

Zinc chloride is an ionic solution indicated for use in total parenteral nutrition to maintain zinc levels and prevent deficiency syndromes.

Zinc chloride was approved by the FDA before June 26, 1986.

chemical formula



Zinc chloride injection is indicated for total parenteral nutrition to maintain zinc serum concentrations and prevent deficiency syndromes.


Zinc is a cofactor for many enzymes and mediates many catalytic, structural and regulatory functions in the body. It has a broad therapeutic index and a long duration of action because most zinc in the body is reabsorbed. Patients should be counseled regarding the risks of dosing in patients with severe renal impairment.


Zinc plays catalytic, structural and regulatory roles in the body. Zinc is a component of approximately 3,000 human proteins.

The action of zinc through metallothionein has a cytoprotective effect on reactive oxygen species-mediated apoptosis.

In promyelocytic leukemia cell lines, zinc enhances the upregulation of A20 mRNA, thereby reducing NF-kappaB activation through the TRAF pathway, resulting in reduced gene expression and production of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-8 .

In patients with diarrhea, zinc restores the integrity of the mucosal barrier, restores the activity of brush border enzymes in intestinal epithelial cells, promotes the production of antibodies, and promotes the production of circulating lymphocytes that fight intestinal pathogens. Zinc also acts as a potassium channel blocker for cAMP, directly affecting ion channel-mediated chloride secretion.

Zinc deficiency reduces thymosin, inhibits T helper cell maturation and reduces Th-1 cytokines such as IL-2.1. Reduced IL-2 reduces the activity of NK cells and CD8+ T cells. Zinc deficiency also results in CD4+ T cell generation, reduced NF-κB activation, reduced IκB phosphorylation, and reduced NF-κB binding to DNA.


The oral bioavailability of zinc in humans is approximately 33%, but bioavailability may vary in different patients, depending on current zinc levels. Further data on the pharmacokinetics of zinc chloride are not available at this time.

elimination pathway

Zinc is primarily eliminated through feces. Gastrointestinal elimination of zinc accounts for approximately half of all zinc elimination.


Patients who overdose may develop hypotension, pulmonary edema, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, and oliguria. Overdose can be managed with symptoms and supportive care, which may include calcium sodium EDTA and analgesics.

chemical identifier

UNII 86Q357L16B
CAS number 7646-85-7

Uses of zinc chloride

  • Zinc chloride has applications in different industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, paper industry, etc. Chemical products are also made from zinc chloride.

  • Organic Product Synthesis - Synthesis of organic products in the laboratory for preparation of Lewis acid reactions and various other organic reactions. Can be used as a catalyst in organic processes.

  • Metallurgical industry - used as flux and cleaning agent in welding process. Also used in the manufacture of magnesia cement.

  • Chemical Industry - Zinc chloride is used in the manufacture of various dyes, intermediate chemicals and solvents such as ethyl acetate. It is found in antibacterial mouthwash products.

  • Printed Textile Industry - About 64% zinc chloride in water can be used to dissolve silk, cellulose and starch.

  • Petroleum-zinc chloride is used as a demulsifier to separate oil from water.

  • Zinc chloride is used as the electrolyte in dry batteries.

  • Other uses - Used as a condensing agent, disinfectant, dehydrating agent, wood preservative, deodorizer and disinfectant.

  • A mixture of zinc oxide and hexachloroethane can be used in smoke bombs. When ignited, these compounds react with each other to form zinc chloride smoke, which acts as a smoke screen.

  • The Lucas reagent used is a solution of anhydrous zinc chloride and concentrated hydrochloric acid. This reagent can be used to prepare alkyl chlorides.

  • Zinc chloride is used as a replacement drug for dead tissue to treat skin cancer.

Zinc and its dosage

  • Infants and Children: Zinc may be healthy when taken by mouth correctly and in prescribed doses. Zinc is dangerous when used in high concentrations.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: For most pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is probably safe to consume zinc within the recommended daily allowance (RDA). However, zinc may not be safe when used in high doses by breastfeeding women, and it may not be safe when used by pregnant women at high doses. Pregnant women over the age of 18 should not consume more than 40 mg of zinc per day, and pregnant women aged 14 to 18 should not consume more than 34 mg of zinc per day. The daily zinc intake of lactating women over 18 years old should not exceed 40 mg, and the daily zinc intake of lactating women aged 14 to 18 should not exceed 34 mg.

  • Alcoholism: Chronic excess alcohol consumption is associated with low zinc absorption in the body.

  • Kidney disease: Low zinc levels in the diet can increase the risk of kidney disease. People with kidney disease on hemodialysis are also at risk for zinc deficiency and may need zinc supplements.

  • Vegetarianism: Vegetarian diets are often associated with lower absorption of zinc. This dietary pattern is also considered a risk factor for zinc depletion. But in the long run, the body will adapt. Zinc absorption and elimination of zinc losses are increasingly enhanced.


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