
While raw salmon is a popular ingredient in dishes like sushi and sashimi, there are potential risks to consuming raw or undercooked fish. The main concern is the possible presence of foodborne pathogens and parasites in raw fish. Here are some potential problems with eating raw salmon:

Salmon is sushi and sashimi

Bacterial contamination:

Salmon may contain salmonella


Raw salmon may contain salmonella, a bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever and vomiting.

Escherichia coli (E. coli ):

Certain strains of E. coli can cause illness when eating raw or undercooked seafood. Symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhea (often bloody), and vomiting.


Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that can contaminate raw fish. Listeriosis is an illness caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes that can cause fever, muscle pain, nausea, and in severe cases, serious complications.

Parasitic infection:

Anisakis simplex:

This parasite is found in marine animals, including salmon. Eating raw or undercooked fish may lead to anisakiasis, a parasitic infection that may cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions.

Diphyllobothrium spp .:

Certain species of tapeworms may infect salmon. Ingestion of raw or undercooked fish may lead to tapeworm infection, which can lead to abdominal discomfort and nutritional deficiencies.

Salmon disease:

Some diseases that affect salmon can be transmitted to humans. While this is rare, it is a potential problem, especially with fish that has been improperly sourced or handled.

Risks from Mercury and Other Pollutants:

While not unique to raw salmon, certain fish, including salmon, may contain trace amounts of mercury and other environmental contaminants. Over time, these contaminants can build up in fish. However, levels in salmon are generally low, and regulators provide guidance on safe consumption.

To reduce the risk of these problems associated with eating raw salmon, safe food handling and preparation practices must be followed:


Choose high-quality, fresh fish from reputable suppliers who adhere to appropriate food safety standards.


Freezing fish to a specific temperature helps kill parasites. Some sushi-grade fish is frozen before use to reduce the risk of parasites.


Keep raw fish at cold temperatures (refrigerated or frozen) to slow the growth of bacteria and parasites.


Maintain good personal and kitchen hygiene to prevent cross-contamination. Wash your hands thoroughly, clean utensils and surfaces, and avoid contact with raw fish and other foods.

Regulatory Compliance:

Make sure the fish you eat comes from a reputable source that complies with local food safety regulations.

People with compromised immune systems, pregnant women, young children, and the elderly should be especially cautious about eating raw or undercooked fish, as they are more susceptible to foodborne illness. When in doubt, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional or choose cooked alternatives to minimize these risks.

The difference between salmon sashimi grades

"Sashimi grade" refers to a quality standard for fish, including salmon, that ensures it is safe to eat raw in dishes such as sashimi and sushi. While there is no official regulatory definition for the term "sashimi grade," it generally means that the fish has been handled and processed to specific standards to minimize the risk of foodborne illness. Here are some factors that differentiate sashimi-grade salmon from regular salmon:

The difference between salmon sashimi grades

Quality and freshness:

Sashimi grade salmon is usually of good quality and very fresh. Fish is often caught, handled and processed with great care to maintain its optimal flavor and texture.

Freezing process:

To reduce the risk of parasites, sashimi-grade salmon usually undergoes a specific freezing process. This involves freezing the fish at very low temperatures for a period of time. The freezing process helps kill potential parasites, such as Anisakis simplex, without affecting the quality of the fish.

Purchasing and Processing:

Sashimi-grade salmon is sourced from reputable suppliers who follow strict fish sourcing, handling and processing guidelines. This includes maintaining a cold chain to prevent bacterial growth and ensuring fish is handled in a clean and hygienic environment.

Third-party verification:

Some suppliers may have their products inspected by third-party organizations to verify that the fish meets certain safety and quality standards. These inspections may include checking for parasites and other contaminants.

Supervise compliance:

Sashimi-grade salmon may be subject to specific regulatory standards for raw consumption. In some areas, health and safety regulations set out the conditions under which fish can be labeled as suitable for raw consumption.

Color and appearance:

Sashimi-grade salmon should have bright colors and a fresh appearance. Any discoloration, odor or other signs of spoilage may disqualify the fish from the sashimi grade label.

It is worth noting that there is no uniform regulation for the term "sashimi grade", and the definition standards may differ in different regions or suppliers. Additionally, while freezing can reduce the risk of parasites, it may not eliminate all potential pathogens. Therefore, it is crucial to follow proper food safety practices when handling and eating sashimi.

When purchasing fish labeled as sashimi grade, it is recommended to purchase from a reputable source, inquire about their sourcing and processing practices, and follow any guidance provided by health authorities. Additionally, consumers should store and handle raw fish correctly to maintain its quality and safety.

History and background

At that time, in the 1970s, Japan was completely self-sufficient in seafood, producing enough seafood to feed the entire country without the need for imports. Tuna and sea bream are the fish of choice for sushi because of their fatty texture and clean flavor. Salmon is part of the diet but is considered an inferior fish that must be cooked thoroughly and used to mass-produce cheap food. Eating it raw is considered dangerous because Pacific salmon caught by Japanese fishermen is susceptible to parasites, which means the fish must be cooked before consumption.

Later, Japan's rapid population growth meant that Japan could no longer remain self-sufficient . In 1985, Norwegian Fisheries Minister Thor Listau visited Tokyo, which exposed him to the Japanese market that needed new fish sources. This prompted him to launch a government initiative called Project Japan.

Compared to Pacific salmon, Norwegian salmon is larger, contains healthy fats, and most importantly, has no parasites. This makes it perfect for eating raw and edible. Norwegian salmon exports increased by 250% between 1980 and 1994, making Project Japan a huge success and salmon sashimi forever changing Japan's most famous national cuisine.

Norwegian salmon is larger, contains healthy fats, and best of all, is parasite-free. This makes it perfect for eating raw and edible. Norwegian salmon exports increased by 250% between 1980 and 1994, making Project Japan a huge success and salmon sashimi forever changing Japan's most famous national cuisine.

Is it safe to eat wild-caught salmon raw?

It's not a good idea to eat wild-caught salmon raw unless you know it has been flash frozen. Marine krill carry anisakiasis, while freshwater fish carry jawworms. Because salmon live in both saltwater and freshwater, they are more likely to carry parasites.

Farm-raised salmon, especially flash-frozen salmon, is the best choice for raw sushi.

How to enjoy sushi without getting infected by parasites

The parasite in question, anisakiasis, is a nematode (or worm) larvae that attaches to the walls of the esophagus, stomach, or intestines. They live in raw fish and squid but rarely pose health problems to humans because they either pass through the intestines without attaching or are unable to survive the harsh intestinal environment. Even if a nematode takes up residence inside your body, its lifespan will not last more than about 10 days.

Typically the fish you eat at restaurants is flash-frozen solid at -35°F and kept that way in a commercial refrigerator for at least 15 hours to kill any parasites in it.

How to stay proactive

If all this information isn't enough to keep you from panicking, here are some other tips you can follow to keep intestinal parasites harmless:

Ask the sushi restaurant where they get their fish. Is the seafood processor known for quality? Is the fish served in restaurants farmed or wild? Do they freeze fish in compliance with FDA regulations? They'll probably be more than happy to tell you. Remember, sushi chefs have trained for years to provide you with delicious fish that is safe to eat. If they don't, they will go out of business.

Ask the sushi restaurant where they get their fish. Is the seafood processor known for quality? Is the fish served in restaurants farmed or wild? Do they freeze fish in compliance with FDA regulations? They'll probably be more than happy to tell you. Remember, sushi chefs have trained for years to provide you with delicious fish that is safe to eat. If they don't, they will go out of business.


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