羥丙基二澱粉磷酸酯 (E1442): 功能和應用

E1442, also known as hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate, is a modified starch commonly used as a food additive. It belongs to the category of starch derivatives and is mainly used as a thickener, stabilizer, binder and emulsifier in various foods. Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate is white powder or granules, sometimes in the form of flakes or coarse particles.


Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate is mainly used to improve the texture, stability and consistency of food. It helps thicken and gel food formulations, providing a smooth, uniform texture.


Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate is a modified starch produced by esterifying edible starch with sodium trimetaphosphate or phosphorus oxychloride and then etherifying it with propylene oxide. This substitution results in the substitution of the hydroxyl group with 2-hydroxypropyl ether. This structure can be represented as "starch-ORO starch", where R is a cross-linking group. It can also be treated with acid, alkali, enzyme or bleach.


E1442 is widely used in the food industry, especially processed foods and convenience foods. Used as stabilizer, thickener, binder, emulsifier in food; used in food, such as yogurt, pudding, mayonnaise, canned food, ice cream, fresh noodles, frozen microwave noodles, sauces, salad dressings, seasonings, tar juice and other products. It is valued for its ability to withstand high temperatures and acidic conditions.

E1442 can also improve the texture of cosmetics. Belongs to the carbohydrate class and is used in a variety of personal care products such as conditioners, facial treatments, shower gels, sunscreens and hair products. Also used as a stabilizer, listed as distarch phosphate or hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate.


As a food additive, E1442 helps improve the texture, mouthfeel and stability of food products. It enhances the viscosity of liquids, prevents syneresis, and provides a smooth, creamy texture to dairy products. It also helps prevent ingredients from separating and improves freeze-thaw stability of frozen foods.

Security and Regulation

Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate is considered safe for consumption when used in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices. It has been approved for use as a food additive by regulatory agencies such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is approved for use in the European Union (listed as E1442), the United States, Australia, Taiwan and New Zealand.

  • CAS number 53124-00-8
  • EC number 610-966-0
  • E number E1442

The International Food Additive Numbering System assigns "INS" number 1442 to E1442.

Use of hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate in food according to the Codex General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA)

  • Coffee, coffee substitutes, teas, herbal infusions, and other hot cereals and cereal beverages (other than cocoa)
  • Whey powder and whey products without whey cheese
  • Fermented milk (original flavor), without heat treatment after fermentation
  • Frozen battered fish, fillets and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms:
  • herbs and spices
  • Other sugars and syrups (such as xylose, maple syrup, sugar ingredients)
  • Pasteurized cream (original)
  • Curd (original)
  • Sterilized and UHT cream, whipping and whipping cream and low-fat cream (plain)


In foods, E1442 may be listed on ingredient labels under its full name "Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate" or its INS number "E1442".


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