青春期時與家人關係良好 可能降低患憂鬱症風險

More than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression, a dangerous illness that can harm school, work, social connections and physical health. Depression and other mental illnesses are linked to suicide and premature death from alcohol and drug abuse, but people who maintain good and close relationships with their families during adolescence are more likely to have better outcomes later in life. However, research shows that the chances of developing depression are lower.

Despite ongoing advances in the treatment and intervention of depression, many depressive conditions are irreversible, necessitating improved treatments for depression in young people. It sees the need for prevention and early intervention.

Family environment is also important for depression measures in young people. Risk factors such as neglect, abuse, and financial anxiety have a negative impact on depression. On the other hand, it is known that good and close family relationships can reduce depression in adolescence, but the question is "How long does the impact of the family environment on depression in adolescence last?"

The research data were analyzed. The research has been conducted since 1995 and has continuously investigated the process of more than 20,000 American teenagers from adolescence to adulthood. Five interviews have been conducted in 1996, 2001, 2008 and 2016, and various data on the subjects were collected longitudinally.

The analysis showed that the overall trend of depression is to increase during adolescence, decrease in the early 20s, and then increase again in the late 30s. The depression curve appears to be flatter in men than in women. Additionally, females are more likely to experience high levels of depression during mid-to-late adolescence, whereas males are more likely to experience high levels of depression during a shorter period of adolescence. Women are most likely to become depressed in their 30s, while men are most likely to become depressed in their late 30s to early 40s.

Research has found that family relationships in adolescence are good and cohesive. People with severe depression have a significantly lower risk of developing depression starting in adolescence and into their late 30s or early 40s.

There appear to be gender differences in the benefits of good family relationships on depression, with women who have good family relationships benefiting more than men, especially from adolescence to their early 20s. For men, on the other hand, while the benefits are not as great as for women, the benefits last longer at a younger age than for women.

The findings highlight the need for early intervention to prevent depression in adolescent families. Adolescence is a time of significant changes in biological and social development, and if one is unable to cope with these changes during adolescence, a person is susceptible to lifelong depression. The pair thought it was possible.

On the other hand, the present results do not necessarily mean that people with poor family relationships in adolescence are destined to be at high risk for depression throughout their lives. Teenagers can build resilience against depression by building relationships with other communities, such as friends, religion, various support organizations, and people in the community.


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