
Cherry juice

Cherries are stone fruits, and the taste varies from variety to variety. They can be sweet, sour, or sour, and grow in different colors, including yellow, red, and purple. Not only are they known for making delicious pies, but they also have many health benefits, including improved sleep quality.
The tryptophan content of cherries is believed to be one of the reasons these fruits help sleep. Tryptophan is an amino acid and the precursor of the melatonin hormone, which helps regulate the time to fall asleep and wake up. Although both sweet cherry and sour cherry varieties contain melatonin, sour cherry varieties have the most. In fact, a study found that the melatonin content of sour Montmorency cherries may be six times that of sweet Balaton cherries.

A 7-day study of 20 people found that daily consumption of concentrated tart cherry juice significantly increased melatonin levels compared to a placebo drink.
A similar study of 30 participants observed that eating cherry products twice a day can improve night rest, reduce the number of night awakenings, and increase the level of melatonin in the urine, the first thing in the morning.
Finally, a study pointed out that drinking 2 glasses (480 ml) of cherry juice a day for 2 weeks can increase total sleep time by 84 minutes and help treat insomnia in adults 50 years and older.
If you decide to drink cherry juice to help sleep, you may need to choose an amount similar to the amount used in these studies. Drinking 2 cups a day has nothing to do with any side effects.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a chrysanthemum-shaped flower that is part of the Compositae family. The tea made from this plant has been drunk for a long time. It has a variety of health benefits, including relieving cold symptoms, reducing inflammation and improving skin health. Tea is made by pouring chamomile flowers in hot water.
Some studies have shown that chamomile can improve sleep quality. A study of 60 elderly people found that taking 400 mg of chamomile extract for 28 consecutive days can safely improve sleep quality.
Another study conducted on 80 women with reduced sleep quality pointed out that after participants drank chamomile tea a day for 2 weeks, the physical symptoms of poor sleep efficiency were significantly improved.
Chamomile may help relieve anxiety and insomnia, which can also improve sleep. Two review studies examined the relationship between chamomile intake and insomnia. However, neither of them found enough evidence to support these claims. Therefore, more research is needed.
To make chamomile tea at home, add 4 tablespoons of fresh chamomile flowers to 1 cup of boiling water. Let the flowers soak for about 5 minutes, and then use a mesh filter to drain the liquid from the flowers. It is safe to drink chamomile tea every day, and the consumption of chamomile in the form of tea or other supplements is not associated with negative side effects.


Ashwagandha, commonly known as Ashwagandha , is known as a powerful medicinal plant. It is sometimes called Indian ginseng or winter cherry. Extracts from plant roots, berries and leaves have been used to treat diseases such as stress, anxiety and arthritis. Ashwagandha is traditionally used in Ayurvedic practice. The compounds contained in the root seem to induce sleep when separated and consumed in large doses.
A study in mice found that triethylene glycol-an active ingredient in Ashwagandha leaves-promotes non-rapid eye movement sleep, during which your body regenerates tissues and bones.
In human studies, Indian ginseng has shown the potential to help the body relax and prepare for rest and improve overall sleep quality.
Although Ashwagandha is safe for most people, some people should be cautious. This includes people with autoimmune diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and people taking medications for blood pressure, blood sugar, or thyroid disease.

Valerian tea

Valerian is a perennial plant with scented pink or white flowers, belonging to the honeysuckle genus. And Ashwagandha Similarly, valerian root of the plant is used as a herb, known to promote sleep and relieve insomnia.
Valerian is especially expected to relieve insomnia and improve sleep quality in menopausal women. A study found that after taking 530 mg of valerian capsules daily for 4 weeks, 30% of postmenopausal women reported improved sleep quality. Although a large number of studies have shown that valerian can treat insomnia, the researchers concluded that more research is needed before specific recommendations on dosage and treatment options are made.
To make valerian root tea, soak 2-3 grams of dried valerian root in 1 cup (237 ml) of hot water. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then tighten.
Valerian is considered a safe strategy for managing insomnia. It does not change the circadian rhythm-your body's daily pattern determines when to sleep and wake up. However, one study observed that high doses increase anxiety levels.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 3 years of age avoid using valerian. In addition, the root can enhance the sedative effect, do not mix with drugs such as alcohol or barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

Mint tea

The official name of the mint family is Lamiaceae, which is famous for its culinary uses. This includes peppermint, which seems to be very powerful and versatile. Peppermint has been used in traditional medicine for many years. It is believed that this tea has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and even anti-allergic properties. Peppermint may also help relieve gastrointestinal (GI) diseases such as indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Although it has been proven to help relieve stomach upset at night, more clinical trials on peppermint tea are needed to determine how it directly affects sleep.
Mint tea is easy to make. Just boil 2 cups (480 ml) of water and add a handful of mint leaves. You can adjust the number of leaves according to the strength of your favorite tea. Let the leaves soak in hot water for at least 5 minutes.
Peppermint tea is generally safe, but it may interact with certain blood pressure, indigestion, and diabetes medications. If you are taking any medications, you should consult your healthcare provider before drinking peppermint tea or using peppermint oil.

Warm milk

Milk contains tryptophan. Tryptophan naturally increases serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter known for happiness and well-being. In addition, serotonin is the precursor of the sleep regulating hormone melatonin. Simply put, tryptophan increases serotonin levels, thereby increasing melatonin levels. Melatonin can promote sleep and help fight various sleep disorders, including jet lag, shift work sleep disorders, and insomnia.
Several studies have found that warm milk may improve sleep quality and reduce night activities, but further research is needed to confirm these claims.
Drinking a cup of hot milk before bed may be just a soothing, can help you relax and prepare for rest. If you want to try hot milk, just choose your favorite milk and let it simmer on the stove for a few minutes. Unless you are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk, there is no harm.

Turmeric milk

There is some evidence that hot milk alone can help you sleep better at night. Golden milk not only uses the sleep aid potential of warm milk, but also contains turmeric.
Because milk contains tryptophan, the precursor of melatonin, it may help increase melatonin levels. Melatonin is the main hormone that regulates the body's sleep-wake cycle.
At the same time, turmeric is rich in compound curcumin, which can reduce some of the effects of sleep deprivation, reduce inflammation, and safely treat symptoms of anxiety and depression.
For example, a study in mice found that 72 hours of sleep deprivation can lead to weight loss, anxiety-like behaviors, and oxidative damage. However, taking 10-20 mg of curcumin extract for 5 consecutive days can reduce weight loss and significantly improve anxiety-like behaviors. 59 trusted sources).
To make golden milk, mix 1/2 cup (118 ml) of milk, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 small piece of ginger, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Bring it to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for 3-5 minutes.
Every ingredient in golden milk is generally considered safe. Nonetheless, people who take certain medications, including blood thinners and medications that reduce stomach acid and control diabetes, should use turmeric and ginger with caution.

Almond milk

Almonds are tree nuts rich in healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals. Almond milk is a creamy nut substitute for milk. It is made by mixing almonds with water and filtering the pulp. Whole almonds can improve sleep quality. Violet oil made from almonds or sesame seeds has even been used in Iranian traditional medicine for many years to treat insomnia.
In a study of 75 patients with chronic insomnia, participants reported that their sleep quality improved significantly after instilling 3 drops of violet or pure almond oil intranasally every night for 30 days.
In another study of 442 college students, after eating 10 almonds a day for 2 weeks, the number of participants reporting insomnia decreased by 8.4%.
Since almond milk is made from whole almonds, it can also promote good sleep. Almond milk is rich in hormones and minerals that promote sleep, including tryptophan, melatonin, and magnesium. In fact, 1 cup (237 ml) of almond milk contains nearly 17 mg of magnesium. In recent years, magnesium has shown the potential to treat insomnia, especially in the elderly.
Since almond milk is made from whole almonds, people who are allergic to nuts should avoid almond milk and products made with it.

Banana Almond Shake

Bananas are another food rich in magnesium, tryptophan and melatonin. They are also high in potassium. Potassium and magnesium are two minerals that relax muscles and help you relax at the end of a long day. By mixing banana and almond milk in a smoothie, you can really add a powerful tryptophan and melatonin powder, which may help reduce insomnia symptoms.
To make a banana-almond smoothie, mix:

  • 1 fresh or frozen banana
  • 1 cup (237 ml) almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) almond butter
  • 1/2 cup ice (if using fresh bananas)

This simple recipe is a great smoothie base. You can add other magnesium and potassium-rich ingredients such as green leafy vegetables, orange juice, dark chocolate, yogurt or avocado. As long as you are not allergic to bananas or almonds, a smoothie like this is a healthy and delicious way to end the day.


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