
Sexsomnia, also known as sexsomnia, is a sleep disorder called parasomnia. Parasomnias are unusual feelings and behaviors that people may experience or exhibit while sleeping, falling asleep, or waking up, such as sleepwalking. In the case of sexsomnia, people engage in sexual behaviors such as masturbating, having sex, sexually assaulting, or having sex with others. Although their eyes may be open and they may make sexual noises, they are asleep during these activities and will not be aware of their actions once they wake up.

Experts have difficulty estimating how many people experience sleep intercourse. The disease can occur unexpectedly, and a person may not know they have it unless another person notices its effects. However, nearly 8% of people at the sleep center developed symptomatic disease.

Sleep intercourse can cause considerable shame and distress to both the person experiencing it and their partner. However, treatment is possible and may include medication or lifestyle changes, depending on the underlying cause of the parasomnias.

What are the symptoms of sexsomnia?

Symptoms of parasomnia vary from person to person, but the fundamental characteristic of this form of parasomnia is that the sleeping person exhibits sexual behaviors that they are unaware of and cannot control. These behaviors can include:

  • masturbate
  • caress
  • sex noise
  • sexual behavior
  • initiate sexual activity
  • sexual assault
  • sexual assault

Sexsomnia can occur with other parasomnias, including sleepwalking and sleep talking. It appears to be more common in men than women, perhaps three times more common. Masturbation is the most common behavior among women with sexsomnia.

In addition to sexual behavior, signs that someone is acting under the influence of parasomnias include:

  • Sluggish or minimally responsive to conversations or situations
  • Unusual sexual reactions or aggression
  • Unable to wake up or difficult to wake up
  • Waking up with no memory of sexual intercourse

Nocturnal emissions, often called "wet dreams," are not the same thing as sleep intercourse. Nocturnal emissions are considered a normal part of male puberty and are experienced by adult men as well. However, some people with somnambulism may mistake their condition for a nocturnal emission if no one else witnesses their behavior.

What causes sleep intercourse?

Research into the causes of sleepwalking remains limited, but experts have found links to a variety of underlying diseases and risk factors. These include:

  • Other parasomnias, such as sleepwalking and REM sleep behavior disorder
  • obstructive sleep apnea
  • sleep related seizures
  • Klein-Levine Syndrome
  • chronic insomnia
  • restless legs syndrome
  • narcolepsy
  • persistent sexual arousal syndrome
  • sleep-related dissociative disorders
  • nocturnal psychosis
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding

In a review of the literature, parasomnias and Klein-Levin syndrome were the most common underlying factors. However, sleep intercourse also appears to be strongly associated with temporal and frontal lobe seizures.

What causes sexsomnia?

Not all sleep intercourse is associated with an underlying medical cause. Some cases appear to be caused by environmental or lifestyle triggers. These triggers may also cause sleep intercourse symptoms in people with underlying medical conditions. Common triggers include stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and lack of sleep. However, triggers for sleep intercourse appear to vary from person to person.

How is somnambulism diagnosed?

Most people who experience sleep intercourse symptoms do not report them to their doctor or sleep specialist. Shame is a common factor among people with this condition, but it's important to remember that sleep intercourse is often treatable and medical professionals will have your best interests in mind.

If you are concerned that you may experience this type of parasomnia, the first step in diagnosis and treatment is to speak with a medical professional. Your doctor may recommend a recorded sleep study or film polysomnogram to better understand your condition and any potential sleep-related causes.

Depending on the results of your sleep study, other tests may be needed to find out if you have other health conditions associated with sleep intercourse.

How is sexsomnia treated?

Treatment for sexsomnia depends on the underlying cause.

For people whose parasomnias are associated with another type of parasomnia, taking benzodiazepines may be helpful. Sexsomnia associated with other sleep disorders can often be relieved by treating the underlying problem, such as using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine or a mandibular advancement device used to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Cases of parasomnia caused by epileptic seizures respond well to anticonvulsant treatment.

Because sleep intercourse appears to be caused by a variety of medical conditions, your doctor may prescribe a treatment based on your unique situation. They may also recommend lifestyle changes to avoid potential triggers and steps to keep you and others in your home safe until the condition is under control.

Coping with sexsomnia

Sleep intercourse can be very disturbing for both the person with the disorder and the people in their lives. Because people with this form of parasomnia are unaware of and have no control over their actions while asleep, they may behave in ways they would never choose to do while awake. This can create serious, distressing complications around consent, as sleep intercourse could lead to someone being sexually aggressive or having sex with someone they wouldn't otherwise have sex with.

Receiving a diagnosis and appropriate treatment is the first step in coping with sleep intercourse. While many people feel ashamed about their condition, talking openly and honestly with the people in their lives about diagnosis and treatment can help keep everyone safe. For people with sexsomnia and anyone else affected, counseling can help ease the emotional toll this disorder takes.

Since sleep intercourse treatment may not be immediately effective, it is important to take necessary safety precautions. Depending on your situation, this may involve:

  • sleep in separate room
  • Lock the bedroom door
  • Avoid all known or possible triggers
  • Set motion alerts, especially in situations related to sleepwalking

Maintaining good sleep hygiene is crucial and has been shown to help people with parasomnias. Following a sleep schedule, winding down at the end of the day, and maintaining a consistent bedtime routine are all part of healthy sleep hygiene.


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