
did you know?

  • About 60 billion chickens are raised every year. Of those, 40 billion chickens are housed in huge, crowded coops or cramped cages. They live in harsh conditions and suffer painful heart, skin, lung and bone problems and stress.
  • Chicken is one of the most popular meats in the world. Between 1996 and 2016, demand for chicken grew by nearly 40% in the EU, 89% in China, 183% in the United States and India.
  • The average lifespan of a factory-farmed chicken is 42 days. In the wild, chickens can survive for several years.
  • Many factory-raised chickens gain more than 50 grams per day. However, their immune systems, organs, and legs cannot keep up, and they suffer a host of physical problems.
  • Broiler chickens are still babies when they are slaughtered. Due to increased growth rates and shortened lifespans, broiler chickens may appear to be fully grown despite their youth.
  • Only certain breeds of chicken are raised for meat. They are genetically selected to reach "slaughter weight" as quickly as possible.
  • Around 2,000 broiler chickens are slaughtered every second around the world.
  • Many broiler chickens live in a space smaller than an A4 sheet of paper. When they are ready to be slaughtered, there is little space for them to move.
  • Chickens love "dust baths." They dig shallow holes to jump into and then cover themselves with dry dust and mud. This is an important natural behavior that keeps feathers in good condition and eliminates parasites. Factory-raised chickens are often unable to engage in dust bathing and other important behaviors such as pecking, scratching, and perching.
  • 71% of people buying chicken at a fast food restaurant never ask where it comes from. This insight comes from our recent survey of 12,000 people.

    This conveyor belt of rapidly growing chickens comes at a cost. Behind the world's most popular meat, as global demand for chicken grows, so does the painful cost.

    Progress in laying hen welfare must be replicated

    In recent years, more and more consumers have put forward demands for higher welfare egg products. In response, several food companies, including Nestlé and McDonald's, have pledged to cage-free egg-laying hens.

    Unfortunately, however, the plight of broiler chickens remains hidden. Most people don’t know that broiler chickens go through endless pain before they become meat on their plate.

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