E633 - 肌苷酸鈣

Calcium inosinate (E633) is the calcium salt of inosinate, a nucleotide found naturally in meat and fish. It is commonly used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods to impart a salty flavor known as umami.


Calcium inosinate is a compound that is added to foods as a flavor enhancer to improve the taste of foods. Calcium inosinate is used as an anti-caking agent in food preparation,

E633 is often used in combination with monosodium glutamate (MSG) to enhance the umami flavor of food. It's often found in salty snacks, canned soups, sauces, seasonings and processed meats. Calcium inosinate is found in instant noodles, potato chips and snacks, savory rice, canned vegetables, cured meats, and packaged soups.


Calcium inosinate is generally considered safe for human consumption if used in accordance with good manufacturing practices.

However, some people may be sensitive to glutamate flavor enhancers and experience symptoms such as headaches, sweating, and nausea.

Excessive consumption may worsen symptoms in people with metabolic diseases such as gout.

People with asthma and gout should avoid inosine.


In the European Union, calcium inosinate (E633) is approved as a food additive and is assigned an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) value, which represents the amount that can be consumed daily over a lifetime without adverse effects on health. Negative Effects.

It is also regulated by other food safety agencies around the world, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

alternative plan

Food manufacturers may use a variety of flavor enhancers, including other nucleotides such as disodium inosinate (E631) and guanosine monophosphate (E627), as well as natural ingredients such as yeast extract or hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, to enhance Achieve salty taste in its products.

Some consumers prefer products labeled "natural" or "clean label" and may look for foods that do not contain synthetic flavor enhancers such as E633.

environmental impact

The production of calcium inosinate may involve chemical synthesis or fermentation processes, which may have environmental impacts depending on the specific method used. However, like most food additives, E633 has a relatively small impact on the environment compared to other industrial activities.


E633 - Calcium inosinate is a food additive commonly used to enhance the flavor of processed foods. While it is safe for most people, people who are sensitive to the glutamic acid flavor enhancer should use caution when consuming products containing E633. As with any food additive, moderation and a balanced diet are key to maintaining overall health and well-being.


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