食用黃金 E175: 用途,安全和禁止使用國家

E175, also known as edible gold, is a food additive colorant used to provide a golden or metallic luster to foods and beverages.

food decoration

Edible gold is primarily used as a decorative food additive to enhance the appearance of certain dishes and beverages. It is often used as a thin layer of edible gold leaf or gold dust to add a touch of luxury and elegance to desserts, candies, chocolates, cakes, pastries and alcoholic beverages.

luxury food use

Gold is often associated with luxury and indulgence, and its use in food and drink is sometimes reserved for special occasions or premium products. Edible gold leaf or gold powder can be used to decorate gourmet desserts, fine chocolates, celebration cakes and premium cocktails served in upscale restaurants, hotels and catered events.

Food safety

Edible gold used in food products usually consists of pure gold (24 karat) or a gold alloy specially formulated for culinary purposes. These gold products are non-toxic, biologically inert and safe to consume in small amounts.

Exposure estimates for gold (E 175) are as high as 1.32 μg/kg body weight (bw)/day in the highest level exposure assessment scenario and up to 0.33 μg/kg bw/day under the refined, non-brand loyal exposure scenario.

Consuming gold as a food colorant does not confer specific health benefits beyond its aesthetic appeal.

Gold (E175) is generally considered safe for consumption if used in accordance with regulatory guidelines and within permitted limits. However, the following factors must be kept in mind:

  • Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some people may be allergic or sensitive to gold. If you have a known allergy to gold or experience any adverse reactions after consuming food or drinks containing gold (E175), it is recommended to avoid consumption and seek medical advice.
  • Purity and Source: The quality and purity of gold used in food products is critical. It is important to ensure that the gold used is food grade and does not contain any impurities or contaminants that may pose a health risk.

Gold is considered safe as a food additive, but as a dye it may contain aluminum that is not listed on the label. Aluminum is suspected of causing dementia, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and can also disrupt reproductive function, intestinal function and the immune system. It has been shown to promote inflammation and irritable bowel syndrome in mice.

Regulatory Authority

Gold is banned in the United States, but is allowed in Canada for use in alcoholic beverages, without specifying a maximum amount, and in the European Union for decoration in candies, chocolates and lozenges, and as a dye for liqueurs.

Gold (E175) needs to be evaluated and approved as a food additive by regulatory agencies such as Food Standards Australia New Zealand and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Handmade craftsmanship

Applying gold leaf or gold powder to food requires skill and precision. It is often considered an edible art form, where skilled craftsmen skillfully use gold to create intricate designs, patterns and decorations that enhance the visual appeal of culinary creations.

cultural significance

Gold has been used in culinary traditions around the world for centuries, and its consumption can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Its use in food and beverages often symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and celebration, and it has cultural significance in various culinary customs and rituals.


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