
Healthiest options: turkey and chicken

When it comes to the healthiest, most nutritious meats, turkey and chicken should be at the top of the list. The two are roughly the same nutritionally, with turkey meat tending to be leaner than chicken. Poultry is healthiest if the skin is removed, which is the fattest part.
Once the skin is removed, the fat and calorie difference between white and dark meat is negligible. Darker meat tends to be moister and more flavorful, but some people don't like its texture.

Eat in moderation: pork

The second healthiest meat choice is pork, which is a great source of protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. However, there are some potential risks that need to be noted. According to the American Heart Association, red meat contains more saturated fat than turkey and skinless chicken, which can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. And, according to the National Institutes of Health, eating processed and unprocessed red meat may increase the risk of colorectal cancer, coronary heart disease and death.
However, the American Institute for Cancer Research does not recommend avoiding red meat entirely. Instead, you should limit your weekly servings to one to two 3-ounce servings. In addition, it is recommended to choose the leanest cuts of meat.

Eat in moderation: beef

While beef has roughly the same nutritional value and risk factors as pork, beef tends to be higher in saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease. For the healthiest addition to your diet, it is recommended to choose beef products that are at least 90% lean.
Be aware that ground beef may come from several different cows and is exposed to air when ground, which increases the risk of E. coli growth, so be sure to cook ground beef to at least 160°F. (Rare-cooked steaks don't have the same risk of E. coli contamination because the insides aren't exposed to air.) Also, avoid grilling meat at extremely high temperatures, which can produce a carcinogen called cyclic amines. Those grill marks on the meat can be a danger sign.

Best to avoid: cold cuts

Cold cuts are processed meats that have been cured or smoked, or have been processed to alter flavor or preserve them. These processes can lead to increases in sodium, nitrates, nitrites and other chemicals in meat, which can have a variety of effects, many of which are unpredictable. For example, sodium nitrite helps prevent the growth of bacteria in cold cuts, and nitrite forms beneficial nitric oxide in the body. But chemical nitrites can damage human cells and may increase the risk of cancer, or they can form nitrosamines, which are known to cause cancer in laboratory animals. The effects depend on how your body processes nitrites, which is why it's best to avoid cold dishes if possible.

If you're not willing to avoid it, choose lean meats such as chicken, turkey breast, or roast beef. Low-sodium options, but be aware that they may not be low in sodium, just less than regular versions. It is recommended to choose cold cuts without added nitrites or nitrates.

Choose the healthiest meat

In addition to analyzing the specific types of meat you eat, you should also consider how the animals were raised. Beef is healthier when cattle are fed grass rather than grains. This is because grass-fed meat has higher levels of healthful conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids than grain-fed meat. Additionally, animals raised on organic feed tend to provide healthier meat than those that are not fed organic feed. Animals raised in sunlight in open spaces provide healthier meat than animals raised in feedlots or in dark cages.

Know where your meat comes from and consider whether the animals take hormones and antibiotics. You'll likely pay more for higher-quality meat. But this can be balanced by eating less meat.

Alternative: Consider a plant-based diet

Research shows that a plant-based diet is a great way to eat healthily. You don't have to eliminate meat, fish, and poultry, but it's a good idea to think of meat as the condiment rather than the star. Even a few strips of beef or pork in a dish will give it good flavor and texture. No need for a big piece of steak.

Reducing your meat intake, combined with understanding which meats are healthiest and choosing the highest quality options, will put you on the best path to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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