Diagnostic sleep study
Diagnostic sleep studies include both nighttime and daytime diagnostics. An overnight diagnostic PSG sleep study is most commonly performed. It involves non-invasive sensors attached to key points to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), snoring, sleep state misinterpretation, limb movements and other sleep disorders. This test can also help identify narcolepsy, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and idiopathic narcolepsy. For patients whose job requires them to work during the day, a daytime diagnostic sleep study is appropriate.
MSLT or Multiple Sleep Latency Test
This is a daytime sleep study used to diagnose narcolepsy and narcolepsy. MSLY is usually performed after overnight PSG. Diagnosis requires 4 to 5 naps of 2 hours each during the day. This test measures and records eye movements and brain waves to diagnose sleep stages and sleep duration.
Electroencephalogram or EEG
This test will identify and measure twitching, seizures, and other abnormal movements during sleep. The test is recorded and the results are analyzed by a qualified physician after the EEG.
MWT or Maintenance of Wakefulness Test
This test is used to evaluate a patient's ability to stay awake during the day. This is usually done after the patient has been or is being treated for a sleep disorder. Completed after PSG overnight, MWT requires four 40-minute tests performed at 2-hour intervals during the day. Determine the patient's sleeping and waking state by measuring eye movements and brain waves. This test is most helpful in determining whether a patient can drive safely.
CPAP, BiPAP, APAP titration study
The CPAP titration test is used to determine the CPAP pressure in patients receiving CPAP therapy. The right CPAP pressure is needed to control obstructive breathing attacks and snoring. Sensors very similar to those used in PSG were used for titration tests. BiPAP and APAP titration studies are similar to CPAP titration studies in that they also determine the correct BiPAP or APAP pressure for effective treatment.