
Restless legs syndrome is also known as sleep leg syndrome, restless legs syndrome, restless legs syndrome, Willis-Ekbom disease or Wittmaack-Ekbom syndrome .

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) can occur due to mental or physical problems, or it can be an adverse reaction to certain medications. It is also called Willis-Ekbom disease.

Restless legs syndrome can be classified as mild or severe, depending on the frequency and severity of symptoms, the extent to which they can be relieved by walking, and the degree of disruption they cause.

Up to 1 in 10 people will be affected at some time in their lives.

The vast majority of cases of restless legs syndrome will resolve on their own with time or simple lifestyle changes.


Symptoms may occur when a person is awake in a confined space, such as an airplane seat or a movie theater.

Because restless legs syndrome can cause difficulty falling and staying asleep, sufferers may feel tired during the day. This can have an impact on learning, work, concentration, and daily tasks and activities.

Lack of sleep can ultimately lead to mood swings, irritability, depression, compromised immune systems, and other physical and health issues.

how do you feel?

People with restless legs syndrome experience a strange and unpleasant sensation in their legs (and sometimes arms) and a strong urge to move their arms. People describe these feelings as:

  • pain
  • combustion
  • crawl
  • similar to electric shock
  • itching
  • pull
  • Tingling

The only way to relieve the discomfort is to move your legs. This feeling often occurs when the individual is resting or inactive, not just at night. Symptoms usually worsen in the evening and night and may briefly relieve in the morning.

How long does restless legs syndrome last?

Symptoms of primary or idiopathic restless legs syndrome usually worsen over time, but for some people there may be no symptoms for weeks or months. If restless legs syndrome is caused by a medical condition, illness, pregnancy, or medications, it may go away once the trigger disappears.


Restless legs syndrome can cause problems for women during pregnancy.

Women who already suffer from restless legs syndrome may find that symptoms become more severe during pregnancy. However, pregnancy itself can cause restless legs syndrome. Symptoms tend to become more severe as pregnancy progresses, especially later in pregnancy.

The reason for the increased incidence of restless legs syndrome during pregnancy is unknown, but is believed to be related to:

  • Low levels of minerals or vitamins, such as iron and folate
  • Lack of sleep due to physical changes and discomfort
  • hormonal changes
  • increased sensory sensitivity

This condition has not been widely studied during pregnancy. However, some drug treatments used outside of pregnancy, such as rotigotine and gabapentin, have not been evaluated for safe use in pregnant women.

Behavioral treatments, such as light exercise and healthy sleep patterns, are often recommended as first-line treatments for women during pregnancy.

Oral iron supplements are safe to take during pregnancy if iron levels are low and are thought to be the cause of RLS. In severe cases, higher concentrations may be administered intravenously (IV) through a drip.

If it is suspected that other reasons may require drug treatment, and the above treatments do not have the desired effect, the drug should be prescribed at the lowest possible dose to reduce risk.


If a person cannot control the symptoms of restless legs syndrome alone, medication may be prescribed.


Medications depend on the individual, but may include:

  • Iron: Iron supplements may be helpful for people with low iron levels. This, in turn, may help improve symptoms. Iron supplements can be purchased online.
  • Alpha 2 agonists: These drugs may be helpful in primary restless legs syndrome but do not affect periodic limb movements during sleep.
  • Pain relievers: Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that may help relieve minor symptoms. Ibuprofen can be purchased online.
  • Anticonvulsants: Treat pain, muscle spasms, neuropathy, and daytime symptoms. Neurontin, or gabapentin, is a popular anticonvulsant drug.
  • Benzodiazepines: These sedative drugs can help people with persistent but mild symptoms sleep through the effects of restless legs syndrome. Restoril (or temazepam), Xanax (or alprazolam), and Klonopin (or clonazepam) are examples.
  • Dopaminergic drugs: These drugs increase levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. They can treat the discomfort in the legs associated with RLS. Levodopa and carbidopa are common dopaminergic drugs.
  • Dopamine agonists: They also increase dopamine levels in the brain and treat unpleasant leg sensations. They may cause adverse reactions in older patients, although some people report more side effects from levodopa.
  • Opioids: Treat pain and relieve symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Doctors may prescribe these drugs when other drugs are not effective. Codeine and propoxyphene are low-dose opioids, while oxycodone hydrochloride, methadone hydrochloride, and levorphanol tartrate are common high-dose opioids.

Parkinson's disease and epilepsy medications are sometimes used to treat restless legs syndrome because they can reduce involuntary movements.

If there are underlying conditions that trigger restless legs syndrome and those conditions are treated, restless legs syndrome may disappear or improve. This is often the case with iron deficiency and peripheral neuropathy.


There are two main types of RLS:

Primary or idiopathic restless legs syndrome

Idiopathic means the cause is unknown.

It is the most common type and has the following characteristics:

It usually starts before age 40.
It can start in childhood.
It may have a genetic cause.
Once primary restless legs syndrome begins, it often persists throughout life.
Symptoms may be sporadic or worsen over time and become more common.

In mild cases, patients may experience no symptoms for a long period of time.

Quadratic RLS

Secondary disease is caused by another disease or condition.

Secondary restless legs syndrome usually begins after age 45 and is often not inherited. This type of RLS is significantly different:

  • The onset is sudden.
  • Symptoms usually do not get worse over time.
  • Symptoms may be more severe.

Conditions and symptoms that may trigger secondary restless legs syndrome include:

  • diabetes
  • iron deficiency
  • kidney failure
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Neuropathy
  • Pregnant
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

Exactly how RLS occurs is unclear, but it may have something to do with how the body processes dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in controlling muscle movement. Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and antidepressants, may trigger restless legs syndrome. These drugs affect dopamine activity.

It is also associated with pregnancy. About 20% of women experience restless legs syndrome during the last trimester of pregnancy, but the cause is unknown.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)

PLMD is a similar related sleep disorder sometimes called periodic limb (leg) movements during sleep (PLMS). People with PLMD experience uncontrollable twitching or jerking of their limbs while sleeping. It is also considered a sleep disorder. Exercise may cause individuals to wake frequently during the night, which can impair the quality and length of sleep. It can cause restless legs syndrome.

home remedies

Common lifestyle changes and medications that can help relieve RLS symptoms include:

  • Warm baths and massage: These can relax muscles and reduce the intensity of symptoms.
  • Hot or cold compresses: Some people prefer hot compresses, some prefer cold compresses, and some say alternating hot and cold helps.
  • Relaxation techniques: Stress can make restless legs syndrome worse, so exercises like yoga, meditation, and tai chi may help.
  • Exercise – Using your legs more often can help relieve symptoms. If patients have a sedentary lifestyle, it can be helpful to walk instead of drive, play sports, or exercise their legs at the gym.

Sleep hygiene for restless legs syndrome

Sleep hygiene is important because fatigue can worsen symptoms.

Tips include:

  • Sleep in a cool, quiet bedroom.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.
  • Reduce the amount of light you are exposed to in the hour before bed.
  • Avoid stimulating drinks such as caffeine or sugar.
  • Avoid or reduce alcohol and smoking.

Exercise and physical activity can help relieve restless syndrome, but can also make it worse. Most patients find moderate exercise helpful, but too much exercise can worsen symptoms. Late night exercise may not help either.

other options

In 1998, a small study of 10 people found that magnesium reduced insomnia symptoms in people with RLS and suggested that it might be an effective treatment for people with PLMD. However, research suggests that magnesium is still in the research stage. People with kidney disease should consume magnesium with caution.

Research shows that low levels of magnesium may cause restless legs syndrome. Magnesium is found in whole grains, nuts and green leafy vegetables. Some people find that spraying magnesium oil on the affected area helps, but it should not be used without first consulting a doctor.

Research on the effects of vitamin D on restless legs syndrome has produced mixed results. Some people link high vitamin D to fewer symptoms, while others link extra vitamin D to higher incidence in the summer.

Staying hydrated may also help. This can be achieved by drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine and alcohol.


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