
Citrus fiber is the “go-to” ingredient for clean labels, especially Citri-Fi®. This natural citrus fiber sets itself apart from other citrus fibers because of its sustainable story, patented technology and superior functional benefits. For example, this citrus fiber or citrus fiber extract provides high water retention, emulsifying and gelling properties. Additionally, it cleans up food labels. The food industry has put citrus fiber in the spotlight due to its clean-label functional benefits in food and beverage products. Therefore, customers are constantly asking questions about this high-quality natural ingredient. Below, we’ve captured and shared frequently asked questions about this great clean label food ingredient.

Citrus Fiber: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is citrus fiber?

Citrus fiber consists of the insoluble and/or soluble fiber components of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes. Although most people automatically assume that food manufacturers use citrus fiber for fortification purposes such as "added fiber," this is not the case with citrus fibers such as Citri-Fi®. Not all citrus fibers are created equal. Citri-Fi, for example, uses a chemical-free process to convert by-products or “upcycled” materials produced by the citrus juicing industry into higher-value products. As a result, a patented mechanical process opens the fibers to provide high surface area.

Due to its high surface area and composition, this citrus fiber can be used at very low dosages while providing high functional benefits such as water retention, emulsification and gelling. Citri-Fi contains high amounts of insoluble and soluble fiber, especially natural pectin, which provides functional benefits. So Citri-Fi first improves the texture, taste and stability of food, and secondly provides some dietary fiber.

The main difference between Citri-Fi citrus and other citrus on the market. Citri-Fi adheres to a sustainable model of using food processing by-products. Other fibers use grinding and growing models. In other words, other suppliers exclusively source materials from products specifically designed to be processed into plant fibers. Additionally, some citrus fibers contain primarily insoluble fiber. Therefore, they provide limited functionality in food. Finally, Citri-Fi uses a chemical-free process. Other processors use alcohol washes and other chemicals to make their products.

2. What is citrus fiber made of?

Citrus fiber can be made from different citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons or limes, which are the most common ingredients.

3. What is citrus fiber extract?

Citrus fiber extract is another description of citrus fiber. Some ingredient suppliers use this term to try to differentiate their citrus fiber products from others on the market. Ultimately, food labels win out when it comes to describing this natural ingredient. For example, FDA labeling guidelines for Citri-Fi include the following options: citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp, or citrus powder. USDA Fallow Citrus Powder or Dried Citrus Pulp. These label options are resonating well with the natural and clean label markets.

4. Is citrus fiber a natural emulsifier?

Not all citrus fibers on the market are emulsifying. However, Citri-Fi does. This natural citrus fiber extract has a high surface area that easily captures water and oil. Additionally, the fiber composition contains lipophilic and hydrophilic ends, which attract oil and water into the matrix, further binding the two. Citri-Fi, for example, combines oil and water to form emulsions for use in food applications such as condiments, sauces, beverages, dairy products and meat substitutes such as patties. Another feature is that this natural citrus fiber can be used as a plating agent. In other words, Citri-Fi, when mixed with oil, turns a difficult-to-use liquid into a flowable powder. Therefore, this is beneficial for foods such as beverages, meats, and sauces.

5. Is citrus fiber an allergen?

Citrus fiber is allergen-free.

6. Is citrus fiber gluten-free?

Citrus fiber is also gluten-free.

7. What is citrus fiber?

As mentioned earlier, citrus fiber content varies from supplier to supplier. Each supplier uses different processing methods and sources different raw materials. Citri-Fi contains approximately 70% of total dietary fiber, consisting of soluble and insoluble fiber. Additionally, this citrus fiber is composed of high amounts of intact, natural pectin. In other words, this ingredient is as close to nature as nature intended. Other citrus fibers may contain more insoluble fiber. Therefore, these types of citrus fibers need to be blended with other hydrocolloids to provide the same benefits as Citri-Fi citrus fibers.


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