bleeding and infection. Additionally, a professional should be consulted when making sudden changes in eating habits.

Frequently asked questions

How to make lychee juice?

Peel the lychees and remove any seeds. Place the pulp in a mixing cup and add sugar. Stir until smooth. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and add lemon juice. Finally, add ice cubes and water and mix well.

Is real lychee juice good for your health?

Lychee juice is extremely beneficial to health. Rich in potassium, lychees help control blood pressure. Potassium helps reduce stress on blood vessels and arteries and helps maintain heart health. Lychees can reduce skin aging and the appearance of acne. The vitamin C and antioxidants present in this fruit can help keep your skin clear and healthy.

Are lychees good for uric acid?

Summer fruits can reduce uric acid levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of kidney damage. According to this study, the magnesium and vitamin B6 in lychees may reduce the chance of kidney stones. As natural diuretics, they promote urination and relieve pain caused by kidney stones .

Are lychees good for cholesterol?

Because lychees contain high amounts of fiber in the diet, they may promote cardiovascular health in older adults. Lychees can also lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels in the blood.

Are lychees good for diabetics?

Bioactive compounds are a great way to help prevent or treat diabetes-related problems in older adults. Lychee is a source of nutrients and also helps in controlling sugar levels in the body. It contains a variety of phytochemicals, including saponins, stigmasterol glycosides, malvidin, and proanthocyanidins A2 and B2. Lychees can increase the production of insulin in the body.

Are lychees good for high blood pressure?

Lychees help lower blood pressure by maintaining fluid balance. It is high in potassium and low in sodium, which helps older adults control blood pressure. Potassium reduces the constriction of blood vessels and arteries, thereby reducing stress on the cardiovascular system.


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