
What is coconut sugar and how is it made?

Coconut sugar is also known as coconut palm sugar.

It is a natural sugar made from the sap of the coconut tree, the sugary circulating fluid of the coconut tree. It is often confused with jaggery, which is similar but made from a different type of palm tree.

Coconut sugar is made in a natural two-step process:

  1. The flowers of the coconut tree are cut and the liquid sap is collected into containers.
  2. Place the juice over heat until most of the water has evaporated.

The final product is brown and grainy. It is similar in color to raw sugar, but the particle size is usually smaller or more variable.

Is it more nutritious than regular sugar?

Regular table sugar and high fructose corn syrup do not contain any important nutrients and therefore provide "empty" calories.

However, coconut sugar does retain quite a bit of the nutrients found in coconut palm.

The most notable of these are the minerals iron, zinc, calcium and potassium, as well as some short-chain fatty acids such as polyphenols and antioxidants.

Then it contains a type of fiber called inulin, which may slow down the absorption of glucose and explains why coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index than regular table sugar.

Even though coconut sugar contains some nutrients, you'll get more from the real food.

Coconut sugar is very high in calories (the same as regular sugar) and you would have to eat a lot of it to meet your needs for the above nutrients.

Coconut sugar may have a lower glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels.

The GI of glucose is 100. By comparison, a food with a GI of 50 raises blood sugar levels half as much as pure glucose.

Table sugar has a GI of about 60, while coconut sugar has a GI of 54.

However, it is important to note that the GI varies from person to person and may vary from batch to batch of coconut sugar.

Although its inulin content may slow sugar absorption to some extent, it's unclear whether this modest difference in GI is related to health.

it is still rich in fructose

Added sugar is unhealthy because it causes blood sugar levels to rise significantly. It's also very nutritionally poor, providing almost no vitamins or minerals, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Another possible reason why added sugar is so unhealthy is its high fructose content.

Although not all scientists are convinced that fructose is a serious problem in healthy people, most agree that excess fructose may promote metabolic syndrome in obese individuals.

Regular table sugar (sucrose) is 50% fructose and 50% glucose, while high fructose corn syrup is approximately 55% fructose and 45% glucose.

Despite frequent claims that coconut sugar actually contains no fructose, it is made from 70-80% sucrose, which is half fructose.

For this reason, coconut sugar provides almost the same amount of fructose as regular sugar, gram for gram.

Excessive consumption of added sugar may lead to various problems such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Although coconut sugar has a slightly better nutritional profile than table sugar, its health effects should be largely similar.

Use coconut sugar in moderation, just as you would regular table sugar.


At the end of the day, coconut sugar isn't some magic food.

It is very similar to regular table sugar, although it is not processed and contains small amounts of nutrients. If you are going to use coconut sugar, use caution.

Coconut sugar is in the same boat as most sugar alternatives. It's healthier than refined sugar, but definitely worse than no added sugar.




“儘管經常聲稱椰子糖實際上不含果糖,但它由 70-80% 的蔗糖製成,即半果糖。”
這句在說什麼?是在說椰子花糖,還是棕櫚糖 ,還是是混了70-80% 蔗糖的“糖”? 椰子花糖和棕櫚糖是兩樣不同的東西但在這裡又混在一起。

整篇文章像在資料收集上有很多錯誤的地方,也有很多矛盾的地方,椰子花糖的GI升糖指數是35,也不是文章所說的54,反正一個過度活躍的孩子吃了用椰子花糖做的蛋糕不會出現過度活躍的情況,這點應該已經可以證明。 當然也要看看椰子花糖是否純正,是否如文中所說混了蔗糖,如果混了蔗糖,為什麼又可以用以作為比較?









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