所有家庭廚師都應該知道的 15 種牛排

15 Steaks All Home Cooks Should Know

Healthy PIG
We walk into the butcher shop (or meat department) with the confidence of a five-star chef. Then we looked at the endless options and realized in a panic, I have no idea what I'm doing! ! ! Deciding on steak for dinner is easy, but choosing the actual cut of meat (and then figuring out how to cook it) can be overwhelming. No worries: Here, 15 types of steaks every home cook should know, and the best ways to prepare them.

Sirloin Steak Recipe

Healthy PIG
Sirloin steak gets the royal treatment, first drizzled with mesquite seasoning and then topped with a delicious garlic herb butter sauce. The result is thick, juicy, moist, buttery, garlicky tender flank steak every time!