2023年治療阻塞性睡眠窒息症的 5 款最佳 CPAP 機器

The Best CPAP Machines for Sleep Apnea

  • Best Overall CPAP Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP
  • The quietest CPAP machine: Z2 Auto Travel CPAP
  • Best CPAP Machine for Travel: ResMed AirMini AutoSet Travel CPAP
  • Best Budget CPAP Machine: Luna II Automatic CPAP Machine with Humidifier
  • Best Smart CPAP Machine: Somnetics Transcend Micro CPAP Machine

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy not only helps reduce the number of times you stop breathing, it also helps ensure your body is getting the oxygen it needs to function properly.

With CPAP therapy, you have a small bedside machine that pumps air through tubes into a mask that you wear while sleeping.

If you have a condition like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), your doctor may recommend a CPAP machine to help you breathe while you sleep. You may have tried one type of coverage your insurance offers but now want something else, or you may just be researching your options independently.

Best CPAP Machine Overall

ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP

Price: $$$
Weight: 44 ounces
ResMed is a well-known brand of CPAP machines, and their AirSense 10 is one of the best-rated machines. Like other modern machines, it has an LCD screen so you can easily change settings. But it's smaller than most CPAP machines, so you can even fly with it.

What’s unique about the ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP machine is that it turns on itself when you inhale, you don’t even have to press the start button. It also comes with a built-in humidifier to help prevent dryness in your mouth and nose.

Another benefit is the quiet engine. If you or your partner are light sleepers, the ResMed AirSense 10 might be a good choice.

Please note that ResMed machines and various parts have different limited warranties.

The quietest CPAP machine

Z2 automatic travel CPAP machine

Price: $$
Weight: 10.5 ounces This quiet machine comes with a built-in muffler that helps reduce noise and keeps noise levels to 26 decibels, making it a great choice for light sleepers.

The Z2 offers automatic pressure adjustment to adapt to your breathing needs while you sleep. It's compact for travel and weighs only 10.5 ounces.

It also has a waterless humidification system and a heat and moisture exchanger for maximum comfort. This can help reduce the chance of you waking up with a dry mouth or headache.

If you choose this CPAP machine, the standard 2-year warranty may give you peace of mind.

The Best CPAP Machines for Travel

ResMed AirMini AutoSet Travel CPAP Machine

Price: $$$
Weight: 10.56 ounces Billed as the “world’s smallest CPAP,” this tiny machine weighs only 10.56 ounces and fits in the palm of your hand. It's so portable you can take it with you on a plane. At 30 decibels, it is also quite quiet and will not disturb nearby travelers.

It works with multiple masks and has a waterless humidification system. The companion app lets you retrieve and view data from your device, such as sleep and CPAP treatment progress reports.

The ResMed AirMini machine comes with a 2-year warranty.

Best Budget CPAP Machine

Luna II automatic CPAP machine with humidifier attached

Price: $
Weight: 64 ounces
The Luna II CPAP machine offers comparable features to other devices, but at a more affordable price. It has received generally positive reviews, with most customers rating it 5 stars.

The Luna machine automatically adjusts the pressure and has a built-in humidifier to prevent mouth dryness and make you more comfortable while sleeping. It also features mask leak detection, which will notify you if your mask is not fitting correctly.

You can access your data by scanning a convenient QR code, or you can choose to send the data to your doctor via Wi-Fi or cellular connection. But what are the downsides of this machine? It's quite heavy.

The best smart CPAP machine

Somnetics Transcend Micro The smallest smart automatic travel CPAP machine

Price: $$$
Weight: 7.68 ounces This round, compact device doesn't look like your average CPAP machine, thanks to its sleek, modern design. It's one of the smallest CPAP machines available (about the size of a baseball) and works with the brand's convenient smartphone app, which lets you track your sleep.

It's quiet, lightweight, and comes with a 6-foot-long flexible hose. The built-in silencer inside the mini CPAP helps suppress sound.

You can use the AC power supply or the built-in battery (FAA approved) at home or while traveling. It also has a 30-minute drying mode to help control humidity.

Bonus: You can use it with any CPAP mask. One drawback, however, is that the device is not compatible with standard pipes.

Best CPAP Machines Compared

ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP Z2 automatic travel CPAP machine ResMed AirMini AutoSet Travel CPAP Machine Luna II automatic CPAP machine with humidifier attached Somnetics Transcend Micro The smallest smart automatic travel CPAP machine
price $$$ $$ $$$ $ $$$
weight 44 ounces 10.5 oz. 10.56 oz. 64 ounces 7.68 ounces
Noise level 25 to 35 dB 26 decibels 30 decibels 28 decibels 27 decibels
maintainance 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years
advantage Integrated humidifier, data tracking Lightweight, portable and quiet motor Ultra-portable, Bluetooth-enabled data tracking Easy to set up, great value for money, quiet Ultra-compact, lightweight and stylish design
shortcoming Heavy, fixed and non-adjustable pressure No data tracking available Not suitable for non-ResMed masks, not suitable for wireless masks Heavy Not compatible with standard CPAP catheters


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