E132-靛藍; 靛藍胭脂紅

Indigo, also known as sodium indigo disulfonate, 5,5'-indigo disulfonate sodium salt, E132, Sicovit Indigotin 85, Food Blue 1, FD&C Blue 2, ci 73015, 4 G, CI Acid Blue 74, Brilliant Indigo and indigo. Indigo is an organic compound derived from indigo through aromatic sulfonation. In the past it was extracted from the indigo plant. It has a dark, purple-blue appearance (powder); blue or purple-blue (solution), soluble in water, and is usually used as a food coloring agent.

  • CAS number 860-22-0
  • Molecular formula C16H8N2Na2O8S2
  • E number E132


E132 is widely used in food , textile, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. It is often used in combination with other colorants to achieve specific shades.


It is used with Patented Blue V to give food a blue color. The two blue colors are mainly used in paint, ice cream and candy.


clinical endoscopy

Endoscopic dye spraying improves topographical clarity of the gastrointestinal tract. Indigo carmine dye, used in conjunction with advanced equipment, helps detect hard-to-find lesions, which is critical in the monitoring of ulcerative colitis. Research demonstrates that indigo carmine is safe and effective when used throughout the colon.

Indigo Carmine Injection

Indigo carmine is administered intravenously or intramuscularly and monitored with cystoscopy. Water for Injection. It is used to locate the ureteral orifice during cystoscopy and ureteral catheterization.

as an indicator

Indigo Carmine is a pH and redox indicator that turns blue at pH 11.4 and yellow at pH 13.0.


Indigo carmine is one of the most commonly used dyes in the textile industry, especially for denim dyeing .

health problems

When used in small amounts as a food additive, indigo is generally considered safe for human consumption. However, some people may experience adverse reactions, especially those who are sensitive to synthetic dyes.

Indigo carmine may cause irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea in humans. and can cause hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat, increased blood pressure, and bronchoconstriction.

Generally speaking, these food colorings have low absorption rates and limited utilization, and are almost completely excreted through feces.


E132 is approved as a food color additive in many countries, including the European Union, the United States and Australia. It is banned in Norway . Food manufacturers must adhere to strict regulations regarding the use of E132 and other food additives, including maximum allowable levels and labeling requirements.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has determined that no group has more than 5% of its members at risk of consuming more than the acceptable daily intake of E132 - indigo.


While indigo is commonly used as a blue food coloring, natural alternatives are available, such as spirulina extract, which is derived from blue-green algae. Some food manufacturers may choose to use natural colorants to meet consumer demand for clean label products.

environmental impact

Water pollution caused by the extensive use of indigo carmine in the textile industry is a growing concern. Increasing research is looking into effective and cost-effective ways to remove dyes from wastewater. Further research is needed to determine indigo carmine concentration and regulate its use to reduce contamination.


E132 - Indigo is a widely used food colorant that imparts a blue color to a variety of food and beverage products. The use of dyes in various industries, especially in the food and textile industries, is a consequence of modern life. All dyes offer many advantages, but at the same time, they can also be considered a cause of concern for population health and the environment.


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