山梨酸 (E200): 食品防腐劑

Sorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound that has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of mold, yeast and fungi and is commonly used as a food preservative.

  • The chemical formula is C6H8O2
  • International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Name: (2E,4E)-Hexa-2,4-dienoic acid
  • CAS 110-44-1
  • E 200


Sorbic acid is white powder or crystal. The taste is slightly sour, slightly astringent, and has a faint odor.

food preservatives

Sorbic acid and its salts, such as potassium sorbate and calcium sorbate, are widely used as preservatives in food and beverage products to extend shelf life by inhibiting the growth of mold, yeast and fungi. It can effectively prevent the decay of various acidic and low pH foods .

Sorbic acid is commonly found in food, animal feed, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. It is frequently used for the preservation of wine, cheese, baked goods, fresh produce, and refrigerated meats and shellfish.

Its natural antibiotic properties make it effective against Clostridium botulinum and prevents botulism poisoning.

It also has antifungal properties and is suitable for use in canned foods such as pickles, plums, black cherries, figs and salads.

antibacterial properties

The function of sorbic acid is to destroy the cell membrane of microorganisms and prevent their growth and proliferation. It is particularly effective against mold and yeast, making it a popular choice for preserving acidic foods where other preservatives may not be as effective.

natural source

Sorbic acid occurs naturally in some fruits, such as rowan berries.

Sorbic acid and potassium sorbate are used in many foods that claim to be "natural." Although sorbates occur naturally in some fruits, they are manufactured synthetically for commercial use, so describing them as "natural" is misleading. They are one of five groups of preservatives to avoid listed on the RPA elimination diet, along with benzoates, sulfites, nitrates/nitrites and propionates.

Sorbic acid is the preferred preservative compared to nitrates, which can form carcinogenic by-products.

Safety Precautions

When used in accordance with good manufacturing practices, sorbic acid is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Sorbic acid is used as a chemical preservative in foods for human consumption and is generally considered safe if used in accordance with good manufacturing practices.

Sorbic acid is used as a chemical preservative in animal medicines, feeds and related products and is generally considered safe when used in accordance with good manufacturing or husbandry practices.

Some people may have a mild allergic reaction or sensitivity to sorbic acid.

Applying 150 mg of sorbic acid to human skin for 1 hour can cause severe irritation.

Sorbates have been linked to asthma, eczema, contact dermatitis, eye irritation, nasal irritation, and burning mouth syndrome, as well as various food intolerance reactions, including irritable bowel symptoms and behavioral problems in children.

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by sorbic acid is most commonly reported after use of topical medications containing sorbic acid preservatives (e.g., corticosteroid creams). People with eczema should avoid using sorbic acid in cosmetics because of the potential for irritation.

Sorbic acid can also cause stinging and a non-immune contact urticarial reaction.

regulatory approval

Sorbic acid and its salts are approved for use as food additives by regulatory agencies around the world, including the US FDA and the EU European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Because it has nothing to do with cancer or other major health problems.

Maximum use levels and labeling requirements may vary depending on the specific food application and regulatory jurisdiction.

Storage and handling

Sorbic acid is usually available as white crystalline powder or granules. Should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to prevent degradation. Proper safety measures should be taken when handling sorbic acid, including wearing protective gear such as gloves and goggles.


Sorbic acid is a widely used and effective food preservative that helps maintain the quality and safety of a variety of foods. When used responsibly and in compliance with regulatory guidelines, it plays an important role in extending the shelf life of perishable foods and reducing food waste.


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